Teach me, Darling

Chapter 10:The Graduation Day

Kosuke was on his way to school.

"So it's today…", he thought. "Graduation day. So it finally came. I've been waiting a lot for this. Not only to be liberated from school. But also, because today I can finally tell my sister… The month or so since I realized that I loved her, it felt like it passed so fast, but for some reason I felt like it was so slow, too.", he was thinking, while in autopilot mode on is way to school.

It was hard for Kosuke to face his sister everyday, and avoid throwing any unnecessary love in there. It was like being always hiding yourself. It was like holding back yourself. And the truth is that Kosuke has been suffering a lot because of that.

But it wasn't only difficult for him… Because of him avoiding his sister more, Ayaka got a bit more sadder and lonely. Kosuke began avoiding any unnecessary conversations, and restrained any communication to a "Good morning", or a "Good night.".

Despite finally feeling freedom on his heart, Kosuke also felt nervous, anxious, worried, and his terrified mind doesn't think anything else other than what will he do if his sister reacts badly about it.

He got into the classroom. As supposed from a graduation day, everything was a jinx. Everybody was talking, everyone was nervous, and everyone was happy. Only Kosuke was slightly depressed, on his silent corner.

Kazuya and Yosuke came to see what was going on with him.

"Kosuke, what is going on?", Kazuya asked.

"Do you have bad grades and didn't got selected in university?", Yosuke asked, mocking him.

"What are you talking about? I have better grades than you!", Kosuke counter-attacked him.

"Then, why are you with those dead-fish eyes?", Yosuke asked.

"Look yourself in the mirror, Yosuke.", Sakura said, with a slight grin, coming from the other side of the class.

"I need you two to go check on something in club's room.", Sakura said.

"Why just us?", Yosuke asked.

"Come on, let's just go.", Kazuya said, pushing Yosuke.

Sakura looked at Kosuke deeply. It was like she was analyzing his soul.

"What?", Kosuke said.

"Do I have something in my face?", he asked.

"No…", she said.


"Nothing, I was just thinking, if you didn't were a siscon you would be a good guy.", she said, in a calm and harmonious tone.

"Huh? What are you trying to imply here?", he said.

"That's not what I was commenting!", he said, getting mad at her.

"What I am mad about is that you are implying that because I'm in... love with my sister that means I'm a...siscon and that siscon's are bad persons!", he said.

"Well you are a siscon because you like your sister!", she commented.

"It's not like I like her because she is my sister…", he said.

"I wonder…", Sakura said.

"Well, leaving that aside, I know that you will be in autopilot here. I am just saying to not forget about the people from the literature club… You have our phone numbers, right? Call us if you need something, or to hang out sometime… And good luck on today.", she said, exiting the class to go probably to the literature club.

Kosuke felt those words. It was like saying goodbye to a family after going to another country because of work. It was like he was never going to see them again. The whole day carried on, with the formalities of the graduation and photoshooting and things that Kosuke underestimated.

Kosuke called his sister.

"Hello? Who is it?", she asked, after getting the phone.


"Oh, congratulations for your graduation.", she said.

"About that… Wanna go somewhere else to celebrate?", he asked.

"Aren't you supposed to go with friends or something like that?", she commented.

"Well, I wanna celebrate with the people I most think as family.", he said.

"Oh, Kosuke, you do have a cute side. I will get dressed and come to the train station, wait for me there.", she said, hanging up the call.

"What are you implying about the cute side…", he said, not realizing the call was hanged out.

"It's not like I didn't had a cute side…", he thought. While his classmates went to the cafes nearby, and went to parties all together, Kosuke was going to the train station. I guess everyone was celebrating how they pleased, and so did Kosuse.

After waiting for one hour of confused thoughts, and anxious breaths, Kosuke who was waiting for his sister Ayaka, finally got to see how cute she was. She was wearing a skirt with a shirt, paired with thigh high stockings, she also let the ponytail free, leaving the hair loose. It definitely caught Kosuke by surprise.

"What?", Ayaka asked, because Kosuke was staring at her.

"Nothing…", he said, lying.

"Does it suits me?", Ayaka said, doing a model-like pose.

"Yeah…", he said, with a melancholic tone.

"No need to lie…", she said.

"Well whatever, let's go?", she asked.

"Go where?", he asked.

"I thought you had plans…", she said.

"Well, I didn't…", he said.

"Ah, you can't be helped. Luckily I still remember where I did mine…", she said pushing Kosuke, so he could follow her.

After 5 minutes walking they got to a café called "Kitsuneko Kissaten" , that roughly translated to "Fox'n'cat café". What a weird combination of cats and foxes, and also a café? What, how could that possibly work…

As they get into the café, a fox comes to receive them. She was friendly to both of them. And has they patted her, she would get into the floor with the belly facing the roof.

"They are so cute…", Ayaka said, patting her and giving up to the softness of her fur.

"Yeah…", Kosuke said, still in his melancholic voice.

They were greeted by a waitress that seemed to know who Ayaka was.

"Ayaka?", she said, looking at her.

"Yeah, it's me!", Ayaka said.

"You've grown so much… So have you graduated again?", the waitress asked, laughing.

"No, It's not me.", Ayaka said, looking at Kosuke.


"Well, today we're empty at this hour, so I can get you any section.", the waitress said.

"We want a silent section.", Kosuke said.

"Hmm, okay, that's the room with the most privacy, go ahead.", Waitress said, leading them to the section.

Ayaka looked at him and laughed.

They both sat down at a japanese-style table.

The whole atmosphere was so relaxing and tradicional that Kosuke got less anxious of what he was about to doing. Ayaka looked at Kosuke and wondered what was going on.

"Kosuke?", she asked.

"Sis, I have something really important to talk to you…", he said.

"Don't tell me did you murdered someone?", she asked.



"It's something that I've been holding in for a month or so…", he said.

Ayaka then thought that that might be the reason why he was avoiding her in the last month or so.

Kosuke was trembling. It was like he was facing a monster in deepest and darkest of seas.

"Tell me!", Ayaka said.

"The truth is that I love you.", he said.

"Me too…", she said.

Kosuke thought that she got the wrong idea and reinforced the idea.

"I love you. Please be my girlfriend.", he said.

"I do love you, and I think I'm a girl that is your friend.", she said.

"NO! I am saying to you be romantic partner, my girlfriend, us to be a couple!", he said.

"What ? Have you realize that you are a siscon now?", she said.

Kosuke felt sad. He thought that she definitely didn't see him as a boyfriend or would date him.

"I am joking, Kosuke. The truth is that since you helped me, I also did affectionate more to you. That's why also must tell you. I love you.", she said.

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