TDG Fanfic: The Golden Throne

Chapter 27 - What A Monster!!

Danny was feeling really cool at the moment. Looking at his proud expression and hearing his arrogant statement made the children so angry that they all yelled curses and charged towards Danny. Leading the charge were 3 people Shen Xui who was the oldest, Shen Fei who is currently engaged to Xiao Ning, lastly it was Chen Linjian the sole heir to the divine family. They were followed by many other talented children from the many factions but the most memorable were((making up some)) Feng Chang (last name is Chang) the rising star from the alchemist ȧssociation he is almost a bronze rank and is the last of the declined alchemist Family the Chang clan, which branched off the Crimson Fire Clan. The girl running next to him was Scarlet Rising daughter of the head of the scout department of Glory City Natsu Rising. The last one was a genius from the Snow Wind Family Ye Ren whose parents died trying to delay beasts from a danger zone while the rest of the squad escaped. All three of them wanted to prove that they are worthy of being the disciple of Ye Mo and not this buffoon. They all had there reasons for wanting that chance but someone beat them to the punch.

Just as the group of about 60 children were gonna reach Danny he vanished from there sights. They began to look around but when they heard a kid yell owe, that's when they noticed that Danny appeared behind the entire group. He then began a merciless beating, one by one the kids would start crying but Danny didn't let up and went for the knockout. After taking down about half the kids he remembered he wanted to make connections so he went towards Chen Linjian who was the closest kid to him. He helps him up and says," I'm your boss starting from today you got a problem with that."

Chen Linjian remembered the beating he just received and then decided to just accept his fate. "No Boss it an honor to follow a great man like yourself."

"Hahahahaha good, finally a sensible one unlike those idiots I had to knockout. From this day forward you will be my right hand man and lead my followers." Danny said with joy as he gained his first follower too bad he forgot to ask his name. Then he began to coarse people to call him boss and ended up knocking out another 10 and accepting another 5 including Feng Chang, Scarlet Rising, and Ye Ren. The last 15 were scared and about half ran back to their respective families while the remain seven 5 were knocked out leaving the two from Sacred Family. Shen Fei tried to act tough and through a punch only to be caught and thrown right back at his face knocking him out. "This kid why did he have to knock himself out wouldn't it have been less embarrassing if I did it. Now you pretty girl will you join my crew of 6 and call me boss."

"You wish just because you are stronger than us doesn't mean your powerful, you don't have any backing, if you do anything to me my Sacred Family won't let you off. If you let me go I can tell them to give you some leeway for knocking out my cousin."

"Wait you guys are from the Sacred Family?! How weak, shouldn't you be like much stronger since you are from one of the three great families. Oh and who said I don't have backing first my master is the strongest in the city, second my followers all come from powerful backgrounds so I pretty much have the full connections." Danny yelled out so loud that everyone around them heard what he said. They first thought he was a talent for his age, then when he knocked out almost all the younger generation even when they were defenseless they thought he was a devil. Finally they saw that he began forcefully recruiting the remaining kids made them shake there head at this piece of work Ye Mo picked up. As every power was thinking of how to use the situation for there benefit, they saw Danny walk up to the unwavering Shen Yue, pick her up and hold from the waist , then placing her stomach down on his legs. Smack! Everyone present stare at the seen with their mouths wide open, even Ye Mo was shocked at Danny's bravery. Setting in the center of the field Danny was spanking the Sacred Families princess in front of her older brother the Patriarch, while yelling at her to submit. "Stop stop waaaa, I give up please stop."

"Danny that enough let her go the other families will use this as a means to attack."Ye Mo transmitted via soul force that no one was able to hear it except Danny. "Fine Fine Fine you give up no need to cry. It just that I don't like to feel threatened."

"Hahahahaha Ye Mo I like your disciples style, he sure knows how to negotiate with others." Said the head of the Divine Family Chen Zenlong. Then using his families special skill he said something to Chen Linjian who nodded back. The people present didn't voice there opinions and just watched. Many Power houses were waiting for the right moment to speak and get some compensation.

"Sorry everyone I didn't have time to start my lessons yet, so he may seem a little barbaric but trust me he is really harmless. This is just kids being kids us ȧduŀts don't need to mind their antics." Before anyone could say anything, Ye Mo voiced out his opinion. This shut them up as they had to give them face.

