TDG Fanfic: The Golden Throne

Chapter 30 - Step By Step

Danny's name in Glory City reached a new peak he was now titled as Glory City's Champion. Danny had been through a lot and accomplished many things for his name to reach this height in the people's hearts. The first time his name spread was when he took 3000 kids from commoners district to train. The parents of those children felt blessed and bragged about it for a while. The second time people heard his name was at the end of the 3rd month of sparring with Ye Zhong he began to win against Ye Zhong causing him to transform into his beast soul Black Scaled Earth Dragon. The earth dragon isn't a true dragon and only has a trace of dragon blood, yet this trace caused Danny to loose big time. This taught home the difference between him and a demon spiritualist, if they transform then they exceed his current abilities. This event lead to another wave caused by Danny when he came back to Glory city with the head Snake-Tailed Lighting Baboon. Danny came back blooded yet he had the aura of a 4 rank black gold rank. This event happened during the middle of the 4th month of training and Danny described his encounter to Ye Zhong.

He was climbing toward the peak of a nearby 300 kilometers away from the eastern gate. Once he saw the peak in his sights he was attacked by an ape like beast that jumped out of a hidden cave. Danny said that it was a tough battle as the beast although was large he was very quick. This caused Danny to be at a Disadvantage in in terms of both speed and strength so all Danny did was endure by using his strong reflexes and his spear to dodge and deflect as many hits as possible. He also faked expressions and sent in some faint attacks to trick the beast into thinking he was getting weaker from his peak state. Thanks to his battle heart passive skill that let him maintain his peak fighting power despite injuries and his burst ability, Danny exploded with full force gathering and compressing soul force at the tip of the spear then attacked with a spin when the beast went for a killing blow. The whole time he was waiting for this killing blow and his patience paid off as Danny dodged couple seconds before the attack could even reach him, at the same moment striked towards the beasts throat. His spear easily went through the neck of the Snake-Tailed lighting Baboon. This story was also heard by the house keeper of the Snow Wind Family who went ahead and published and over exaggerated book on this event called Genius Chronicles.

This event raised the praise people had for him to a new height, that led to another event the last day of training with Ye Zhong. Danny who reached a the peak of the Black Gold rank was fighting evenly with the transformed Ye Zhong. The Danny in front of the Snow Wind people Now was different from six months ago. His fighting style was much more refined, his strength was more controlled and focused. Last but not least he was not predictable like the start. This fight was one to remember and in the end Danny managed to fool Ye Zhong with a faint and then got him angry making him loose focus. This led to an opening in his right which Danny clawed towards with compressed soul force on his palms. For the first time Ye Zhong was injured and also lost the spar which shocked everyone present even Ziyun. After the spar Danny without kneeling called Ye Zhong teacher and gifted him the beast soul of the lightning ape which Ye Zhong can use to reach the legend rank. In the six months of sparing Danny learned a lot in fact we can say he transformed completely. Ye Zhong still called him little demon brat but instead of his poker face, or angry look he was giving Danny a warm smile. It looked like what a father would give his son for becoming accomplished.

While Danny was training his 3000 brothers were also training hard. In these six months they reached the peak of the copper rank. The 10 black gold realm fighters Danny had impressed him with their results so he modified their fighter skills and added to them what he called a general soul technique so they can train and become demon spiritualists. The difference between fighters and spiritualist is that fighters don't have the aid of beast souls and can't utilize soul force. In Glory city they peak at the black gold lvl. They were so happy that they swore loyalty to Danny he told them that he expects them to reach the peak of the black gold rank as both fighters and spiritualists in 2 years and they will head the Commoner's Union.

The next thing Danny did was get his 3000 brothers to open the Commoners Union by advertising it to the commoners. Danny then got busy for the next 4 months finding skilled managers, secretaries, as well as the injured/retired soldiers of Glory city to register, manage, and teach qualified people. He planned to make the lives of the commoners better by uniting them under one power and he saw that a Union is the best thing and he planned to let it run like on earth. He began by opening the Union and selling to the commoners the benefits of registering and becoming a member. His fame alone led to everyone in the district to register. Even the commoners who had money but no status outside the commoners district signed up. The next thing Danny did was initiate the formation of the Glory Police Force, this force will guard the streets around the clock and deal with petty crimes. For that Danny gave every volunteer between the ages of 18-30 the basic soul force manual and set for them an exam which the subjects will be taught by retired fighters and scholars of Glory city. In these 4 months Danny also set up his own blacksmith and medical guild which will be supported by the people. He also forced the 3 great families as well as many other forces to lower there taxes by gathering dirt on each of them. This way the people of Glory City can feel less strained to support the Union. To Danny people were what he needed now not money. Finally at the end of the four months the people working for the union and guilds were finally organized enough to be managed by the chosen heads giving Danny a breather. He also gave the goals and check points he wants to reach and the first of which to get the first all subjects college built and functioning with in a year. Danny provided the only two guilds so far the most up to date ways to make weapons and heal people respectively combining both modern medicine from earth and healing methods in this world. The last thing Danny set out to do with Ye Zhong help was make a research institute that will research plants in details, beasts, materials, and all possible uses these items have, from medical to consumer use. Ye Zhong also helped Danny open several shops and medical offices to which many doctors and Blacksmiths who joined were working in. Each shop of the Union has its symbol so any person who is a member can buy from there at a discount. This was 10 months after Danny came and this move shocked all the power but received praise by the majority of inhabitants.

