TDG Fanfic: The Golden Throne

Chapter 29 - The First Step

Danny and Ye Zhong stared each other down for a couple of minutes before Danny charged at him with his full strength. Although Danny was going to fight at full strength he wasn't going to use any active abilities he has such as the Black Dragon Scale Armor or his Burst ability. He definitely wasn't going to use the Soul Eye either as well as his golden eyes. He was charging purely with physical strength and soul force in his lower dantan. Ye Zhong was surprised at Danny's speed as it was faster than when he fought the dark guild member. Danny almost instantly landed in front of Ye Zhong, once he appeared a punch was thrown rapidly aiming towards Ye Zhong's jaw. As Danny appeared in front of him, the experienced Ye Zhong side stepped quickly using his left hand to deflect Danny's fist from the forearm and threw a fist towards Danny's face. Danny didn't expect Ye Zhong to act before he even arrived. Although he felt he was stronger, he finally saw the difference in experience Ye Mo mentioned to him during the two months of training. Somehow his movement gave away his attack pattern causing his opponent to anticipate it and react early. Ye Zhong was so experienced that he timed the counter attack and executed it perfectly.

The punch was about to land on Danny's face but thanks to his honed instincts and super reflexes he uses the incoming force to rotate mid-air throwing a palm attack upward toward the bottom of Ye Zhong's fist deflecting it. Directly after that Danny launches a kick with his left leg that is met with Ye Zhong's right knee. Ye Zhong surprising Danny directly followed with a fist filled with spirit force directly towards Danny's ċhėst. Danny having no way to dodge grit his teeth, clenched his fists, and swiftly brought his arms in front of him in a cross shape blocking the attack. He was still sent flying by the force but no real damage was done to him as it was blocked by his Soul Armor.

Danny quickly stands up and stares at Ye Zhong this small exchange showed him his current level. His fighting style was too crude and his execution of attacks was easily read by the Ye Zhong. Unlike fighting beasts which only involved who has the strongest fist, fighting Ye Zhong can help him improve his battle sense, anticipation skills, and enable him to effectively execute combos and attacks at the right moment without missing any opportunities. Although he was physically stronger than Ye Zhong he truly lost in experience which reminded him of Ye Mo's words. Ye Zhong was also surprised due to the fact that this kid took his strongest fist attack without him transforming but wasn't even injured. How could this be a dam 10 year old. "Not bad kid but you still got a lot to learn before you can make me get serious. Let's continue." Ye Zhong spoke to Danny before charging at him. Danny didn't bother responding and charged as well. In just a couple minutes they exchanged more than twenty blows which attracted the attention of the many guards, maids, and family members. Many people in the estate gathered towards the training ground where Danny and Ye Zhong were fighting. The scene they were witnessing shocked everyone and although Danny was on the losing end he would quickly get back up and charge at Ye Zhong. What was also amazing was that Ye Zhong was not holding back one bit, this also made them realize how special Danny really was that Ye Mo chose him as his disciple.

The sun finally rose to its peak point directly above the the training field. "Old Man just you wait you may have won this time but I will totally get your ȧss tomorrow."

"Hahahahahaha is that what a loser like you should be saying, how the hell did you survive in the Forest Expanse surrounding Ancestral Mountain region with those skills. Losing 10 rounds in a row is very shameful, don't go ruining your name as Glory City's genius hahahahaha." Ye Zhong responded back to Danny as he walked away from the training ground. A beat up Danny was staring at Ye Zhong's back. In this fight today although he was beaten he learned a lot, he'll let Ye Zhong be happy for now but in the upcoming spars he will surprise him.

"Ay did you record my battle with that grumpy fellow?"

