TDG Fanfic: The Golden Throne

Chapter 2 - Your the system!

When Danny's soul which had been baptized by many restrictions as well as refined by lighting finally latched on to the body of the young boy, all the inhibitions seemed to have come to life and spread out to the body. On of them latched onto his heart, another went and sealed his acupoints. Another one black in color blanketed his dantan, while one white in color seem to go between his two eyes. Just like that these seals spread out each blocking a part of his body.

The end result was that his pores were closed , a thirteenth great meridian formed reinforcing the other 12, energy like gates formed throughout his body (a total of 10). Finally several seals similar in nature combined forming a full body restriction, which in a way will definitely make him weaker than his level. Sadly after this fiasco was done the 3 year old health looking child became skinny and sickly looking.

The boy's eyes opened slowly and just as he was about to say something, his felt a little light headed and some memories began to surface in his mind.

"So this boy's name was Ling tian, he live with his mom who is with a disease and they can't afford a doctor the kid went to a nearby forest to look for herbs for his mom. Too bad he didn't know what to get and tripped right into me. So far the kid had no useful info as he is only 3 but I can't believe he doesn't even know the name of the city or town they live at."

Danny who has fused with little Ling's soul ended up taking over and becoming the new host for the body. Too bad Ling Tian didn't have any clue of his surroundings which made Danny disappointed. Danny got up and was about to for a walk when a voice was heard in his head.

"Dam how can someone as unlucky as you even exist"

Confused Danny looks around and sees no one, thinking it is another dude who is going to curse him again he begins to sweat in fear. As he was trying to think of what he should do he heard the voice again.

"Hey why are you scared did you meet with trouble again, dam you luck I tell you." The voice said in a frightened tone. This time it became more distinct and sounded very feminine to Danny.

"There is no monster but who are you and why can I see you around me and how did you know Ive had an unlucky streak." Danny asked carefully. As he was waiting for response information just popped up in his mind and it was a type of meditative stance to see his inner self aka soul. Danny proceed to sit cross legged straightened his back and closed his eyes. He seemed to be in a sleep like state and his heart rate and overall presence seemed to fade.

In side his inner world Danny was floating in darkness yelling hello. A figure then popped up in front of him and it seemed to be of a girl of around 14 years old. The girl seemed really beautiful with hers light blue hair and emerald colored eyes. Her body seem to have begun showing her curves which were a sight to see. Danny just like any human being with a lack of common sense said, "And you are?"

"OMG I thought you would say beautiful or something sweet but your no fun." She said as she pouted.

"Listen closely my name is ...... am not telling you hahahaha" the young beauty laughed loudly but her voice was bewitching and her smile was dazzling that even the airhead Danny had a reaction (mentally of course ya know 3 year old at the moment.)

"I'm sorry for the disrespect earlier but princess please tell me who are you?" Danny asked again politely.

"Ok fine jokes aside I honestly don't know who I am but do your remember a fading soul you bumped into that was me. Somehow I was devoured but instead of fully ȧssimilating we somehow ended up with you the master soul and I'm a sub soul of yours. Before we fused All of who I was already gone and the only thing I remember was the words I will survive."

"So it like those techniques where a person sever part of his soul or making a sub soul. That's interesting so maybe you can tell me what's going on and I will name you Ay since I always wanted to have a system." Danny laughed as Ay started to cuss him say his entire family are systems. After a while of having there fun she finally looked serious at him and told him to first find shelter then she will tell him about his current events.

After he exited his inner realm he felt that only a couple minutes passed by, but then he began to nervously sweat sense he realized he smells and beast could have sniffed him out. Using his memory he began to retrace his steps until he made it back to the entrance of the city. He saw the city guards and won there pity with his superb acting skills(he went there crying saying he wants his mommy). They sent him in and found his mother in the slums of the city. Just as he was about to hug her he received a slap to his face and heard a yell why did he leave Glory city. Then he was pulled into his mother's embrace.

'Glory city! I freaking in Glory city hahahahaha my favorite novel is real!!!!

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