The head of the Sacred Family was annoyed at what happened so he decided to act now.

"I heard that this disciple of yours has the strength of black gold rank, even I found this rumor hard to believe. I recently caught a dark guild member who happens to be a black gold rank. I was interrogating him but got nothing so far. With all of us here I'm sure nothing will go wrong so how about a brawl between your disciple and this traitor of humanity." After saying his peace, the Sacred Family Patriarch looked at Ye Mo waiting for an answer. A few factions who were on good terms with the Sacred Family began to voice there agreement. They all thought this can force Ye Mo to agree but who was Ye Mo, he was and still is the strongest in the city who would dare refute his decision. Just as Ye Mo was going to disagree, Danny yells from the field,"Ya bring it on, I hope he is a challenge unlike these weaklings here. A black gold rank fighter how exciting." This caused Ye Mo to speechlessly stare at Danny, 'how come my disciple can't understand the bigger picture is he trying to get himself killed.' As he kept his gaze at Danny he noticed the look that Danny was had it was the same as when he fought him in the forest. He could feel Danny's dėsɨrė for battle so he sighed and nodded his head towards the Sacred Family Head Shen Hong. Danny's decision made Shen Hong satisfied, he couldn't wait to see Danny suffer.

A black cloaked individual was dragged forward, he stared at Shen Hong and said,"So all I have to do is beat this kid and I'm free."

"Yes, all you have to do is beat him." Verified Shen Hong loudly. Then in a low voice said," Make sure you kill him."to which the cloaked person smiled to as he turned his head to Danny. "Sorry kid although I don't know what it is you did to deserve such a punishment, but I end it very quickly."

Danny got excited waited for the person to charge. In the eyes of the people the black gold rank charged and swiftly appeared in front of Danny. In Danny's eyes he was wondering why this guy was slow for a black gold rank. Once the person appeared in front of Danny what appeared in front of him was a small fist that sent him flying. Everyone was shocked at the exchange, while Danny said," Hey quit fooling around and be serious, I still couldn't even warm up."

"Dam you kid, I see your no ordinary person. Now I'm gonna get serious!" The black cloaked man transformed and black fur covered his body. He became twice his previous height. His aura also shot up and his muscles became more defined and much harder than before."kid let's see how you hand my strength augmented with the black gold ranked Shadow Panther." This beast was known for its speed and ability to blend with the shadows. One of the most preferred ȧssassin type beast souls.

'Is this person an idiot to tell his enemy his beast soul name so I can focus on its weak points.' Danny thought and Ay answered him,"Not sure honestly but he is a weakling, I sort of feel bad that this kinda hyped you up."

"Don't worry Ay at least he is a good punching bag to release my anger and disappointment on."

Danny decided to end this swiftly so he charges at full speed which caused the audience to once again stare with dropped jaws. He instantly appeared in front of his punching bag and began to throw a barrage of attacks that consisted of punches, kicks, a headbut here and there. Sometimes he'll use his elbow and knees. As Danny was beating up the transformed Black gold lvl dark guild member, all the factions with hidden agendas began to sweat nervously. This kid wasn't merely a skilled brat but a monster that defies common sense. They couldn't understand how a human fist could punch a beast whose skin is harder than steel. At this moment every single faction including the Sacred Family gave up on making trouble for Danny as he was as exaggerated as the rumors said he was.

Seeing the change in the people around them Ye Mo and Ye Zhong didn't know whether to laugh or cry. They also wanted to end this unrest but they didn't expect the little demon who caused the mess to end any thought of ill will. Fear is truly a motivating factor. Danny looked really satisfied after letting loose, he lifted his head and saw everyone staring at him. He finally decided to ask a question that has been bothering him since the beginning of the dueling event. "Did all of catch some strange disease that drops your jaws? If so stay away from me I don't want to get what ever you guys have. I like my jaw where it is just fine." Once he finished speaking Ay who didn't expect his reply began to laugh really hard. The people on the other hand closed their mouths and began to grumble. Ye Zhong actually cracked a smile which surprised his daughter Ye Ziyun. Ye Mo actually began to laugh loudly, the Divine Family Patriarch cursed him back loudly saying your the one with the disease, your family has loose jaws among other things. Danny wanted to kick his ȧss but remembered that he was the father of his right hand man so he ignored him.


