TDG Fanfic: The Golden Throne

Chapter 37 - Everchanging Trial

The silver furred Wolf pounced at Danny and attacked with its claw surrounded by ice energy. Danny's body instantly reacted on it own before Danny even had time to register that he was surprise attacked by the wolf. He side stepped to the right bȧrėly dodging the strike and got into his natural battle stance holding his spear. Those years of constant training and fighting have drilled his skills into his body, giving him amazing reaction time. Danny quickly focused on the battle at hand ignoring Ay's bickering. Even though this beast was weaker than the Roc, it had a home field advantage.

The two exchanged several attacks and were pretty much even in strength. Danny decided to use his Golden eyes ability to look for the wolf's weakness. Once Danny activated his ability the wolf launched an ice breath towards him. Danny already expected this and embraced himself for impact. Once he was hit his body was covered in a bluish aura. His skin began to slowly turn blue like he got frostbites and his movements began to slow. Danny instantly activated his Elemental body refining skill and began to refine the cold energies which were way colder than the ice field. In order not to look suspicious to the wolf he force his body to look bluish and slowly refined the bluish aura.

The wolf thought Danny was hurt and decided to end the battle. Danny was it first meal in a long time, it wanted to eat quickly. The wolf charged towards Danny and in a couple of seconds appeared in front of him. Danny began to concentrate energy at the tip of his spear and had Ye Yan condense it. Once the wolf appeared in front of Danny, Danny instantly attacked activating his burst ability attacking with his spear as fast as he could. Ye Yan also activated the new penetrating ability of the spear. The wolf who appeared in front of Danny was stunned at Danny's underhanded play that it had no time to dodge. It activated an ability that uses the Frost energy to shield its body. Too bad the wind energy surrounding the spear cut through its skill and continued to penetrate through its tough hide. The compressed soul force exploded inside disintegrating the beasts heart killing him instantly.

After killing the wolf Danny thought it would disappear like a hologram when passing a test but surprisingly the body remained. So Danny ate part of it and kept the wolf's body in his ring. He thanked god his mother left him her spacial ring which could had a huge space. Even he couldn't see the end of it as he wasn't strong enough. After resting a bit Danny began to circulate the World Law techniques and began his search for the gate out of this realm. Danny finally sensed the world again this time being easier than before and quickly made his way through the exit. He was happy he could finish the trail easily.


A young man was walking in a realm of flames. Volcanos, molten rock, burning fields were everywhere. The Sky was red with a giant sun in the center. It was difficult to breath and there was no water around. The heat was hotter than when he got burned by that mountain cougar. The boy every now and then would pull out an ice beast core to slightly cool himself enough to cultivate his elemental body skill. Overtime he slowly began to get use to this place.

"I knew this idiot was a bad man look he was sent to hell. Hahahahahahaha!"

"Hahahahahaha Ay you are so right this fool was sent here for his ċȯċkiness. His stupidity is also a sin. "I am glad I passed the trial easily." Hahahahaha he almost died in the Snow region and now he is going to be charcol for hell hahahahaha."

Sub-soul Danny was glaring at Ay and Ye Yan who were dying of laughter at his misfortune.

"Like I care I have enough water and the ice wolf's beast core can help me rest. I am almost use to this place. As you can see my body resistance to cold has increased same as my body resistance to heat. Once I finish refining and recovering my energy I will go kill this world's guardian beast and pass the test.

"That's the spirt Danny boy. Never get discouraged and keep moving forward." Ye Yan admires Danny's persistence and determination and couldn't help but cheer. The energy Ye Yan could store in the spear ever since his upgrade to legend rank was enormous. Danny didn't even need to use his own soul force except for defense/ability uses. Danny spear has enough soul energy to rival a legend rank 4th stage expert of Danny's level. Ye Yan himself wasn't this strong when he was alive.

Time passed and Danny finally felt like he got use to this field. As he walked towards the center he could feel the temperature rise which caused him to refine his body every time. He was merely one volcano away from the center. Once he passed the volcano a huge molten lava lake appeared in his view. As he made his way towards the edge Danny a huge beast covered in red scales came out of the lava lake. The beast looked like a rhino but instead of one horn it had two more coming out from each side of its head. The beast had a small opening on its forehead and a rigid dark red patch of skin on its neck.

Danny felt the beast was stronger than the ice wolf.

The fight between Danny and this beast was pretty much the same as his fight with the ice wolf. The main difference was that this fight lasted much longer and Danny got severe burns from the beasts molten spit. He also had difficulty getting close as the hole on the beasts forehead would release highly condensed flames like a flamethrower. It also had very tough skin that Danny found difficult to cut through. Danny kept exercising his elemental body refining skill while continuously striking the same spot.


"Oh come on how come it didn't end. Now a freaking mountainous realm. Dam the gravity is also really high even higher than a that dam griffin."

