TDG Fanfic: The Golden Throne

Chapter 43 - Evolution!!

Danny and Ay began to first fully digest the knowledge they obtained and thanks to the upgrade is soul achieved along with Danny, his subsoul and Ay they finished within 2 days. The understanding they gained helped them improve every single skill Danny had along with the inheritance he achieved from his family.

With Danny's improved skill set and knowledge he calculated that he has an 80 percent chance to succeed in forming a world in his middle Dantian. Danny then said crosslegged and began to slowly meditate. The sub-soul activated the Ethereal Grand Library and Ay began to focus on the world core. Ye Yan began to gather the spears energies and prepared to act Incase of any mishap.

Once Danny felt he was in his best form he began to absorb the world core. There is more than one way to absorb a world core and the way Danny chose was the most direct method, which was to coat the entire world core with your energy and directly pass it through his ċhėst into his dantian. Now this method preserves all the energy in the world core and since the core itself is condensed energy, when it was coated with his energy it was able to freely pass through his body.(it makes sense if you believe:))

The world core began to release highly condensed energy that contained all the elements. Danny's dantian slowly began shake as light cracks began to show but it didn't implode. Ay acted immediately and began to use the improved Unsealing the World skill and started to break down the seal.

The seal was degenerating quickly and Danny's body instinctively began to circulate his Elemental body refining skill. Due to Danny entering meditation he was very in tune with the elements so in tune that the last technique of the World Law skills I Am The World. The Sub-soul enhanced the activity of the EGL to the Max and forced Danny to circulate the improved version of each skill. Thanks to the due effect of these skills and Danny's enhanced regeneration the core that seemed like it was going to burst began to heal.

In order for Danny not to bȧrė the force of a world core with only his dantian, Ay planned to slowly release any excess energy to the rest of his body. This way his own realm will have enough energy to form and at the same time his dantian won't explode from the excess force.

Once the last rune was refined by the energy a strange occurrence took place. Outside Danny's and Ay's expectations Danny's body seemed to go through a transformation. The first thing that happened was that Danny's muscles began to degrade, his bones were slowly breaking apart. His blood was being expelled from his body. Slowly dark gold sphere with a reddish aura formed around Danny and his entire body began to break down to a cellular level. He would have thought he was dead if he wasn't feeling such pain, or feeling his heart beat rapidly. The biggest give away that he was alive was his Soul Eye that remained unfazed by the sudden change in his body.

Ay didn't lose focus and did her best to form Danny's own private realm. Once she succeeded with the initial stage of the realm Danny's dantians shattered one by one. The world core that was integrated into his middle dantan also slowly disintegrated into a form of energy.

Danny was doing everything he could to keep himself from fainting. Ye Yan didn't dare to act as even he didn't know what happened. Sometime past and danny was still in hella pain. If some one was looking from the outside they would have noticed that the golden shell began to redden and a very loud heart beat could be heard throughout the cave. The sphere was surrounded by a very thick layer of soul force.

Starting from the Soul Eye a skull that looked metallic and was dark gray in color began to form. The spinal cord form after that then the rest of the limbs. Unlike the skull and spinal bones, the limbs had a layer of metallic black coating on them. The entire skeleton of Danny had a dark gold hue.

Ay scanned Danny's new frame and noticed that everything changed on a cellular lvl. She continued to observe noting down everything she saw. The muscles then began to form each muscle cell was dark red in color but had a shiny tint to it. They were way sturdier and had space to store soul force unlike before. The began to form and once they covered the entire skeleton they gave off same dark gold hue.

The vessels that circulate soul force formed after that they looked the same as before at first but on a closer look the wall of the vessels has very small spaces. There was a thin clear layer covering the vessels from the out side.

The next thing that formed was his blood vessels that were transparent. They remained the same size just that all the original qualities that they had was enhanced like crazy for example Toughness, elasticity, protection was enhanced to a much higher level.

The next thing that formed was the glands then several organs finally the brain. Every cell has a dark golden aura. Danny's golden eyes were formed and were even a deeper shade of gold.

The pain didn't subside as Danny's heart that kept on beating began to go through a series of destruction and formation until the tenth time. This time when the heart reformed it seemed to be able to hand the energy that generated inside it and began to beat. The blood vessels and bone marrow began to produce blood that was red golden in color and the heart would sent it to the entire body. Slowly Danny felt he regained the feeling in his arms, then his legs. This continued until he felt his entire body.

The pain still didn't subside as Danny's three dantians began to form. Instead of the original positions of upper, mid, lower. The new dantians were on the same plane with half of the circular dantian fused with each other. The Spiritual veins (soul force vessels) attaches to this new Tri-dantian from the to and the bottom.

The next pair of dantians was the ones on the right and left sides of the body below the ċhėst. As they formed they a small cyclone of soul force formed. The Dantian on the right was connected to all major and minor pores on the right side and the one on the left connected to the pores on the left.

Soul force began to drain on a constant rate entering the Tri-dantian. The circulation of blood and soul force filled the body with energy. Finally Danny's skin formed which was really painful. His skin was a tan color instead of white, there was a dark golden aura radiating from it. Danny looked more masculine and retained his original handsome looks. Making him look even better.

The hair grew and they were still very black but had a shine to them making them look like gems. Danny began to breath slowly and fell the changes in his body. He slowly opened his eyes after some time and said," dam I can call myself a clansmen of the Sky Origin Divine Clan, nor human and especially not the Trinity Soul Clan.

I definitely evolved to the ideal form that can fit me. Before everything felt forced but now I feel relaxed."

"So what are you gonna call yourself Danny and congrats on forming a realm in your dantian although it can't be used yet as you didn't cultivate your soul force." Ay responded.

"I'm honestly didn't have a clue but now that you mentioned it how about World Forming race."

"No that sucks, since you represent humans and if we consider your family backgrounds. Sky Origin can translate to High. Soul and spirit are the same. What about Spirit Sky Human?"

"Umm Ay?"


"You didn't even use high why mention it."

"Shut up! Do you like the name or not."

"????" Danny and Ye Yan stared at each other then shook there heads.

Ye Yan the responded," you should call yourself Spiritual Star race. The star represents both something in the sky and the meaning of a world. Your future cultivation also focuses on the soul so that's where the spiritual comes in. As for your physic we can call it innate world body since you refined your body with the different types of elements and laws of many realms."

":O" Both Danny and Ay were shocked at what Ye Yan suggested because it was actually good.

"Amazing Ye Yan I like it Spiritual Star race. Now guys let's talk about the changes and future training plan." As Danny finished talking a huge rumbling sound spread throughout the cave.

"But first let me eat hahahahahahahahaha" Danny laughed trying to hide his embarrassment. Then ignoring Ay and Ye Yan began preparing a meal which was the last beast he had from the previous trial from the water realm.

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