Taoyuan Soldier King

Chapter 865 Thunder Qilin

"Tang Long, we also have difficulties." Zhang Yi got a smile, Zhengqi: "Now technology is the hard strength of a country, and some things are indispensable!"

Tang Long a little headache, it is a bit helpless, because he all knows that this is his soft rib, Zhang Yi tells this, then there is nothing to say.

Must have to take it!

"Hey!" Tang Long smiled and thought about it, "Yes, but still, I can take out the strongest technology in my hand, but the new company is also dominated by us, and we don't Will give up the development of new technologies. "

Slightly paused, continue: "I know that you are not easy, but don't call me is hard!"

"Refreshing!" Zhang Yi smiled.

Tang Long turned over the eyes and whispered: "You can't be so cool in your life."


In the evening, Kirin Technology and Listed Company Thunder manufactured, and issued a short announcement.

Kirin Technology acquires the 33% shares in the hands of Thunder Master, and the Thunder Pharma is brought by 100 billion to R & D. Change to 'Thunder Qilin'.

When the news came out, the market was awkward!

Does Kirin Technology actually pour this level?

In one fell swoop, the Thunder manufacturing of listed companies did not say, and also got a new subsidiary 'Thunder Qilin' Group through the investment bureau.

Thunder Qilin Group is the company under the establishment of the Qilin Technology and Investment Bureau, the investment bureau, with a hundred percent of a hundred percent of the 300 billion cash, and the new company, accounting for the share of the stock, and the qilin technology is full. Robot technology is divided into stocks, accounting for 70% of our shareholders.

Thunder Qilin Group has also become a holding parent company of the listed company Thunder Qilin Technology Manufacturing Group.

However, Kirin Technology is not a listed company, but Qilin Motor has a thousand links with Qilin Technology.

"The mysterious Tang Long will then go next to the city, indirectly control the listing 'Thunder Qilin'."

"Robot technology, occupying the market?"

"The robot technology in Kirin Technology has more powerful, which can let the investment bureau will pay so much attention!"

On the evening, the science and technology circle, the financial circle, and the investment circle were all blown by the news of Kirin Technology and Kirin Thunder.

However, 'Thunder Qilin' did not stop, not, but did not stop, his parent company Thunder Qilin Group also announced that hundreds of billions of funds, repurchased the shares of listed companies 'Thunder Qilin'.

What does this represent?

The second day, just opened, unicorn and thunder unicorn two listed companies, all were blocked by the giant seal on the daily limit, and the sealing funds were up to 10 billion.

Thunder Qilin doesn't have to say, change the new east, change the name, directly insert high-end elite industrial robot manufacturing, and the parent company opens repurchase.

But the unicorn has once again rising, and it is a bit of intriguing.

One day, the market value increases by one thousand five billion, properly stimulating!

Even far in Tokyo, I have called Tang Long to call, curiously ask: "To engage in fighting robots in China?"

'Thunder Qilin', can be involved in capital, it is very clear that Yao Han is very clear, it belongs to where it is.

The only explanation is that Tang Long wants to build a 'Fighting Robot' Industry Chain in China!


Tang Long smiled and asked: "Do you want to invest?"

Yao Han Dong is a happy, and I asked: "Can a general investment company involve?"

"Ordinary investment companies can't, but your company wants to come in, who can stop." Tang Longping said.

Thunder Qilin Group, Qilin Technology accounted for 70%, although there is absolute control, but Tang Long knows that so many shares are inappropriate in Qilin Technology, at least in the future.

Kirin Technology Tang Long is a private company with hundreds percent.

Yao Han Winter laughed: "Let me invest, then I am of course interested."

Tang Long wants to say: "Thunder Qilin's parent company Thunder Qilin Group is 20% of the shares, and two billion dollars are sold to you."

"One thousand two billion?" Yao Han Winter frowned, the price is not too expensive, the problem is 20%, is it a bit more?


Tang Long paused, and he continued to laugh and said: "You can use the name of the cold capital, then set up a holding company, when investing in Thunder Qilin's parent company Thunder Qilin Group, there is 20% share It should be able to let you and your winter capital come into a fragrant! "

Fat water does not flow out of the field, cheap to give Yao Han, not cheap to others.

Kirin Technology Holding Thunder, the shares of the Thunder Qilin Group is too high, not suitable, and its future this matter makes others say, it is better to solve it in advance now.

The robot technology of the Thunder Qilin Group has a backup in the hands of Kirin Technology. It is still studying, but the direction of the two companies in the future will not be too.

Yao Han Winter will pass, immediately understand Tang Long's meaning, smile and say: "Okay, I contact it, return to you!"

Hanging Yao Han Winter phone, Tang Long Shen Si will, bitter smile: "Forget, simply directly open things, the province's afterwards, people say that I will take advantage of my Tang Long."

Take the mobile phone to the peony medicine.


Peony? I heard Tanglong called this, and the peaks were slightly stayed, frowned and asked: "Tang Long do you want to do something?"

Tang Long is so laughing: "What can I do, this is the case, the Thunder Qilin Group, do you know? Just name a parent company with Thunder Qilin Technology Manufacturing Group listed companies."

The little pill eyes flashed, she is almost like a IQ, and immediately realize that Tang Long will definitely play this phone with himself.

"Know! High-end technology company, engage in robots."

Tang Long smiled: "Yes, I think that Qilin Technology has too many shares of Thunder Qilin Group, a little hot, want to sell a part, life and evolutionary group, willing to join hands?"

"Affirmation is willing!"

Tang Long wants to say: "20%, the price is the same, one thousand two billion."

"So expensive?" Small medicine Zhangkou Road.

Tang Long Yuli, turned over the white eyes and didn't say goodness: "Give me one thousand and five billion to take sales, as long as the wind is put, there is a lot of people to contact me, do you believe it, hurry, hurry Raise money! "

Said to hang the phone!

Kirin Technology sells 40% of the Thunder Qilin Group, I believe how long it is, you can pass it into the investment bureau's ear.

Life and Evolution Group, this is not used, the investment office is a parent company, accounting for 50% shares, belongs to the controlle.

The Wolong Industrial has a forty-nine shares, the second major shareholder is Tang Long.

Sell ​​the Shares of Thunder Qilin Group to Life and Evolution Group, which is equal to the left hand, and put the shares of the Thunder Qilin Group, also gave the investment bureau. Tang Long doesn't want to let you say gossip!

As for the relationship between Yao Han and Tang Long, the investment bureau will not be strange, Yao Handong should not be able to control this part of the Thunder Qilin Group's shares.

Through 2,400 billion sold, various shares and investment bureaus should be able to get more than 50% of the Thunder Qilin Group.

No matter when, this company is still staying in the investment bureau to be more secure. Can also avoid Tang Long's heart, and find trouble with yourself.

Return to two thousand four billion funds, you can make Qilin Technology into the expressway, global layout, so that the annoyance of the funds is also an arrow.

And all this, as the CEO of Kirin Technology, Yan Jiaoyang is not too clear that there is something that happened.

How do you come up with more than $ 200 billion in cash?

As for the Thunder Qilin Group, I didn't think about this company.

Yao Han Dong and who partners set up a new company. Tang Long didn't care carefully, but the Shares of the Thunder Qilin Group sold her, and changed to Yao Han Winter to return to Beijing.

Any benefits are interactive, and 20% of the Thunder Qilin Group's shares, it is also like the cold winter to control a lot of words and benefits.

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