"Yes Red Plum I did and I also set up a plan to fix your weak points. Battling truly lets you improve, even during the battle I was astonished at the speed at which your fighting style evolved. This even allowed you to land one or two hits on your Uncle Zhong. Anyways you should stay focused and go get Silver and finish your training schedule." After Ay finished her speech Danny who was annoyed at being called Red Plum went over to silver and finally left through the closest gate the Southern Gate. Each big family controlled a gate the Sacred family guarded the northern gate, the Divine Family guarded the western gate, the commoner district as well as combination of experts from lesser factions guard the eastern gate. The Southern Gate is the gate that leads to Monster's Den which is the part of the forest expanse that hosts the most beasts. After a couple of hours of hunting and eating to their fill, Danny and Silver returned to Glory city where Danny gathered his 10 black gold rank fighters and went towards the commoners district. He then approached the abandoned house where he use to train as a kid seeing that its still empty he went to a real estate office and fȯrċɨbŀƴ purchased the house. He also bought a few empty lands surrounding it. He knew this house was very close to the least guarded gate the eastern gate and that's why no one wanted to live here. He then tasked his soldiers to make sure the building schematics were built in the his land with in two months. He also left Silver and the 10 fighters at the abandoned home to guard it. After all that was done it was already night time so he went back home. He bathed, then got dressed ate again cooked meals this time even though he was full he still force fed himself. Finally he ended his day with meditation and sleep.

In the Sacred Family Clan Hall, the Patriarch was listening to a report about Ye Mo's disciple. "Sir we don't know his origins but we have some information the first was that he was able to exchange over 1000 blows with Ye Zhong and although he lost all 10 rounds he was bȧrėly hurt. Also after the spar he went out hunting. The bad news is that when he came back he went to the real estate pavilion and force purchased the house that we told the real estate pavilion owner not to sell. He also bought the surrounding lands."

"Damn that little brat first he humiliated our family and now he buys the house we used for the secret meeting with the dark guild. It's as if this brat in diapers is my bad luck. Tell the dark guild will change our meeting place to the city ruins 100k away from Glory city. Don't forget to keep an eye on the Dan Lee brat." The Sacred Family Patriarch cursed Danny as he gave his orders. He was already planing how to kill Danny but he knew that it was even harder than killing Ye Zhong.

The next Day came quickly and Danny began his regular routine of the day and this continued for two months until he received word that all the buildings were built. During the two months he also hand picked from the children of commoners 3000 kids between the ages of 10-18 who he thought were talents and brought them to the manor he built. The name of the manor was Three Soul Manor after both his mother and father. Nistu meant third and Cade meant spirit of battle or soul warrior and Danny took something from each and named the manor. The ten guards were given the task to teach the kids and make sure they complete the training schedule he made for them. Silver was like the guardian beast of the place and had its own huge house, huge dog house to be exact. Many personnel were hired like chefs, maids, and butlers. Now that the entire area was built he decided to name the place Glory estate. The kids he recruited were very motivated as commoners like this never get a chance to change there destiny so quickly, they took Danny as their leader and began to work harder than he anticipated so he began to call them brothers and in his eyes saw them as the future strength against his enemies. Like this he won't fight alone with such loyal comrades.

Danny walked around his Glory Estate and went towards the building closest to the commoner district. He built this building combining both modern and old architecture skills, it looks like a clan hall from out side. The inside on the other hand was similar to the city hall on earth except more organized than how it was on earth. It was also spacious and had many large doorless rooms, these rooms will be record hall, informations desk, adventures guild, quest hall, individual registration, and any other halls he needed to organize and execute his agendas in the future. This will also make Glory City commoner district much more organized, safer, and united giving him power to stand equal to the three great families. He then took out the giant sign he asked a blacksmith to custom make and placed it on the front of the building "COMMONER'S UNION". After placing it on the building a smile formed at Danny's face as he finally took his first steps to build his own force. Just like in his previous life he always saw that he was someone who was meant to do great things for his race. He was able to change the ranking of his university alone, he also helped many start ups become really rich, he was always working on developing cures for many fatal diseases and he was sure he would have done it if he hadn't died. Danny was always the type of person who placed himself as a leader and so in this life he will certainly do his all for Glory City.

"Danny we finally took the first step it will only get harder from here. The second step should be getting the power level of the those kids to the black gold rank in 3-4 years. Also in four years you should try to reach the legend rank so we can finally search the rest of the ruins."

"Yes you didn't call me Red Plum whoooohoool!!!"


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