TDG Fanfic: The Golden Throne

Chapter 6 - It Takes A Year To Do A List

Entering his room Danny sits cross legged and began to meditate slowly slipping in to a sleep-like step he enters his inner world. As soon as he enter he said,"Ay what do you think are my chance with the extra perks from my origins. Does that impact our original plans or should I continue with the plan."

"Danny-sama to be honest I don't know if your lucky or not because now we need a lot of info about your race before we can say anything so just go with the plan. Also your 3 nothing you can really do. I have several theroies about the seals you have and it seems if you try cultivating they will absorb the energy to strengthen them selves. Second is we can bipass this system thanks to you having two extra dantans but we need a full understanding there use and function to be able to proceed. Lastly we have to develop a training regimen for you to start training in now as the body of divine origin race can handle a beating but they need massive amounts of energy to get stronger. At this point in time that means to get stuffed to death by your lovely mother."

"Ok I'll do it that way, good work Ay I'll start the training today then from tomorrow onward I'll touch as many books as I can." Danny stated.

"In that case three nights out of the week must be used for meditation as it calms you down and can help you contemplate the knowledge we obtain. As for physical I suggest that you start running with no weights and should keep running till your legs give out. To improve body growth and enhance control over your body as well as flexibility you should do at least 30min of improved tai chi, and improved yoga that I have compiled. This is all you get as it took me the whole time you were asleep to find the best method that suited your needs. There is something you should be aware of even if you did these exercises for a long time you won't get any improvements due to your inhibitions. You should still do them since we're betting on your mother's genes to over come them even if it's only a minute improvement."

"Thanks Ay I'll get to work as soon as possible send me the info regarding the improved techniques and I'll get started immediately." Danny said quickly before exiting his mindscape.

Right after he left both the tai chi and yoga info became known to him. Now that he calmed down he went to his mother apologized for freaking out and told he was going out to play. He ran towards a nearby house that has been deserted and began training in his Tai chi method. This method was actually a combination of ancient tai chi and modern tai chi as well as a breathing technique he read in a buddhist temple in China. As he was practicing he felt himself calm down and slowly he tried to get accustomed to the movements. After 30 min of practicing he finally felt the adverse effect of the seals. No matter how many repetitions he had done there were to many flaws in his movements and he didn't perform anything right. His coordination was chaotic like when he tried to move his right hand to flow slowly in front of his heart so he can alternate it with his left arm it would veer from his dėsɨrėd course. His body and breath also weren't in synch no matter how he tried it didn't work. Thankfully he already expect this or else he would have gave up.

Danny then started his yoga stretching and when he finished he felt relaxed. Although the results weren't what he wanted he still felt refreshed as if every cell in his body energized. He then went for a run around the abandoned house until his legs gave out. He got up after sometime and looked at the sky, seeing that the sun was straight up he hurried home for lunch. He ran like his life depended on it as he didn't wanna get a beating from his mom also because he felt really hungry.

When he got home his mom had started setting the table up for lunch so he quickly walk in greeted his mom respectfully then sat down waiting to eat. He breathed a sigh of relief now that he ate his fill, but just as he was going to excuse himself a large hand clutched his puny arms. Then held him in his seat as while another hand with a rusty looking spoon full of food came flying into his mouth. Just like breakfast he was the fed until the entire pot was emptied. During the whole process hate began to form in his heart toward those who sealed him. He already hated them but this was the last straw why does he have to be tortured with food at every single meal. ' One this Daddy get powerful he will freaking kill you by suffocating you with hell a lot of food, Bastards just you wait I'll show you' thought Danny aggressively as he went to the bathroom.

Danny came back to see his mom and asked her if she can take him to the library afterwards, to sight see in bookshops and street stalls. Although it was a weird request which mother would be happy to see her kid interested in gaining knowledge. She told him to get dressed and they both left soon after.

As they approached the city library it looked very grand and was designed beautifully. When they stepped inside his mother pulled out there commoner certificates without any hassle they went right in. From what Danny understood apparently the rich have to pay to get in but commoners were given an exemption by the city lord. This was excellent news to Danny as he feared they won't afford multiple visits as they are poor as hell. When they stepped in his mom took him to the children section, which was only one shelf from the entire library, and then she told him to not make noise and let him go to look at the books. She herself went to a near by self picked up a book and sat down to read to herself.

Danny quickly touched every single book in the child section that he could reach. As he was thinking of how to reach the upper books Ay told him to try touching the shelf and she will see if she can scan it. He put his hand on the shelf and held a book in his other hand making it look like he was reading. After 20 min Ay said she was able to scan the rest of the books but it takes more time to reach and scan each one separately. She also stated she needs at least 10 min to recover before continuing. Although it was a waste to scan this section it was at least a good test to see if he could really learn the books this way. Now that he new it works he began going shelf to shelf until it was time to leave.

After 5 hours Danny and his mom left the library then went to a couple of book shops, but sense it was late they went home to eat which caused fear and hate to bloom Danny's heart. Because the size of library was huge he bȧrėly copied 1% of the books. They went home ate and then Danny began to mediate for the rest of the night. After Just like that a routine was built and repeated everyday. As time past and the seasons changed a year past by in an instant.

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