TDG Fanfic: The Golden Throne

Chapter 18 - Truly With Misfortune Comes Fortune(1)

Danny circulated both his meditation breathing technique and the Supreme Soul Origin Divine Body skill at the same time. This skill was made during the 5 years he was training. This skill combined all the SOD clan body skills plus the Soul Body As One skill of the Trinity Soul Clan. The Supreme part was made from the fusion of 3 skills the first one is from Nine Star Hegemon Body Art from the novel as it was very detailed and proven to work by Ay, the Stellar Transformation skill used by Qin Lin as it was also detailed and complemented the NSHB skill, the last skill was from earth it was called Chaos Fusion Embodiment Art. This art was an amazing art the even surprised Danny causing him to wonder earth's true history. The first two skills according to Ay was meant to strengthen the body, allow him to absorb energy from stars and automaticity refine and compress his energy to a much higher purity. The last art was unique as it didn't do anything other than allow his body to handle the energy and transform his body without repercussion.

The best example is that the Hegemon Art requires no dantan if someone with a dantan cultivated it then he will explode. This skill prevents that explosion and allows the person to cultivate. Although Danny is going to cultivate an entirely different skill this is what holds the many different skills together to form one unique body art. As for the 36 body arts Ay first fused them into 6 skills that focused on certain attributes Attack, Defense, Enderance/Stamina, Control, Sensory(sight, Spirit, etc), Speed. After that she incorporated them in to the Supreme Soul Origin Divine Body Art. The Soul Body As One further improves soul quality with each major breakthrough and the best part the soul power can enhance attacking power like how Tsunade in Naruto uses chakra to cause destruction with one punch. The new technique was further improved to fit Danny perfectly with origin divine body skill as the core. The only issue is that this skill is sort of incomplete as it does not enhance soul force so Danny won't break through to bronze rank only have a massive body transformation but that's all. The reason for that is that both he an Ay wanted to 'borrow' some skills from Nei Lei in the future especially Heavenly God Cultivation Technique.

The Golden fruit melted the minute it went into his stomach the snake he ate also was transformed into energy before the fruit, stem, and roots entered. ay waited till all the energy gathered she was practically scared out of her mind thank god this idiot is meditating as it is what is supplementing her to stay calm and clear headed. Once the energy gathered completely Ay didn't wait for it to explode and began the Unsealing as they planned. She direct the pure but berserk energy and lead to the first meridian where she used the Unsealing The World: Reverse skill and the berserk energy began to break through and refine the one of many small seals. The first meridian opened but was damaged and this caused Ay to hesitate.

"Ay Quick move the energy as planned leave the damage to me." Ay acted swiftly once she heard Danny's voice and she then began to go through the twelve meridians. Danny who was in severe pain began to heal/refine the meridians Ay went through one by one using the SSOD Body skill. His first meridian began to heal and transform becoming translucent with a golden hue on it. Then he went to the second meridian began the refinement of it and the veins leading to it. Thank to the reverse law refining of Ay his body was slowly on a small scale absorbing the refined laws and if he steps into that world then he won't be seen as an outsider. Ay just finished opening and refining the small seal on his twelfth meridian and now was going to use the energy for the hardest part the thirteenth meridian. The only good thing was that Danny was weak and the seals weren't strengthened so Ay felt she had way more than enough energy. While Danny was ignoring the pain Ay began the second part of the meridian seal refining. She pushed all the energy into the seal and began to break the thirteenth meridian as she didn't want something unacceptable by this worlds law to remain. After about 30 minutes she finished breaking the meridian and connected the twelve one with his central dantan the way it originally was. Then she directed the energy and the refined seal separately. She sent the energy and spread it through out his accupoints refine, clearing, and opening them. she began to connect the his upper and lower dantan to the center sealed dantan with the refined seal essence of the thirteenth meridian. This was an exhausting and painful process, even after building the vessels to connect the two dantans there was a lot of refined seal essence remaining so she continued the plan. She built a vessel from the central dantan to the spirit root(pineal gland) in his mind and two vessels to each seal where the magical roots would have been if they were in immortal mortal world.