Danny then went towards the Alchemist Association and the first thing he did was read all the books they had. He then began to sort the information and try to see if there was anything useful he can do. Danny met Gu Yan the president of the ȧssociation and asked him if he had any books for him to which Gu Yan could only sigh and hand them over. Ye Mo his friend asked for this favor and so he decided to give them to Danny.

Danny spent a total of 6 months in the alchemist ȧssociation. During this time he cause the entire ȧssociation to be shocked as they knew Ye Mo was his master but who taught him alchemy. Ye Mo didn't know anything about alchemy so how can this little demon correct pill recipes or brand new ones from scratch. The first thing he did was theorize that pills have different levels and that there is a limit to normal flames can make. The next thing he did was correct the flame rune on the cauldrons. Lastly he said that only those with wood or fire affinities can go all the way in alchemy. This led Danny to a thought of having the research department figure out a way to tell people's affinities to the element. Then he began to look over pill recipes and that led to him correcting the Soul Assembling pill with Ay's help, more like changed it completely to a much more effective, less costing, readily more available pill. He gave his reasoning by stating the effects of each herb he added and also the mathematics behind the ratios but he said he didn't know if there are any interacting or if the pill will be poisonous. When they tested it out the pill formed which surprised everyone and it also had a very light sweet aroma. They fed it to a wild beast and they began to test the increase in soul force surprisingly it was 70 percent increase on copper rank, they fed it to the other classes of beasts. They got the numbers to be 50 percent at the silver lvl, 40 percent at the gold rank, and lastly 25 percent on a black gold rank lvl. This shocked the ȧssociation so much that they renamed the pill Soul Boosting pill. The old Assembling pill was removed from the market by them. Danny then went ahead and through trial and error made the detoxifying pellet recipe, a healing pill recipe, body strengthening pill recipe. He also fixed a few incomplete and flawed pills the main ones he focused on was the Demon unleashing Pill, beast repelling incense, the replenishing soul pill. The first pill give a burst of energy to a transformed demon spiritualist twice the energy he has for 15 minutes but had a side effect that destroyed the demon spirit which Danny fixed but now the demon spirit can't be used for a week and the spiritualist will feel weak for couple of days. The second item was an incense that has a really bad oder which only demon beasts can smells the recipe was incomplete and Danny filled in the rest through process of elimination. The last pill was a pill that recovers soul force and was also incomplete. After getting these pills set the alchemist ȧssociation saw how he constructed the formulas and began to characterize herbs the way Danny did. They also began to use his experimental procedures to conduct their future research. Danny was satisfied with the results and began his next plan, he headed towards Orchid Academy to copy the library, then he planned to head towards the forest to breakthrough to the legend rank.

Nothing much happened during his time in the alchemy department except that the Commoner's Union recruited 20,000 people for the police force. The medical and blacksmith guilds recruited and began to teach 10,000 individuals each. The entire Glory city was entering a new era thanks to Danny. The 3000 people he selected broke through the silver rank this came as a surprise to Danny and Ay. Despite all this change no one from the other factions bothered Danny and that was due to the fact that Danny had both the Divine Family and the Snow Wind Family. He also reigned in the Alchemist Association by gifting them cultivation formulas that suited pill refining. Danny was able to reel in the Divine Family through his right hand man Chen Linjian who brought there families modified cultivation skill to his father who began to see Danny in a new light. He kept telling his son to follow this little demon. The current change in Glory City was marked as hope for mankind by many of the faction. The only dissatisfied customer was the Sacred Family but Danny didn't care.

Danny was making his was to the Orchid Academy as he received his enrollment papers from Ye Zhong. On his way there he saw something that scared him a book outside a book shop near the school titled, 'The Glorious Taste of Red Plum' with his photo under the title.

Ay,"Hahahahahaha hurry touch it I wanna read it hahahahahahaha"

Danny with a popping vein,"Dam you!!!!!"

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