TDG Fanfic: The Golden Throne

Chapter 36 - Trial In The Ruins

Time flew by quickly. The same scene that occurred a month ago could be seen playing out today. All the soldiers were gathered at the training field since dawn. The sun was at it highest point yet Danny's soldiers stood unfazed. Danny made his way towards the training field and stood in front of his followers. He glanced at them and felt a wave of dejavu. He would have thought he reincarnated if it wasn't for the fact that his group of fighters were all gold rank fighters. Many of which are approaching the peak of the lower levels of the gold lvl.

The second thing that was different was that he fully consolidated his realm and improved his comprehension of his skill. The greatest skill was his spear skill and it broke through a boundary. Danny didn't like the naming of these boundaries after experiencing them. So he called the 'one with the spear' realm which he broke through as the extension realm. As the spear became like apart of his body and he can move it at will the way he wants. He also felt that he was close to understanding the one with the world realm which he also changed to Terrain Control. Due to the ability to used any field, wind, and any other environmental factor to boost your attacking force and not hinder him at all. For example instead of being impacted by air resistance, he uses that wind to boost the speed of his attack. Each realm must be trained until it reaches to the point of being done instinctively.

The reason his understand of this realm was quick was due to the World techniques he got from the ruins. Now that he improved to this point he decided to go to the ruins after the conquest of the mountain and the building of his stronghold. Danny choose this Mountain out of all the others was due to the fact that this mountain was a dormant volcano. He wanted to utilized the fire energy of this place in a formation that will constantly support the walls of the stronghold. Also he wants to utilized the flames from the earth to better refine weapons and pills for the so called "last line" of the humans in the tiny world.

Danny stopped pondering on the future goals and looked at the crowd. They were a bit nervous as they knew Danny was currently inspecting them making sure they all met his goal. They were scared they didn't meet his expectation and the silence of their leader made them feel even worse. Danny finally spoke after existing his thoughts and quickly scanning the crowd of fighters.

" Excellent!!! You all have done a great work in reaching the gold realm. I also noticed many people with improved fighting styles in yesterday's sparing session. Now before we go clear the mountain, let me call the winner of the legend rank beast soul. The strongest fighter among you is Ye Ren please come to the front." Many people relaxed after Danny complemented them but were shocked when he called Ye Ren as the strongest as some people had beaten him in the previous spars.

When Ye Ren came up he wanted to reject the reward but when he saw Danny's sharp gaze he stayed quiet instead. Although Ye Ren never talked about himself Danny knew that Ye Ren was training the hardest to get revenge for his parents. When others rested Ye Ren was training. Danny knew his drive and how hard he worked but was surprised that Ye Ren would hide his cultivation and skills. When Danny scanned everyone at the start of the meeting he was surprised to find Ye Ren doing his best to hide his aura. He didn't know why he was hiding his skills but Danny decided to expose him. A leader should be someone whose actions speak for themselves. This was why he won he should be proud of it and not hide it.

"Ye Ren here has the cultivation of mid rank gold lvl and his fighting skills are better than all of you. The second thing I want to say is that as a leader you need to show strength and keep your head held high. These people here are your brothers not enemies so why are you hiding? Now show them your strength and everyone get ready to clear the mountain." Ye Ren released his aura still shocked Danny could see through his secret. After everyone confirmed Danny's words their auras soared as they faced the mountain. Everyone today learned that they didn't put in enough effort as Ye Ren this their fighting spirits rose.

"Split into your groups! Everyone our conquest begins!!!"


Time passed and just like that 2 years went by. The mountain subjugation took much longer than what they thought as the number of beasts at the black gold lvl was much higher in the upper levels of the mountain. Every group had its own run in with a large number of gold rank beasts of varying lvls and a few black gold rank beasts. Many were injured but luckily no one died thanks to Danny's intervention at key moments. Danny scouted ahead and found two legend rank beasts. One was a beast that looked like a cougar from his past life but this one was the size of an elephant. It was golden furred and had golden eyes ,although lighter than Danny's eyes, and hand two horns protruding from the left and right side of its head like an ox. It was the beast that gathered the all the beasts on the mountain.

The second beast was a 5th lvl legend rank and it was close to the peak of the level. Danny only saw it when it left it's dwelling place at the top of the mountain. It was as the name Danny gave it Golden Roc. After finding out these things Danny started planning out how to kill the Cougar without fighting the Roc. Danny's people kept killing people and there cultivation also advanced.

