".... that bastard sent word to the demon beast organization about my master having found a temporal demon artifact. This lead to a huge war between our realm and the demons where they tried to get my master item. Although master had a the advantage with the field the never ending stream of beasts plus the 4 other temporal demon artifacts caused us to loose the battle with the demons and my masters death.

Before my masters world destabilized all experts living in the Soul Realm stabilizes it by sacrificing their lives attaching their own worlds personal realms as sub-realms. This made my masters realm stable and slowly formed its laws over time mainly related to the soul.

The temporal demon book was given to me but when I opened it, I saw that it was missing 5 pages. The demons seemed intent on getting the book so I called my fellow disciples and we formed an impossible to breach formation that can only be opened with full control over my masters realm.

My small realm unlike the other Supremes had all the laws instead of focusing on 1. It also confirmed with the laws of the universe, as well as the main realm. It also absorbing power from chaotic space to power itself and is provided energy from the main realm. The best part of my world is that only those born in it can enter and leave at will.

I just didn't calculate that due to the dėsɨrė of the demons to obtain the book they constantly launched attacks and even managed to find a rare chaos beast the Heaven-Earth Devouring Snake. This beast has a natural ability to refine the core of any realm as long as it is given enough time.

That stupid Salem didn't care about our home and launched an attack towards the demons. Many experts lost their lives and the beasts who naturally out numbered humans began to act savagely again. The humans returned to being food. I myself gathered the remaining warriors from this realm and launched a sneak attack to kill that damn snake. We launched the attack while Salem fought the demons. We managed to kill the snake but were then attacked by Salem who wanted to get the temporal demon book. The demons also attacked us and although we injured them again this time we lost all our experts without anyone to guild the new generation they are bound to be much weaker.

Salem managed to get one of the temporal demon items a mirror. Our world was ruined and that dam snake turned out to be alive due to a dam formation. It will at least take a few millenniums for it to recover though. Before one of my senior brothers died he left the heavenly divination skill for future talents to fight for this realm.

So what I want to ask you is to reclaim this realm and if you grow strong enough you should kill that dam Salem.

Now let me talk about what I left you. I have both my master's and my experiences including all skills we know." Once she reach to this point in her speech a strange light gathered on her finger tips and shot towards Danny's forehead.

"Danny dodge!" Ay yelled.

"Danny boy duck!" Ye Yan roared.

"Shut up both of you it's just an inheritance, Ay activate the Library." Danny told them annoyed at the way their acting.

The light hit Danny's forehead and he sat cross legged and began to meditate while Ay and the sub-soul began to sort through the memories as fast as possible to prevent any injury. The sub soul and Ay slowly became more corporal. The library expanded and the entire space wish remained stagnated since he was a kid began to grow. The defense mechanisms in soul grow stronger and were constantly being upgraded as his soul strength and understanding grew. Finally from the original 1000 meters in diameter it stoped at 2.5 kilometers and took a spherical space the top 75 percent was filled with a purple mist that was more compact than usual. Under that was the walls which stretched a cross the borders and were around 100 meters thick.

Within was a long and complicated maze at the center was Danny's Ethereal Grand Library. Danny soul defenses were also augmented with his soul eye skill and this made Danny's soul like a fort. With a stronger soul Danny felt everything was clearer and his control over soul force and his body improved.

As Danny was looking over the inheritance, the Young Supreme began to speak. " My successor this is not the only thing I left you. On the ground next to me their is a pile of Origin stones, these stones contain a large amount of energy and can be changed into any element. The Origin stones are very rare and they are only obtained during the formation of a realm or world. If they are placed as the core of even the weakest formation can block a deity realm in his track."

"Awesome Danny now you don't need to worry about the formation not being able to withstand the deity realm expert. With this stone as the core well be able to protect our people until they are strong enough to take back this realm." Ay told Danny, but before he could respond his new "master" continued.

"Other than that among the pile these stones is the a chaos beast soul of a juvenile Nine Headed Golden Dragon Serpent. This beast gave many cultivators a headache so if you can use its power you will be able to easily kill an opponent on the same level. The only thing you must be aware of is that your body must be strong enough to bȧrė its energy and it needs a lot of energy to grow. Don't use it until you reach the Path Of Soul realm. (equivalence of the Dao of Dragon from the original novel. This is also the level I will use for this realm.)

The second thing I left was a ring containing a very large space and it has several weapons among other things. If it has been over many years many of these weapons may have lost their souls so they will be useless. In the ring their is also a world core of a realm we destroyed use it as a last resort to shield the rest of humanity.

This is transmission recorded in the 3rd period of the Soul age, the first age of this realm. You are the hope of humanity my disciple. I hope you meet my expectations of you good bye." Then the transparent image of the woman disappeared and the crystal lost its shine becoming a black colored rock.

"Seriously! The entire freaking time I've been responding to a dam hologram. I though it was a remnant soul of a dam expert." Danny grumbles.

"Hahahahaha look at the bright side Danny at least you got some rewards." Ye Yan said while laughing with Ay.

"Old Ye the crystal lost its power their is no bright side hahahahaha, this fool was talking to a recording. Hahahaha that master probably timed her pauses and answers with what she expected her disciple would say.hahahaha! So much for a savior more like we're doomed Hahahaha." Ay and Ye Yan began to laugh and diss Danny making the veins on his head to bulge out.

He decided to ignore them and went to collect his loot. First he went to check the ring other than the world core the weapons were basically useless. The only bright side was that they were made from the rarest materials so he can use them. Ring seemed to have a separate space which contained a garden too bad everything was dead and the earth was dry.

Danny then though back to how a sacred treasure like the Sword with in the Path Of Legend absorbed the myriad blade in the novel. So he pulled out several rings including his families divine weapons and what happened shocked him. The ring of his mother absorbed the ring that was on the table the weapons in side were also absorbed by the ring which caused Danny's heart to bleed.

The ring was currently going through a transformation so Danny took back the plundered rings that wasn't needed and his families weapons. He also took out the world core. Then he went to to the pile of of stone and he saw that there was a total of 12 Origin stones. Once he stored them away he saw a black gold crystal with the image of a hydra but the heads of a dragon. It reminded him of the spirit of PMG novel main MC. He store it away as his instincts were telling him he would die if he fused with it.

"Danny stop ignoring me you know what happen was funny. I need to tell you something important." Ay began to comfort Danny as she and Ye Yan May have went a bit over the top. Danny caved in as he really couldn't be mad at the most beautiful woman he saw in his life as well as the closest family to him.

"Ay what is so important? I can just leave after my ring finishes the fusion."

"No you should fuse with the world core and convert your middle dantian to a world. That will grow along with you. It should be easy for us to level up with the spirit stones from the previous trial and the Origin stones. So in other words time to break the shackles."

"Hahahaha finally!" Danny respond excitedly.

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