Taoyuan Soldier King

Chapter 873 New Employee Welfare

'Wolong' cultivation center!

Three bus stopped to the door of the Wolong Cultivation Center, and there were more than two hundred people from the car, no exception, all of which were beautiful girls, one-third is a foreigner, and one tenth It is black skin, but it is very good looking for a black girl.

Sakura is also in this group!

"Everyone is quiet, now the name, some people who point to the name, come over the program, then take the card to get the work clothes and the room key, if you are hungry, you can take the card to go to the canteen to eat something, or you can in the room Take a break, go to the conference room when you do three o'clock. "

Xiao Yang took a horn to say that these three bus vehicles were recruited from the outside 'new employee'.

"Remember, the cardboard is more important, and the ninety-nine-nine-nine-nine-nine-nine-nine-nine-nine places need a cardboard. Don't worry!"

"Start now!"

"Row the team!"

Recruiting the number of employees, two hundred and eighty people, including seventy people under the age of 20, have been captured, there is a medical school nursing professional, and the quasi-teacher of the Normal University, and Students in vocational secondary school colleges.

After the physical fitness, height, appearance, IQ, capabilities, etc., the confidential contract is signed.

Now they are still intern, and they need to be three months.

During the internship period, the payment is issued, the basic salary is 10,000, five insurance and one gold, and has a high performance year-end award. If there is no accident, the amount of salary will not be less than 300,000 per year.

There is a large number of opportunities in the cultivation center, but it will be very tired, this kind of tired is more from 'mental' labor.

"Wow, isn't this 'Nirin Technology' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' ''.

There is a girl who has been in the distribution department.

Bai Mei smiled and said: "Yeah, private watch, specifically settled, will entroy all your personal information, it is your daily entry of the brand. In addition, you need you Move your own mobile phone, replace the 'Qiankun mobile phone' of Kirin Technology, of course, if you don't want to replace it, your own mobile phone can still be retained, but you need to send a management office, wait back to holiday, or take it away. "

Slightly paused, continue to laugh and say: "Unless the Qilin mobile phone, the unicorn watch, the cultivation center is also equipped with unicorn, the future, you can take a 'watch' to activate the car, just use, no need Pay any fees.

Wolong Cultivation Center staff can also go to the fish head village, use public facilities, whether it is a catering service, or theater, hospital, basically free, even if your family is sick, you can also come to Tire Village Hospital for treatment The cultivation center will help you reimburse most of the fees, you should not need any money.

In the future, we will also plan our housing area. If you will distribute housing for employees, not a dormitory, it is a housing, not only you can live, but you can also let your family live.

Clothing can log in to the exclusive app, for online orders, you can choose six clothes, including the shoes and hats, all the free, and design the clothing clothing designers, all well-known designers at home and abroad, there is yourself in the fish head Clothing shoes and hats jewelry brands.

In terms of transportation, the fishing village is a nine-minute drive from Donghe Town, a 32-minute drive from Taoyuan County, a seventy-five-minute drive from the idyllic ancient town.

Emergency can take the helicopter of the cultivation center. You can take the private aircraft of the fishing village, and the fish head village has its own airport and a medium-sized passenger aircraft, and four small and medium private aircraft can go to any place nationwide. "

Anyway, roughly joining the cultivation center, almost equivalent to joining the 'fish head village', clothing, food, medical, education basically free, do not spend any money at all.

This is very high and horizontal, don't say it is a general company company, the top 100 super company, may not be able to compare.

The welfare system is perfect, the reward system is good, but the same, the rules of the cultivation center are also very much, they need to learn, work, loyalty, etc. Lose.

These things have come, some have already said, everyone is half-sized, until the true eyes see, many people can't help but have a big mouth.

Sakura is also queued in the crowd, waiting to receive her 'brand', that is, Qilin private watch.

She doesn't dare to interested in these systems, reward, and welfare, and Taoyuan County, come to cultivate the center, which is entirely because of this place.

Fortune assembly!

Wan Yun is a.

So she is coming, and it is 'Approve'.

IQ is enough, the physical quality is too hard, or it is still in line with the requirements.

"After entering, don't run, you can take a break in your room, you can also go to the canteen to eat something, tired, you can call the service to buy!"

Spring snow scorpion is a bit hurt, I can't help but pick up the cup and drink saliva, turning to Bai Mei asked: "When is the batch of the 'housekeeping robot', when is it?"

Bai Mei Road: "It should be in these two days!"

"Hey, the scorpion is very fast!" Chun Xue helpless said.

Two hundred and eighty-six new employees need them to be responsible, in addition to the temporary personnel of more than a dozen panee drugs, these newcomers will come from three people.

In addition to employees, there are a large number of 'robots' in the cultivation center. Whether it is a service-type robot, or a small number of housekeeping robots.

All is to entrust the Thunder Qilin Company to manufacture production!

Although the cultivation center has not been completely completed, the main body has been built, including four four buildings, as well as fence, air corridors, etc. These future are the main lives of employees, work.

"In addition to ordinary employees, a large number of researchers need a large number of researchers. These are difficult to recruit!" Xiao Yang came over and said.

The first batch of recruitment came back, the accommodation centers are ordinary employees.

Next, there will be a second batch, the third batch, the fourth and sixth batch, anyway, the higher the personnel, the higher the personnel required.

Although many talents can cultivate, academic talents are not possible to cultivate for a while.

In addition to Tang Long, in addition to Tang Long, in addition to Tang Long.

Nowadays, Tang Long, the following is the peony medicine, then the following is Xiao Yang, Bai Mei, and Spring Snow, all of them are considered a high-level personnel of the cultivation center.

"What about the boss?" Xiao Yang asked.

New employees come, the Tang Long needs to come over, now I don't know why, I haven't seen the shadow.

Bai Mei shook his head: "I don't know, I didn't see him from the morning."

"This guy ..." Xiao Yang couldn't help but screamed.

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