After Danny learned the daily pattern of the two beasts he made his move when the roc flew away for who knows what. The fight with cougar was similar with the fight Danny had with the griffin except the cougar had the ability to fire condensed flames from its eyes, nose, and mouth. It also could manipulate those flames to enhance its speed, defend, and launch deadly strikes. Thankfully Danny was much stronger and at full power did much better than the fight with the griffin. He killed the beast luckily leaving with only flesh wounds. He was pretty much burned severely in some areas and was inflected with residual flames left in his body. After exercising his Elemental body technique he was able to use the flames to strengthen the resistance of his body to flames. He also took the beast into his spacial ring and left quickly toward the dead griffon's cave. Danny began a feast and also trained for a couple of months to enhance and stabilize his strength.

Danny only left when the others needed help. The toughest battle was against the rock and Danny lost twice and had to spend a lot of time to train and recover his strength. Finally the last time he managed to get the roc using his Soul Eye and followed by the spear skill he used to kill the griffin. The skill this time was better controlled and dealt a much bigger impact on the Roc. This fight was also a tragic one for Danny as he was severely wounded. This was also the first time it a fight he had his scales ripped off and it was more painful than he thought. It also take a while for his body to generate more in it place and the energy needed was huge.

Thankfully he still had the roc meat as food. After eating Danny sat cross legged on the destroyed mountain peak. This fight was so fierce that it practicallly flattened the peak and it also caused some rumbling to occur from the volcanic mountain. Danny first used the energy to heal himself and produce new scales. This process was very painful but as Ay said "this idiot is use to it." It took 2 days for Danny to fully heal and refine the remaining energy to enhance his bodily strength. When he stood up he exhibited the strength of the 4th level of the legend rank. Danny began cussing the bird for it ability to produce a wind domain. Wind is the sharpest element. After relaxing and comforting Ay while talking with his kindred spirit Ye Yan excitedly about the battles they have been through so far, Danny went back to the camp.

He set up a meeting with everyone and when they gathered he simply said, " I did my part the rest of the conquest is in your hands I won't help you at all. Proceed with caution and finish it a quickly as possible. Then I want a group of you to call me when your done and another to secretly begin transporting all our blacksmiths and formation specialists."

Once Danny was done speaking he went into his tent to sleep leaving a bunch of dumbfounded people.


There was a large group of people on top of a mountain which was named Glory mountain building different types of buildings. The walls have been built for 6months now and were 100 feet tall 20 feet wide. This seemed like nothing to 2000+ meters long mountain. The stronghold was 500 meters wide. The work to flatten the mountain top, refine metals and build a huge wall, add runes and formations and build tall buildings to accommodate people, took a lot of man power to finish. Danny mobilized 100,000 fighter from every power affiliated with him and put ȧssignments in the adventurer's department to get this place built.

Danny also had them build apartment complexes from earth but he added many rune formations to get things to function (lights,hot or cold water, etc). Danny also had in the schematics training tower which held a similar formation like the Path Of Legends but it also had hints of the World Law formula Danny got from the ruins. Since the city was progressing well Danny told his 3001 people that other than the people who work for him this stays a secret from the other powers. Also only black gold rank can enter the city.

Danny was currently 14 a few months shy of 15 he was setting on a rock the south of the mountain. He was emitting a legend rank aura of the 4th lvl that was much stronger than before. He looked so much different than he did 2 and a half years ago. He was taller around 180 cm in height. He was ripped but had a lean look making him weaker than others. He had super black hair with a very faint golden hue over it. He had golden eyes and white skin despite being in the sun all day with his people. Danny was dressed in tight soldier attire. On top of that he had a legend rank thin plate armor, he was currently holding his legend rank soul spear that was refined multiple time from the beast bones and blood. The weapon could now increase and decrease its weight, produce more powerful explosions, and best of all use the wind to increase it penetrative force.

Around Danny were his personal army of 3000 fighters. The auras they were emoting was that of the peak of the black-gold rank. Danny was surprised by there rate of improvement its was really amazing. They were each far stronger than regular black gold rank fighters. Danny was surprised by their advancement that he called them the Soul Guards. They were officially given high rank as Danny's personal guards. They were loyal to Danny and in these couple of years showed him that he was right to spend on them.

