TDG Fanfic: The Golden Throne

Chapter 26 - Genius of Glory City

Danny who was riding Silver as well as Ye Mo's group finally made it to Glory city after 6 hours of walking. They arrived at around dawn of the next day. The group of fighters felt relieved as they finally returned to there homes and families. They stared at the little demon disciple of Ye Mo and shook there heads as this kid was as strong as the current family leaders of the 3 great noble families, only his tactic were simple. Before they entered the gate Danny yelled,"Stop!", then he looked at Ye Mo and said," Master it would be rude if I enter on my Wolf first while you walk behind me. What would people say? This may leave some bad rumors out there, tarnishing both your and my reputation." When Ye Mo and Company heard Danny they thought he was pretty sensible.

"So here is what we'll do my master will stand on top of Silver's head, I will stand right behind him. You three are the strongest after us so you will stand in front of Silver and make sure we pass without an issue. While you make us a path toward the Snow Wind estate release your aura to attract a crowd. You 6 over there come over here stand 3 on each side to block the attracted crowd from coming near and also makes our entrance look cooler when in formation. The remaining eleven walk behind us, 4 per row making a U shape. The last row will have only 3 people and you will brag loudly at how awesome Ye Mo hidden disciple is. Remember praise me like you can't live without me this is important as to spread the rumor as the number 1 genius of Glory city. Hahahahaha I'm so smart I'll be known overnight throughout the city without doing any actual work. Sometimes I forget how awesome I can be."

When everyone finished getting in formation they stumbled to the ground at Danny's dark agenda. Ye Mo shook his head at how narcissistic his disciple is but he also praised his cunningness. Ye Mo shook his head to his people which made them grumble at this stupid act they were going to pull. Since the boss agreed to a child's plan they can only comply. Everyone got into formation and Danny told the three people at the end to say that he grew up in the forest, fighting beast for survival and food, He was only 10 yet had the strength of a black gold rank, A monster of a genius that Glory city has never seen the closed door disciple of Ye Mo. They were shocked by his narcissism and how he evaluated himself. They understood this little devil was abnormal but can he not be so obsessed with himself. True experts keep to themselves and don't show off. One of them shook his head as he remembered that this kid was only 10. They returned to there posts and walked towards the gates of the city.

Meanwhile Ay and Danny were talking in the Ethereal Grand Library, "Danny hahahahaha you were like..."by the way my name is Dan Lee"....hahahahaha your so stupid you don't know what that even means in there language. Your so dumb hahahahaha there expressions were priceless Ye Mo especially had a vein pop out. So what were you thinking I mean Ling Tian is the name your mom gave you in this life, so why not pick that."

"Who said I didn't think it threw I'm in a world of cultivation, martial arts, spells, monsters etc. You get where I'm going with this Ay. People from earth would dream to be in this hell hole for power ups. So I decided to continue Bruce Lee's legacy, but I couldn't use his name. I like Danny as a name so I too the Dan out and added the lee. So Dan Lee is what I came up with. Lee represents strength where I'm from while in Chinese Dan can mean Core. So I'm telling people to beware as my core is strong. I respect my mom in this life but I don't want a made up name, her name was Nistu Origin so my last name should be Origin or like my dad Alma but since I'm part human and live here I will choose the name that I will go by."

"Muhahahahahhaha your core is strong is what you wanna tell people. Your too funny you really should think of being a comedian." Ay cracked up again and began making the motion of wiping tears from her eyes(souls can't cry). After she stopped she said," Well I agree with you on that you should pick a name you'll be satisfied with so don't disappoint Lee"

"Ay please he wouldn't know since he is dead"

"Hahahaha and your in another world even if he was alive he would not know. You already shamed him with your stupidity on multiple occasions."

While Danny and Ay were in there own world, A huge crowd formed in front of the Western Gate of Glory City. It was said one of the guards saw Ye Mo and his company on the way and many people wanted to great him. As Ye Mo who was standing on Silver entered with his group many people cheered. The people in the group ignored the crowed and kept walking toward the Snow Wind Estate. All the people only had eyes on Ye Mo the legend of Glory City. As the group were slowly making there way on the main road, many people on the side noticed a child covered in blood, wearing armor, holding a spear standing right behind Ye Mo. Some started to whisper asking who is the kid, many rumors began to spread among the crowd and the most favored one was that he was an love child born from Ye Mo and a secret lover. Many soldiers and fighters saw the blood marks and calluses on Dannie's hands, some with higher cultivation even felt his aura and knew that this was a warrior not some pampered love child. While people were making guesses the group reached half way of there journey. That's when the plan was put into action.

"I can't believe that kid is a black gold rank he sort of terrifies me." Said softly one of the fighters at the back of the formation.

"I know right did you see how easily he snapped that peak gold rank beasts head. The really mind blowing thing about all this is that he is freaking 10." Responded the fighter in the middle.