"Danny don't worry the tougher the trial the tougher the rewards. Even if there was a hundred of these think of them as a way to advance quickly."

"Shut up old man don't jinx this going through a hundred trails will be insane, especially if every realm is tough than the next." Ay yelled at Ye Yan.

"Hey Ay every man has his coming of age test. The harder it is the more talented the individual."

"Okay be quiet both of you let's breakthrough every realm this shit head power house made and go home quick. There are many things I still need to manage."

After they settled down Danny began to inspect his surroundings. He unconsciously began to circulate the Elemental Body refining technique. Danny was surprised that the realm of mountains had mountains higher than the sky. There was one even he couldn't see the top of. After getting used to the gravity Danny figured out that the tallest mountain should be the answer. He also felt that like the fire region the gravity will constantly increase.

Time passed and he made it towards the mountain Danny was much stronger than before he entered this place the severe strain on his muscles forced his body to constantly exceed its limit he broke through to the last realm of the legend rank after devouring the entire wolf corpse.Danny also trained his techniques one by one enhancing his control over his body and mastery over his skill. Once Danny finished meditating, feeling that he was in peak form he began to climb the mountain. Every level he climbed the gravity increased. Although it was tough Danny grit his teeth activated the elemental body skill refining himself to better adjust to the increase in gravity. Danny made it to the top exhausted but he had no time to rest. He began fighting another beast which he called earth wyvern.


This realm was lightning invested land and lightning was constantly striking down on Danny. Thankfully it wasn't strong or pure enough like the Thunder Gods meteorite swords lightning. Danny still decided to refine his body and train his movement skills to try to move faster than lightning. Little did Danny know this training helped him unlock an innate ability that will save him in his toughest battles in the future. Like the previous realms the lightning strengthens until he reached the guardian who was a rabbit looking creature covered in lightning. Danny initiated the fight although he was loosing a bit in terms of speed thanks to his training it was only a little bit. Danny had stronger attacks and eventually managed to anticipate the beasts movements with his Golden Eyes innate skill.

Danny slowly passed through several regions like the ocean floor region which was the water elemental plane. He had to handle the pressure as he went deeper into the plain. Desert region filled with sharp wind energies. Forest region filled with poisonous plants, and illusion mist. He passed Region after Region bȧrėly winning fight after fight. Danny didn't know how long he has been going from realm to realm. All he remembers is the nonstop body refining sections and the battles with the toughest beasts. Each battle was a life and death fight.

"Dam you Ye Yan this was our 99th freaking realm. 99! You jinx never open your mouth again."

"Ay, Danny I know your both very mad but look at the bright side Danny is stronger than ever. He will be able to handle the retaliation of those entities who cursed him. All Danny truly suffers from is a tiny bit of mental exhaustion. I think this was a good exchange don't you think."

"Just shut up you old fool. I am beat I wanna end this now let go through the exit my injured are freakin healed." Danny finished talking and went through the gateway. 'Bring it.


Once Danny entered the gate way he was transported to a chaotic realm. All the different elements and fields he experienced were here compressed in a single realm. Danny felt this was the real test the other 99 realms were meant to prepare him for this realm. The reason Danny felt it was chaotic was because at one point the realm was hot the next it was cold. The gravity kept changing. There was chaotic wind everywhere. Even space energies would invert causing a void crack to form which is then quickly fixed. This was really what he felt would be an apocalyptic world. Every energy he experienced felt intensified in this world. He also could get adjusted to this world due to the constant change in the elements.

Danny began to walk towards the correct path a he instinctively circulated both his elemental body refining skill and the World Law skills. Feeling closer with the world as if he knew when the elements would change, Danny made his way towards a small hill. As he got closer he saw a humanoid covered in a golden color laying down on the peak. The energy it was emitting was the peak of the legend rank but Danny felt that it was way stronger than the Roc and the monster he faced in the last world which he called Angelic Serpent due to the snakes white feathered wings. As Danny got closer the humanoid stood up showing Danny what it looked like. It was a golden furred wolf faced beast standing on two feet.

"Just great a freaking overpowered werewolf just my luck."

The wolf glared viciously at Danny and howled 'awooooooooo!!!!'. Danny instantly summoned his spear and got into battle stance.


Ay," Danny you need to be careful that is a king level beast."

Danny," Ay you mentioned this before what is a king lvl beast again?"

Ay," see you never listen when I explain things. All beasts have beast souls and depending on the species the beast is limited by its race and beast soul grade. As you know from the show god level beast souls or as I want to call them peak grade beast souls can break there species limit and ascend to the deity realm and beyond. King level beasts which are usually the alpha born in the pack or den that was naturally born with a peak grade beast soul. The Moon Wolf king your killed was a king lvl beast. The only way other beasts can ascend is through mutations."

Danny," thanks for the information Ay but now that means this fight just got tougher."

Ye Yan," Wow I cant wait for this battle!"

"....." Danny and Ay just shook their soul formed heads.

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