TDG Fanfic: The Golden Throne

Chapter 17 - Misfortune Always Come With Fortune

Danny stood up feeling refreshed but the pain he felt mad him shiver a bit. He changed his thoughts as he tried to feel the changes in his body. Not finding anything out of the ordinary he asked Ay.

"Ay what is going on normally MCs in the novels I read go through a qualitative change and have much higher battle power."

"Danny for the last time your not in a dam novel. It's reasons like this that you always get in trouble by being impulsive."

"Ay were in TDG world what more novelish could we get. My impulsiveness is how I cope with the unknown."

"Danny that has nothing to do with anything. And you said it your in a world no one is writing your story, you are living it you are on your own. As for TDG maybe the original author was actually apart of this world but fell through a space crack near the end. The story wasn't complete in your world anyways." (They were very close to the truth about both this story and TDG too bad they will never know) Ay said as she berated Danny. Seeing Ay's reasoning he seemed to accepted it and apologized to Ay for his impulsiveness promised to get better.

"So what really changed in me." Danny asked confused.

" Well your in luck your body might not have changed much but our soul has changed qualitatively. I don't know what hit us and fused with your soul but our soul was baptized by the 5 elements (fire, water, earth, wind, metal) as well as the previous lightning refinement. So we have an elemental soul and our souls are resistant to the elements to a certain degree. The second thing this does is make elemental attacks do more damage for less effort. If you can temper your body with the elements as well you'll have a double effect. The weird thing is that our souls also seem to have just fit in with this world completely.

Another thing that happen is the quality and quantity of soul in the EGL has increased. The purity of the soul force is 10 times what it was before and also the soul force count is 499. So the libraries effectiveness is better. The best part is the All-Seeing Spirit Dome it's range has increased to 20 feet in radius." Ay replied with vigor Ashe news was quite amazing. Danny held back his happiness and asked," Ay what about my innate talents, racial talents, and body did I at least break a seal?"

" Sadly no if you had maybe our transformation would have been more apparent. There has been a slight increase in the soul force stored in your cells totaling to 102 units of soul force. So the total would be 102 from the body, the 99 in your dantan, finally the 499 in your EGL totaling 600 soul force. This means most bronze rank creatures can break through your armor. Unlike your clan your soul armor seems to have an energy/aura hiding effect. This means you will look like an ordinary person to most people if you don't explode with your aura. The other talents not much change except your soul regeneration skill seems to have upgraded and can heal you faster." Ay's answer brought both joy and distress to Danny. These seals seem like they will never leave him. Danny shook his head and threw these thoughts to the back of his head. He started to examine his surroundings and walked to the monument that had "I Am The World" written on top in some ancient language. He touched it and then asked Ay what it was.

"Ay what is this monument and is it connect with the ones outside."

"Yes Danny it is I am almost done translating them it seems like they are parts of one technique. The first part is World Epiphany, the second is Transforming World, last is I Am The World. So far this doesn't seem like useful technique as there are no attacks, defenses or anything. Ok I just need an hour and I fill you in completely." Ay said before going silent. Since he had nothing to do for now he sat cross legged and began to meditate. An hour went by like it was nothing.

"Danny I think that we are the first to discover this place as other people were either eaten or stole whatever was in the wolf's den not bothering to move on. The technique would not appeal to them as they either did not understand the words or they did but saw the technique as useless for them.

As you know cultivation at its core depends on energy, then in the latter end depends on comprehension/ energy. For people here in the tiny world they don't care about the latter and just need energy. This technique the first part is that it enhances your sensitivity and connects you with the world to comprehend a law. Remember even if you comprehend the law it's useless without enough energy. The second point utilizes energy to alter a law. For example make fire feel cold, Remove or change the gravity. The last part is interesting it allows you to become one with the world energies which means using world energies to refined your body so you won't be effected by them. Danny this is the best part of the skill if I can ȧssimilate this into the reverse engineering skill of the seals we will be able get rid of the seals and use them to refine our bodies to not be effected by the world laws of the worlds which sealed us to a certain extent. Also we can acquire the power in there World like you can have magic roots and spiritual roots, as well as a too op body, with thirteen meridians." Ay was explaining excitedly to Danny who stopped his meditation and listened.