Danny's body was as red as a tomato and he was sweating like crazy. He was feeling a crazy amount of pain but as he thought he could handle it. The pain of the body was nothing like the soul. The body refining skill was truly amazing he thought he just finished refining his twelfth meridian and was going to refine the newly made vessels. He sweat a sigh of relief when he saw the berserk energy decrease as seals were refined and even more so as the refined essence of the thirteenth meridian was consumed. He was scared of a backlash if he could fully absorb the refined essence remaking the seal.

Ay was calmed down after finishing the new vessels as she focused on finishing clearing his accupoints. They were easier to refine and the original seal split into many small ones to close the thousands of accupoints. After she finished the reverse refining the accupoints she began to open his pores which felt like thousands of bees stinging at the same time. Opening the pores was also as quick as the accupoints for the same reason but the only issue Ay had was that she didn't know what to do with the extra essence. That's when Danny came through and began a full refinement of the accupoints and pores. His body turned bloodily and dark fluid began to seep out of his skin.

There was still about fifty percent of the energy and Ay began opening the 10 gates inhibiting the strengthing, and reaction time as well as body memory. They also undermine recovery rate and seal his body from the world around him. She used the full force of the energy to break open and refine the gate on the right leg then to the right hip, the right ċhėst, the right arm. From there the energy was directed to the gate on skull then to the spinal cord. It too a while for the spinal cord gate to be refined as there was another seal in the same area that was changed to essence as well. Then the gates on his left side were broken and refined the left arm, ċhėst, left part of the hip and lastly the left leg. Every gate broken through enhanced the quality of Danny's body. He was feeling exhausted and lost track of time. As he continued to refine and evolve his body after Ay broke the seals more and more dark liquid have exited his body.

Ay broke through the 10 gates plus a seal on the spinal cord leaving them with 20 percent of the energy of the fruit and snake but the energy from digesting the snake was little compared to the fruit. Now she was going to break the next seal the one on the heart. This seal was special as it seals vitality and the quality of his blood. The last thing it sealed was Danny's battle heart innate ability. This seal is very strong compared to the others.

Danny told Ay to go for it the heart was the main seal he wanted to break before the dantan seal and the others. Once they break the seal on his heart the invisible formation enhancing the gravity on his body will be gone one and for all. Ay was worried this energy wouldn't be enough causing the seal to break but didn't argue as they would implode if the energy from the plant wasn't fully used. The refined seal essence was surprisingly the opposite to the berserk energy, it was gentle but if left will go back to its original form. Ay sent the energy to his heart and began the refinement it took some time but when half the seal was refined the energy she had was nearly depleted. She quickly notified Danny as she didn't know what to to.

Danny who was busy refining his body was startled by this news. He tried to send the refined essence to Ay but she said it won't be enough. Danny was stumped on what to do. Finally he saw that the seal was not breaking but was on a stand still with Ay. Once the energy runs out the seal will be stronger and he will be killed from the backlash of the berserk energy.

"Ay don't worry about it we tried and I'm happy I got this far. I just want to tell you if it wasn't for you I probably would have gone a different path or worse died without given a chance. Thank you for being here and being you. I probably won't get another chance to say this so here goes nothing. Ay I love you and see you as my soul mate literally and I want to spank you all night long." Danny said his innermost thoughts to Ay. The truest of truths. Ay normally would get mad at this point but she didn't have any anger just sadness. She felt Danny had given up and although he continued the SSOD Body Art to try and take on the backlash. He still didn't have his original drive. She began to look around for something any extra energy to break the seal. She new Danny didn't have anything else hidden and the total energy they have is nothing worth mentioning even if she gave up her soul it's not work much. Just as she was about to give up she noticed a blood red gem surrounded by a black aura. She look closer and was shocked what it was. Both Danny and her ignored it because it looked eerie but now this thing might be her only chance.

"Danny you fool never listen to me and now you tell me you love me. Your gonna die and take me with you so how is that love. If you wanna spank me all night you got to live first." This phrase reached Danny's ears with an ėrȯtɨċ voice. Ay's words were music to his ears and his will to survive reached new heights. Ay thought that this dude was too easy.

"Danny quick gram the red gem that was next to the golden fruit and place it next to your heart!" Ay yelled.

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