TDG Fanfic: The Golden Throne

Chapter 3 - Talent....less?

Ling Tian's mom freaked out when she noticed his weak looking self and seemed like he was only 2 instead of 3. She even felt guilty for slapping him and this worry caused her disease to flare giving her a pained expression. She then told her son that she was taking him to see a doctor close by. Knowing that his family is poor and can afford it he did what any 3 year old would do his age. He began to crying and yelling he wants to go to sleep. This caused his mother to have a headache and finally give in to his demands.

As they entered their broken home his mom took him to bathe. After washing him she dressed him and began to make food to try to fatten him again. After eating his fill his mother grabbed him and fȯrċɨbŀƴ fed him another plate. She said if you wanna grow you gotta eat and that's what your gonna do for every meal.

Finally Danny managed to escape the evil clutches of his mom but feeling the caring nature filled his heart with warmth. He recalled his life on earth how he grew up with only him and his dad. His mom died when he was 1year old and he doesn't recall how she looked and even feels like she's foreign to him. This new feeling was also shared with Ay who was connected to him,which made the feeling of love for his mother strengthen, making Danny to wanna make her live a blessed life instead of a poor one.

After calming down he sat in a meditative stance, closed his eyes and finally entered his inner world. There he saw Ay smiling at him and instead of waiting for him to comment she began the serious talk to describe his current situation.

"So Danny let begin as I know you are still overwhelmed with everything that's been going on...." right when she was going to begin she was cut off by Danny saying, " first off yes I WAS overwhelmed not "still" and now I guess I'm too exhausted to begin analyzing my situation but since you said you would do that for me I'm game."

"Sorry you were overwhelmed" Ay said as she rolled her eye.

" Let me start with a debrief of what happen till now so you a genius not seen in a million years in that backwater planet known as earth had messed with some silk pants, for a girl who eventually dumped you. Then as you remember several months later you got laid off without even your commission and they even threatened you with your old man. Finally you died slipping on a banana peel you already saw before, and boom! Truck-kun did it again. You then were traveling who knows where until you slipped into several worlds where a bunch of overpowered scum bags put restrictions on you for no reason except there enjoyment. Yet you didn't get that angry when you woke up, basically observed your surroundings, met me, found your new Mom and here we are" Ay explained.

"First let talk about what is going good for you. Although I believe your talents are only above average in these world with powers beyond earth, but it still is a good start. You have amazing mind or soul strength whatever you wanna call it and the reason for that is; before the accident you had eidetic memory, high analytical/computing ability, multitasking, and finally parallel processing which let you do two things at the same time. Next everything you read you would remember never to forget. Lastly after the accident you enhanced your soul strength with my soul, due to my unique soul that seemed to take the brunt of and absorbed the lightning strikes ,which hurt btw, and that purified and enhanced the quality of your soul by a lot." She said as she was going to continue Danny cut in, "so the reason I didn't die from the lightning and had to suffer from several beams of lightning was you." Shaking his head he proceeds to say, " well at least now I know you would make a good lightning shield."

"What!!! AAAARRRGG!!!" She began yelling and puffing/huffing from anger. When she looked at him though she realized he was joking but also he seemed to contemplate something. "What are you thinking about Danny?" She said softly. "Ay I'm wonder as a soul do you have to breath, you were breathing quite deeply and I think this is an interesting phenomena.....OWE!"

"Heh serves you right now you know to not joke at this moment"

"Why did you hit me I'm the master soul, the MASTER I tell you."

"Say one more word and I'll hit you again hmph"she stated and this caused Danny to finally shut up so they can finish there previous discussion.

"Now you deficits are also clear, 1- you lack common sense, 2- when something catches you by surprise you take a a minute to ponder how you should react. 3- your body is so messed up that it almost impossible to cultivate your body. You know where you are but you don't have a backing nor do you have a way to get stronger for now."

"So you got strong soul and nothing else so I don't even know if I should call you talented or talentless." Ay said, yet again she was cut off by Danny's laughter.

"You said I'm talentless hahahahaha you should know I'm in TDG world he physical body cultivation is meh, it's all about the soul."

"Talentless I think not hahahahaha" laughed Danny.

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