"Ay don't get ahead of your self I can't refine magic roots and all that other stuff other than the body. They don't conform with this world so they won't be cultivated and will be a hinderance rather than a benefit. Don't worry though I'll help you work on it no matter how long it takes. We'll figure something out from the many techniques at our disposal." Danny said to Ay.

They then began working on the skill. A month passed slowly and it's been 6 years 4 months since he has been in Tiny World. Danny stretched his hands in the air as he began to yawn. "Ay finally we are done let's call the techniques World Law Refining and it has two parts Forward this is used to refine world seals in nature and the environment. The second part Reverse to refined the world seals placed on us. Hahahahaha my naming sense as also evolved to another level."

"That's a trash meaning you already know that the world laws are mainly the elements there is no bs like sword dao and the likes. Also the refining is for the elements not the world law. The law is merely the property and uses an element can have. Like water can be used to attack under high pressure and used to heal in special condition like spirit water.((might be bad example but it's what I had)) so we should go with my name Unsealing The World. Since we it also match the core technique we used. Your naming sense sucks and never makes a skill give others understanding. What the hell was DDD Body evolution. Danny Devour Demon. Come on people will think you a demon cultivator or only Danny can use it. This time I'm not giving you your ways if you don't choose the name I came up with you can forget about sleeping in peace." Ay's explanations made Danny feel enlightened but the threats and curses afterwards made him scared and speechless.

'Dam women they all need to be put in there place. Just you wait Ay I'm gonna rebuild you a body and spank you all night long.' Danny disappeared into his own perverted world. As he dreaming about his fantasy Ay realized they never checked there surroundings since they came here. They were so hung up on the technique that they forgot the most obvious rule of searching a ruins, check for treasures. Ay activated the Spirit Dome and began to look around. She then saw a few energy stones and a plant near the limit of the spirit dome boundaries. This plant had a golden fruit on it and it seemed ripe and filled with a large amount of energy.

" Ay you are right I'm sorry about my awful naming sense.."

"Danny!" Ay yelled

"Ay let me finished then you'll talk, as I was saying we will take your name for the skill, now that we're done with this..."

"Uh Danny lis...."

"Ay I'm almost done, now we have finished the technique and we are only missing the energy source as long as I have that I'll finally be free. I think the ideal ....."


"AY YOU SAID YOUR PIECE EARLIER AND I LISTEN, WHY ARE YOU SO RUDE, I BACKED DOWN AND CHOSE YOUR FOOLISH NAMING SENSE AND PUT UP WITH YOUR NAGGING NOW FOR THE LOVE OF GOD LET ME FINISH." Danny yelled back at Ay as he felt angry for not being respect a bit. He then felt Ay go quiet and though he pissed her off bad. He then felt guilty as he was in his own world and he snapped at his beautiful ȧssistant. Just as he was about to apologize Ay snaps back at him.

" YOU FOOL IF YOU WEREN'T SO CAUGHT UP IN YOUR OWN WORLD AND LOOKED AROUND YOU, YOU WOULD HAVE FOUND YOU SO DESIRED ENERGY SOURCE. YOU ARE THE ONE WITH THE STUPID NAMING SENSE AND YOUR THE IDIOT WHO WOULDN'T LISTEN. Now I will say this once you do less thinking and more looking. Leave the other things to me got it Brat." After yelling Ay calmed down and threatened Danny secretly (sorry could listen in, was in his soul you know) making him look blue all over and he just responded.

