Taoyuan Soldier King

Chapter 866 Fighting Robots: Thunder Tiger

Thunder Qilin Technology Manufacturing Group, referred to as: Thunder Qilin.


In fact, it is the original Thunder Manufacturing Company. The management person is still the batch of managers, in addition to dispatching a financial team, don't have much change, or there is no big change in the temporary.

The Thunder Manufacturing Company has its own R & D team, the strength is not weak, but now there is a year of Thunder Qilin Group, which is a mother-in-law, directly dispatched, no exception, all the research and development personnel, and is domestic Expected employees all have.

At that time, the company's upper leaders were shocked, and there were a few leaders to shoot the table to break, said that this is not a mess, how many things are confidential, suddenly commemorate so many researchers, how to ensure confidentiality.

However, the parent company is silent and does not immediately give an explanation, just inform the Thunder Qilin Technology Manufacturing Group Corporation to receive.

In addition, the factory that is originally belonging to the Thunder Manufacturing Company is expanded in the original site. The entire project is divided into three phases of the total investment, the total investment amount is 56 billion, the first phase of the project is completed, and the investment is one hundred and twenty. Billion, the second phase of the project is completed, the investment amount is three hundred and six billion, the third phase of the project is completed, and the investment is one billion.

The Thunder Kirin Manufacturing Factory after expansion will be the world's premier super factory, and will also be the world's largest robot production plant.

At that time, when I heard this news, the leadership of the original Thunder manufacturing company didn't dare to believe in their ears, and they were ecstatic.

But this is not finished!

Thunder Qilin Technology Manufacturing Group Co., Ltd. not only built the world's largest robot production plant, but also built a Thunder Kirin Robot R & D center, the first batch of 2 billion yuan, including the construction of Thunder Qilin R & D Center and the use of R & D topics.

Optimistic, is the first batch, not all funds!

These funds may only be needed for the first year, and future parent companies will also put how much funds to Thunder Kirin Technology Manufacturing Corporation, without specific amounts, unlimited supply.

More than 200 Chinese and foreign researchers originally arranged in the initial arrangement of the robots are basically the elite in the field of robots. They come from Kirin Technology. They come from a research institute from the domestic, but there is from abroad, but there is no exception, they are the industry. The top talent inner.

In addition, within one year, Thunder Qilin will also establish a huge research institution, as well as dozens of universities in China, support at least two hundred and robotic project teams.

Within three years, the total number of Thunder Kirin Robot R & D centers is expected to have more than two thousand people, plus two hundred project projects in major colleges in the country.

It can be said that in the area of ​​the robot, Thunder's Lin mother is equal to the focus, and it is a cocoa bleeding that does not remember the cost.

If you don't have money, the technology is the most important!

Thunder Qilin Technology Manufacturing Group Corporation within two months, Lu Lu continued to carry out a large bloody action, almost all high-level, only responsible for management, not responsible personnel, almost all replaced it, and changed, no An exception, is an elite.

There is no one who has been sliding, and there is no one!

The future goal of Thunder Qilin is ... , , .

The first generation of combat robots manufactured, it was officially launched after two months.

'Thunder Tiger', high two meters, long five meters, equipped with the most advanced fire system, power system, stable system, intelligent system in China, in short, it takes a group of people.

Battle Evaluation: A level.

Cost of over 200 billion.

Is it expensive? Expect, a destroyer only, a combat robot is so expensive, and the annual maintenance costs are not cheap.

But do you value what you value?

This is not doubtful!

Otherwise, China will not directly smash one hundred orders, focus on the robot project of 'Thunder Tiger'.

The number of the total orders of 'Thunder Tiger' is one hundred and forty-eight, including the remaining forty-eight, eight are orders under the laboratory of life and evolutionary groups, all 40 sets, all orders under Tang Long .

After this, I have been discussion, 'Thunder Tiger' can not sell to Tang Long, Tang Long can buy it, buy it back to live, you must know that this is a combat robot, the fire system, defense system configured on the body, etc. Take fun, joking.

Finally, the relevant departments will come out, think that Tang Long does use it, and there is also the ability to control, so I promise to sell. Forty is the highest upper limit, the original Tang Long is scheduled to be three hundred!

Buying the 'Thunder Tiger' Fighting Robot, the 'Cultivation Center' placed 38 units, the remaining two, one placed in the fish head, one placed in the snake valley.

But this is a later words!

Tang Long is selling 40% of the Thunder Qilin Group, and the investment bureau will soon give a clear response.

"Tang brothers, don't say it, there is a matter of doing things, although my brother, I will not give you, but I will not reject you!" Zhang Yi came from Tang Long to call the phone and smiled.

The shares of the Thunder Qilin Group were sold, and they solved him a big problem, otherwise the Thunder manufacturing company reorganized, could not make a law. The company's unicorn technology is fully controlled, basically impossible, but the equity, Qilin Technology has a big head.

But now Tang Long takes the initiative to sell the Thunder Qilin Group's stocks 40%, then it is different.

To put it bluntly, or the importance of Tang Long understands, I don't want to be more difficult to invest in the investment bureau.

Tang Long is also called Zhang Yi's words to be amused. It can't do it.

The investment office represents the official, the Thunder Qilin is a military industry, is privately controlled? Tang Long natural heart seems to be, in fact, when he promised to cooperate, he is clear.

"Zhang Ge is still so polite, I will have a chance to help me knock on the truth of the real world, I will do it. I can remember it. Some brothers I will not say, but I don't mean forget. "" Tang Long smiled.

It is also a truth, and it is also the investment bureau.

The New Energy Side of the Holy Church does not want to sell, but in the final investment bureau and the truth of the truth have been put pressure, there is still still sold, for this, Tang Long is still worried, although it is later investment Kirin Energy, no matter whether it is output, it is still a way to compare with the new energy source with the temple.

Zhang Yi did two sounds, did not pick up.

After hung up the phone, Tang Long went to the window and looked at the outside eyes and threw.

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