TDG Fanfic: The Golden Throne

Chapter 7 - An Unforgettable Birthday (1)

Over the course of one year Danny went through a lot. The first thing was that he began to see improvements in his body after 6 months of training. His body really needed hell a lot of food to support his training in turn this helped him finally perform 1 flawless set of both the tai chi techniques and the yoga techniques. Although he was failing a lot he still was able to get several good sets in. Also through his constant limit breaking running his appetite increased and he began to look much healthier and he put on some mass. Although if it was anyone they would have gotten better results within 1 month, too bad he can't do anything the seals.

The second thing that happen was that within eight months he finished scanning the all the book in the public library as well as all the bookshops. He also visited the street stalls several times and scanned all the books he could get his hands on. At night he would meditate and join the blue haired beauty Ay in analyzing and theorizing different techniques that can help him cultivate. Too bad they still didn't get anywhere as they confirmed that these seals will try to strengthen themselves preventing him from gathering energy to power up. On the bright side they also made a were able to update there original thoughts on the seals and as long as they get something that holds a large amount of energy it should break the seals before it can absorb it.

The best news they got was 10 months in where Danny held a very old manuscript that scattered upon contact. Thanks to Ay's scaling speed of soul power they were able to remember all the info in it. It was not a martial arts book or cultivation technique but the theory behind soul power and soul realms and it stated that as long as someone has a powerful soul then even if they didn't have a dantan they should in theory be able to use soul a the medium for the realm. So using this idea Ay began to work on the Ethereal Grand Library mind art.

Danny was also thankful for going through all books he could get his hands on from earth as many techniques or skills they helped them out a lot. For instance there was a Taoist temple that had the soul are soul breathing art which was used as the base for his meditation technique. There was the understanding of physics and mathematics that helped them calculate the chances of success for there experiments. The most useful stuff was the light novels he read where many of the skills mentioned turned out to be possible thanks to Ay's tampering.

The year that pastes was very productive but it was too bad he couldn't get anything out of his mom.

Coming back to the present Danny right now is really happy as he finished his scheduled training but more than that is that Ay told him she will give him his birthday gift when he meditates tonight. Yes tomorrow is an exciting day as it is Danny's birthday as well as his 1 year anniversary in this world. As he got home he happily greeted his mom and like any other spoiled brat he asked about his gift.

" You really wanna know what your present is little brat. Follow me." His mother said as she led him to her room. In there she pushed her bed aside and began to move the things that were underneath clearing the floor. Then she pulled out small part of the wooden plank (imagine those scenes in movies where money is hidden in the floor under a tile) and pulled out a small ring. The ring had a green gem in the center and it looked like two dragons one on each side trying to eat it. One dragon was colored black the other dragon was colored white.

"This here is the family heirloom of your fathers family also the symbol of the clan head of the Trinity Soul Clan. Inside contains all your dads inheritance as well as the core inheritance of Sky Origin Divine Clan. Everything you want to know about your heritage is in hear. This ring is also has the ability to protect your life when you enter your soul force to active it. This can be considered and early gift now come let's go and eat." Ling Tian's Mom then walk towards the kitchen followed by little ling. They sat down to eat lunch before going on there little reading quest. She then like any other mom took her sons plate began to fill it with rice followed by chicken meat with curry. Looking at his mom filled his heart with warmth, although she was tough and beat him sometimes it was these moments that mad him appreciate her. As Danny was day dreaming his mother puts the plate in front of her and the huge pot in front of him.

"Mom why is the pot..." while Danny was about to ask why is the pot in front of him instead of a plate his mother cuts him of. She glared at him and said,"shut up and eat, there is no talking at the table did you for get your manners already little brat."

"But Mom I need a plate and a spoo.. OWE!!"

"Brat you dare talk back to your mother, what nonsense are you spouting "you want a plate" your plate is this pot here it has been for the past year. This is your second gift from me now eat and don't annoy me hump." His mother slapped him and mouthed an earful causing Danny's eyes to get watery. Danny held back his tears as he slowly help the rice scooper and began to eat his "plate". The beautiful laughter of Ay echoed in his mind as he ate. Danny then engraved this lesson in his heart and added a new goal to his list to and that was to spank women for revenge.

After finishing his meal Danny went with his mom and instead of going to the library he went directly to the book stores. He took his time looking at the new arrivals too bad nothing was that useful. They then continued towards the street stalls. He began looking one stall at a time and thanks to his benge scanning/meditating cycle he amassed a large knowledge about rare plants, stones, gems, artifacts that were recorded. Adding this 1 year of going to the market place he became pretty experienced in spotting treasures. Too bad there poor or else he could have bought a lot of things.

Going through the stalls he was disappointed that there was nothing he can use. The were some incomplete manuals which he managed to touch but other than that nothing came into his eyes. Finally the sun was settling and he still didn't find anything. As he decided to call it a day one of the stalls had some type of gym that looked similar to the one on the ring his mom gave him. As he approached the stall he bent down and picked up the gem and like any other kid in his place he said, " Wow mister what a shiny stone, I have 2 copper coins is that enough?"

"Kid are you trying to hustle me, do I look that stupid to you this here is a gem I found in a far away ruins I bȧrėly managed to escape with my life with this gem."

"Mister what's a hustle? I didn't say your stupid mister I just asked if my money is enough." Danny acted his part really well to the point that even the man began to question himself.

"Sorry kid your money is not enough you should go home with your mom."

" Mister did you really find this stone in a ruins far away, are you not tricking us do you even have a map of that place?"

"See here kid this is the map so now you know it's legit." Said the seller proudly while Danny touched it gleefully as now he new where to go to look for his chance to break his shackles. He apologized for causing a disturbance and went back home with his mom. After having a torturous dinner he went to his room sat cross legged and went to see Ay.

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