"I'm sorry Ay I won't do that again I swear. I hope you will find it in your beautiful heart to forgive this brat." Seeing how Danny was acting and the words that came out of his mouth caused Ay to laugh so hard that she clutched her stomach and fell to the the floor of the Library(the one in his head). Seeing Ay laugh made his heart relax. He then thought out loud," With every misfortune come fortune." Ay stopped laughing when she heard the words and nodded her head at this phrase as it discerned every unfortunate moment they have been through but they survived and became stronger, wiser, etc. even now they have found an energy filled fruit if they use it they will break some shackles off.

Danny slowly approach the plant when he was suddenly felt his soul armor breaking apart. He was hit with an invisible attack. "Ay do you know what happen. I didn't see or feel anything."

"Danny I didn't pick anything up if you have water you could use the force of your fist to scatter it in the surroundings and I'll keep a lookout through the spirit dome."Ay thought out quickly and began to activate the EGL at full strength and Danny pulled out a bucket full of water from his spatial ring and smashed it to powder scattering the water and some powdered wood. Suddenly Ay noticed something and told Danny to dodge to his right. As he did he felt some wind pass by as after effect. He was thankful that as long as he had energy inside his soul armor would naturally reform.

"Danny this seems to be an invisible beast and in the records we have only two hide there looks and essence. The first is the Glass Snake, this is a snake with clear scales and every part of its body is clear even its blood. At a young age they are as strong as black gold rank creatures but since they don't carry soul force at that age they have weaker defense. The other beast we have recorded is the Chameleon Dragon. This beast is very rare and have a much larger body than regular chameleons about the size of a bear. Yet there size does not inhibit there speed and they can change color and aura of their bodies. This beast has some dragon blood in its body and is a genuine black gold rank. I'm guess that it's the snake if it's other than these two then we just don't have the information like that devil looking monkey we saw back in the forest fun times right Danny."

Hearing Ay Danny shook his head at that remark as he took a beating from that beast(devil looking monkey) and it was just freaking born. Now that he knew it might be the baby snake he took his gold rank spear and began attacking whenever Ay noticed something. This little snake seemed intelligent as it dodged whenever the spear came it's way stopping its ȧssault.

Danny felt that the snake stop attacking it seem to be waiting for an opportunity. Then Ay told him to quickly pull out more water. He did and spread it through the air yet the snake did not attack him. This stalemate made Danny frustrated he knew if the water let up he would be killed. What he did next surprised Ay he dropped his spear and brought his left hand on the treasured dagger, he got from his inheritance, on his back and lifted his right hand up in-front of him. He also told Ay to stay alert and give h exact coordinates of the attack. After a couple of seconds the immature 'snake' attacked again and Ay sent the direction of the attack. Danny pulled the dagger swiftly and stabbed his right arm and used it to send his blood to the 'snake' direction. Blood unlike water should stain the snake or at least lead him to it. The snake charged into his blood and while Danny moved to the side. He pulled his dagger and charged toward the blood covered snake. The snakes missed its attack looked back to attack only to find Danny infront of it moving his hand toward its head at full strength. Ay sent soul force to close the injury on his arm while Danny slashed the snakes head off. Danny without waiting for Ay inspected the snake and found it to be similar to the glass snake, except it seemed different as its blood was silver in color.

"Ay can I eat this and use the DDD body evolution skill?"

"Yes Danny and I think if you refine its gallbladder and poison sack you'll gain poison resistance as well as explode since its energy is high." Ay responded to Danny thinking why he can't do think things carefully before acting.

"Ay remember what I said with misfortune comes fortune."

"Yes." Ay answered unconsciously as she was in her thoughts. Danny smiled and went ahead and ate the snake then downed the fruit followed by the plant and roots. At who just realized what happened flipped out.

"DANNY YOU IDIOT!! There was at least 100 ways we could have done this why..."

"AY!! We don't have time for this and I don't have patience for the safe ways. I'm going to focus my breathing and dual activate both skills we made to power me up you use the Unsealing the World skill and start our plan."

Danny entered his deep meditation state and activated the skill he and Ay made Supreme Soul Origin Divine Body.

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