"Good now that everything is done I shall award this golden roc to the person who made the most improvement. Step forward Falcon you have made major improvements in every field, cultivation, fighting skills, scouting, protecting and saving comrades, and leadership. Akuma personally came and told me your more of a leader than him. I don't know how someone name Akuma can be so kind.... now I will spilt you into 3 groups each group will hold 1000 people. Falcon and Ye Ren will guard the city and make sure it is built without any issues. Akuma will lead the remaining people and follow me towards a Ruins I discovered previously. Now move out!"

The Flame Mountain Cougar beast soul was given to Akuma a while back. Danny trusted this person a lot due to his kind demeanor although he looks much bigger and stronger than an average human hence his name. It took a couple of hours for the group to reach the World Ruins which is what Ay named it.

"All of you keep guard and try to comprehend these words." Danny gave out instructions and pointed at the World Epiphany engraves on the stone wall. Danny proceed to where he was last time and he asked Ay where is the next part of the ruins.

"Danny go back to the "I Am The World" monument. Then connect your energy with the characters finally once you felt a connection scan the ground around the monument you should feel one part became hollow or that's my guess." Danny began to run his understanding of the three techniques and sent his energy towards the monument. Suddenly when his he connected with the monument ancient characters began to spear in his head. He somehow new what they meant which was Supreme Trial.

Danny started to feel cold so when he opened his eyes he saw that he was in a world of snow. All he could see was snow and he didn't know how he got there.

"Ay how did we get here did I teleport some how?"

"I don't know Danny but if you don't to something quick we're gonna freeze to death. The temperature is really low and we don't have enough energy to keep shielding you from this cold windy place." Danny quickly felt what Ay said was reasonable and remembered that this was a trial. All he had to do was pass what was a little hardship. Time slowly passed and and after a week Dannie's energy was gone. He built a small hut from cloths and armors he had in his ring and ate dried rations from host ring. A month soon passed and he felt his body temperature dropping. No matter how he moved he couldn't warm up. Exhaustion was taking over and he began to feel hopeless. Even fighting 3 peak legend ranks at the same time is easier than this. He didn't even know what he should do to pass the trail. Ye Yan who was dormant due to the upgrade the spear received suddenly spoke. "Danny my boy where the heck is this. Why the heck do you look like your dying. Isn't it merely cold. You got use to fire energy from that big cat. Hahahahaha this is the first time I see a hero of his time freezing to death. You must be so dumb to get in this mess. You better not die Ay and I still have lives you know."

Danny ignored Ye Yan provocation and began to smile," Dead Ye you old fool that's a great idea. I feel so dumb now."

Danny then sat cross legged and began to use his elemental body technique. The cold energy slowly began to seep in to his body and his body although felt really cold and in pain would start to get use to it. Danny also ate while handing the task of circulating the skill to Ay and his subsoul. Danny also asked Ye Yan to slightly activate the spears stored energy to help him combat the cold. Danny didn't want to use his abilities as they consume to much energy and he didn't have much food to replenish them. He also didn't bring any pills. Another month past and Danny finally felt he got use to the cold. He stood up gathered his belongs into his ring and began to activate his elemental body skill and the world law skills from the ruins. One skill helped him enhance his resistance another helped him sense the world around him. As he was feeling his environment he kept walking, suddenly he felt a connection with his surroundings and found a path invisible to the eyes. He kept walking in the snowy plain for hours until he felt and exit was in front of him. Danny was so eager to leave this place that he didn't think twice and entered the exit.

The snowy field disappeared from his vision both Ay and Ye Yan were happy surviving that test. Danny opened his eyes and found himself back in the Snow world but this time a beast Giant Snow Wolf was in front of him. It was at the peak of the legend rank. Before Danny could even think of what going on, the wolf charged swiftly and bit towards Danny.

"Danny boy you really are one unlucky chap just stay away from me ok."

"Shut it Old Man do you think you could do better, ha don't make me laugh"

"Who have you the idea to survive in the snowy plain. Me! Who are you going to use to defend yourself? me! I have many uses as you can see and I could have done better."

"Shut up old man I'm gonna kill this beast and then I'm going to kick your ȧss."

"Hey don't you think something is off little Danny."

"What do you mean?"

"Where is that wit... I mean beautiful Ay at?"

Danny began to shiver," I don't know"

"OUCH!! Dam it Ay why did you hit this old man for!"


"Hahahahahahaha Old Man you deserve that one.... OUCH!! Why did you hit me for? Can't you see I'm in a fight I need to focus."


"???" Both shook there head and stopped trying to understand women.

"Old Man lets just focus on the fight and surviving all the usual stuff."

"Yea your right!"

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