Taoyuan Soldier King

The 874th chapter is not teased.

"Have you been here?"

Tang Long stopped the car to the door of the Winter melon, smiled and asked.

Ye Lai hesitated, nodding his face and said: "Have you come!" She didn't know that the other side took himself here, this only morning, the bar did not open at 4 or 5 pm?

"Ha ha!"

Tang Long smiled and walked down from the car and walked toward the melon bar.

There is no one in the morning, but it is not forbidden, basically the winter melon bar is open for 24 hours, but there is no parking in the morning, no noise, can come and drink tea, play the table.

"Tang Longge!"

Sakura saw Tang Long, happy to run, and said with his arm and said: "How do you come over the morning."

Tang Long smiled: "Shun Road coming to look at it, what other people?"

"Meng Fan and Zhang Qian are busy" Girl Holding 'things, I. "The Sakura explained."

When I turned, I blinked my eyes, and I smiled and greeted: "Beauty, hello, what?"

Ye Baichen shakes his head and said it is not.

Sakura is facing the giving girl inside the bar, laughing and laughing: "Ayi, give this beautiful girl a cup of juice, giving us a cup of Dragon brother 'a cup of' Big Alcohol '."

Tang Long smiled: "Delicious, big day, what wine, give me a mine water!"

After saying it on the high-end stool, smiled and asked: "The girl, the girl, the girl, the girl's restaurant is almost the same?"

"The girls and girls restaurants have been in the trial industry, and the girls are going to be put into use. Overall, the reaction is not bad."

Slightly paused, Sakura is laughing and explained: "Zhang Qian finds people to promote online, create many people in all parts of the country, have registered our 'Girls', early next month, the first batch of foreign countries Tourists will come over. "

"Very good, we will not always think about making money, but also pay more attention to everyone, people will be with the wealth." Tang Long smiled.

"Well!" Sakura is curious: "Tang Dragon, why will the sharp KTV turn to you?"

Tang Long smiled and shook his head.

Just want to say anything, I was interrupted next to it.

Mu Xiaoxia watched Tang Long, and the plate said: "How are you here?"

"Summer Summer!" Sakura greeted.

Tang Long turned over and said, "My own industry, I still don't wish me here?" Looking at her smile: "When you are you, how do you run in the bar in the afternoon, don't go to work?"

Mu Xiaoxia slab is helping: "Use you?"

She is really not to block Dragon, but looking for a Sakura to play, I didn't expect to hit Tang Long.

"Yes, who dares to manage your little summer police officer." Tang Long said with a smile.

Mu Xiaoxia gave him a lazy to take care of your eyes, and took the Sakura and walked to see the matter of the case. The bar is a place, condense the three teachers, and the leisure people, and the Sakura as a land snake, there is It is better than their news.

Ye Lai is softly asked: "Is this bar?" "

Tang Long smiled and nodded: "If you do it, you will work with your friends."

Will you do it? Ye Lai is darkly covered, if you have not remembered it, this winter melon bar should be the largest and most popular bar of Taoyuan County.

No wonder Tang Long wants to bring themselves here, when you first get off, Ye Lai has thought that Tang Long is interested in himself, bringing himself to drink, soaked.

After the meeting, the Sakura and Mu Xiaoxia walked from side.

Sitting to Tang Long, Mu Xiaoxia hit Tang Long, board, saying: "Don't know why, others see you Tang Big boss is ecstatic, I see you is all kinds of unhappy."

Tang Long shrugged, smiled and said, "This seems to be no good way, or you will be unfolied when you see me next time, come to an eye."

Mu Xiaoxia is white, cold channel: "What I have seen you want to hide, isn't you see me?"

"Because I looked at you, there was no meaning." Tang Long smiled. This Mu Xiaoxia is still very interesting. Sometimes Tang Long is also quite wonderful, can't understand where he is not cool.


Mu Xiaoxia slab said: "Justice this lady is not good today, give you a chance, please eat!"

Tang Long squatted her, and he blinked two times, helpless: "What is the one, I don't want to perform, what should I do?"

"You, be careful, it is best not to carry me in the future." Mu Xiaoxia slab his face up from the stool, I want to leave.

Tang Long hurriedly stopped, smiled and said, "Hey, kidding you, I am really angry, I don't tease."

"Hey!" Mu Xiaoxiaban looked at him.

"The line is, please don't eat, how big is it." Tang Long smiled and said, turned to the Sakura: "You haven't eaten, do you want to eat without noon?"

The Sakurady is muttered, and I am not happy: "I want to go, I can't open the bar, can't open, please ask me for next time!"


Tang Long smiled and raised his hand on her baby fat face.

After finishing it up from the stool, greeted Ye Lily towards it.

"How did you still open this broken car?" Mu Xiaoxia turned over the white eyes, and said that the drum of Tang Long, expressed dissatisfaction, with Tang Long's worth, she did not change the thousands of luxury cars, she feels sorry. 'Tasting of the rich'.

Tang Long helpless: "My broken car is, I have not scrapped, and there is no violation. The tube is width. You are sitting in the back of the car."

Mu Xiaoxia is white, did not take care of him, I walked over and opened the police door.

Ye Lily wrinkled the eyebrows, stood in Tang Long and said softly: "Tang Long, or go back first?"

Tang Long smiled and shook his head: "Mu Xiaoxia will be in this character, familiar with you, the car key is given to you, let's go to the fish head hall." Said that the car key in his hand handed her, Take the pickup seat behind the pickup.

Ye Lai opened the door and drove the vehicle to leave the melon bar, sailing in the direction of the fish head.

Mu Xiaoxia doubts: "Is this beautiful woman?"

"My Secretary!" Tang Long leaned behind and said with a smile.

Mu Xiaoxia softly muttered: "Such a good girl, give you a secretary, it is a white."

"You said this, or you have to resign it to me when the assistant is a life?" Tang Long smiled and ridiculed.

Mu Xiaoxia turned over the eyes, the plate is looking: "Well, can you have a salary?"

"How big is something, the annual salary is possible!" Tang Long smiled.

"Let your ghost!" Mu Xiaoxia died.

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