"That is what freaked you out, that nothing he thought we were a threat and attacked the boss. You know the boss's strength what is a black gold rank, nothing but fart. Yet this kid was able to withstand a full strength attack." Said the last person. Then they began praising almost at the same time.

"No wonder he was able to survive in the wilderness for 6 years."

"Ya I can't believe he is Ye Mo closed door disciple, boss never took a disciple before."

"What do you know this kid is the genius of our city now, no one can compare to. If anything we should bootlick our way to the top through him."

"Ya I know what you mean the only weird thing is that his name is Dan Lee. I wonder why his family name is plum and the named him dan meaning red. Red plum ohh maybe it's because he is always covered in blood that not his. He is naturally strong so maybe his name mean Red Plum Tree.... ok I'll shut up now." One of the people forgot his ȧssignment and began to say what bothered him when he felt a heavy aura pressing down on him. Looking at Danny's glare he quieted down.

To the people who were listening, this scene scared them and to them accurately matched what the guard said Red Plum because he'll pummel them till they bleed. This information began to spread and increase in exaggeration every time people talked with one another. Dan and his group finally entered the estate leaving the crowed to disperse. The news of Ye Mo's disciple Dan Lee the Genius of Glory City reached everybody including the large families.

In the Sacred Family mansion, the patriarch who had recently reached the absolute peak of the black gold rank was yelling at his people. "How come you guys didn't know about this matter. Ye Mo was hiding a disciple for ten years and no one knew it. What have you been doing? If I am to be the leader of this city I need you guys to do your part of infiltrating and providing all the information about the Snow Wind Family."

"Patriarch all information we have provided is real but you should know the hardest person to locate and spy on is Ye Mo."

"I don't want your excuses I want information make sure every single information about him is available down to how many times a day he relieves himself."

In the other families the reaction was just that they were happy for Ye Mo finally finding a successor as he alone was holding the fort. In the Divine Family Clan hall,"Hahahahahaha finally that dying fool got a disciple prepare me a carriage and buy the best cultivation resources in the market. Tomorrow we are going to congratulate the Snow Wind Family. Tell my son little Chen that he is going to meet Ye Mo's disciple tomorrow. Little Chen is 11 and that child is 10 not too far apart."

At this moment in the Snow Wind Family mansion, "....and that is what happened, his strength is Monstrous and can be helpful in protecting the people in this dark age. So I decided to train this talent. Ye Zhong my son you are the most talented in the city of your generation and are the current city lord. So after two months of training the kid I will go and look into that realm with deathly aura. I need you to only focus on sparring with him. Go all out as you won't kill him. He was able to stand up after a full powered punch from me. After that put him in school at Orchid Academy. Remember whatever plan he wants to do let him it was my promise to him."

"Father are you sure he doesn't have hidden agenda, if I find out he has any ill will toward us and the city I will kill him."

"Don't worry he is a curious child he won't do anything to the city but the people I'm beginning to doubt are the Sacred Family. I want you to prepare a unit of your closest and most trusted men and have them keep an eye out at the Sacred Family." Ye Zhong calmed down at his father's confirmation but quickly tensed when he got a warning to watch the Sacred Family one of the 3 great families. He sighed then looked his father in the eye and said," Don't worry I will tell Ye Shuo to send the Shadows out for a walk." Hearing this Ye Mo smiled and went to rest.

Just like that many things were started in the dark and changed some events that should have occurred. Yet Danny didn't know the changes this event did but even if he did it's not like he would care. Ye Zhong carried out his duties. Danny was preparing to sleep like the rest of the group but he could help but feel an itch to beat that stupid fighter who questioned his name now Ay doesn't stop calling him red plum.

The next day came quickly and many factions came to the Snow Wind Family to congratulate Ye Mo on accepting a disciple. Many people came and many kids of powerful families were there. Danny was standing next to Ye Mo silently complaining at this spectacle in front of him. He though he could start the plan to make this party after copying all the Snow wind family library and secret book. Yet everyone came once they heard the old man got a disciple. Now he knew how strong the power backing him up was. The visitors who came stayed for a few hours and before they were gonna leave asked for a fight of the younger generation. Many kids around Danny's age were competitive and believed that they deserved to be Ye Mo disciple. The other kids around 8 years old which were Nei Lei's generation were all curious about this new disciple especially Ye Ziyun she wanted to know who could get her grandfathers eyes.

Danny who was the main act was finally excited and wanted to meet other people. Since he decided to expand his power he thought this was a good opportunity to make some friends. So he went to an open area in the courtyard and said," Fighting you guys one by one will take too long, so why don't you guys come at me together." Then he posed like every martial arts movie MC would stretched his arm across his body palm toward the sky. He then moved his fingers up then flat down. Come!

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