The party ended with a small feast and everyone went back to their homes. One month passed since that day and Danny was looking at Ye Mo with angry expression. "Old Man Ye now please explain to me how practicing etiquette is gonna help me become stronger. What we were this past week was how to use a freakin spoon and knife, even when eating with my hands is much faster. I also had to learn proper speech what the heck is that, which idiot made speaking up your mind difficult. That's not even the worst part, the worst thing is that you old man want me to learn how to walk properly. More like walk to my death. If I walk the way you say any beast in the forest would chew me like a toy since I have to defenses. I got the stupid hair cut too, now when are we gonna learn new fighting styles that will actually improve my skills?" Hearing Danny Ye Mo couldn't help but feel troubled. When he started what he thought would be training from hell to Danny, that little brat learned everything quickly. It didn't even take 2 weeks and Danny's fighting style became more refined and not as crude as it was in the forest. Everything Ye Mo through at him he learned. Danny even managed to memorize all the books in there library the only thing he didn't read were the secret manuals that were kept with Ye Zhong. "Fine to be honest you already surpassed by expectations but the human world is much more complicated than living in the forest. That is why I want you to master how to talk, walk and act in different scenarios. On the plus side it also helps you steal a woman's heart if you notice the signs and know how to act at each turn. If you can complete this then I will let you look at all our secret manuals."

"Fine I'll learn this but only because I want to learn those secret arts." Ye Mo was racking his brain at how else he can convince this little brat as it would be embarrassing to end his training time early because he gots nothing else to teach him. Who would have thought this would work.

Another 3 weeks past and Danny's style finally began to look more human. He speaks with gestures instead fists. He stopped threatening people and learned how to actually have a proper conversation. He also learned how to give and take, how to dress properly, and also finally began to regain his old habit of bathing daily. He also trained his spear and bow skills and learned some tricks from other fighters in the estate.

The greatest gain was that he got Ye Zhong daughter to call him big brother. She almost always hangs around him, ever since her mom died she was feeling lonely and her father became strict with everything and rarely smiles. She found it really comforting to hand out with Danny. He would sometimes borrow money from the guards and sneak out to buy sweets for his new little sister. Although he didn't like her as much as Xiao Ning and wasn't planning to get with her in the future. She was still recognized as Glory city's number one beauty. This beauty will now have an powerful brother who will mess with her future pursuers in the future just because.

Danny was on his way to meet Ye Mo and Ye Zhong. He walked into the Clan Hall there he saw Ye Mo and Ye Zhong discussing something. "Ah little Dan come here this is my son Ye Zhong he is the city lord of Glory City and current head of the Snow wind family."

"Dan Lee these are the manuals my father promised you. You have a total of 4 hours to look through them. My dad will answer you if you have any questions." Ye Zhong glared at Danny with an unfriendly gaze.

Danny ignored him and began to look through them after an hour of reading he was disappointed. Most of the skills hand many weaknesses or very limiting and the best one was a skill called Blue Lightning cultivation art but it flawed and peaked at the first stage of legend rank. Danny then told Ay to look for ways to combine and fuse these arts with related cultivation methods they have before and make the new skill reach the peak of the legend rank. He felt sad he didn't have any skills in the earth fate or Sky(in TDG known as Heaven) fate rank. The time was done and Ye Zhong collected the manuals. Ye Mo asks Danny if he has any questions.

"Yes master I do have one, was the person who made these skills an idiot. I mean the way he made those skills suċkėd. If what I read from the clan library as well as the city library when I was young is true then those skills are all flawed." He then took out a pen and paper and continued, "if we take this part here from this skill and that part from that skill... then fuse alll of them in this order with the Blue Lighting Cultivation skill, finally we use these skilll found in the clan library..... and those 2 skills from the city library. We remove those useless part that don't make sense in the blue lightning manual and replace it with this movement which better and more compatible with the human body according to Human Cultivation and Anatomy by demon spiritualist Satori found in the City library. We get an entirely brand knew technique that should be much more useful. I think I call it Lightning metamorphosis Art since it strengthens the body and soul realm making them Lightning attributed also I didn't forget to keep the blue part which also related to snow so it should be very compatible with you guys. I just don't know the peak lvl it can be trained to."

After he finished his fun with improving the skill and all he saw was Ye Mo and Ye Zhong shocked expressions with dropped jaws. Seeing the dropped jaws he take one step back and say,"What is it?"

The duo replied in union, "What a Monster."

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