Teach me, Darling

Chapter 9:The Script

"Sakura knows about it", Kosuke thought, slightly depressed, "Well at least she is, how can I say… Good sport about it.", "Now I only need to know how the hell am I going to tell Ayaka…".

Ayaka was coming to wake him up for school again. Kosuke was immersed in his thoughts, sitting on the bed, looking at the opposite direction of his door. Ayaka went close to him and hugged him.

Kosuke was caught by surprise. He didn't heard her opening the door, nor walking close to him.


"Ah, Huh, Ah!"

"What are about those reactions…", Kosuke said.

Kosuke knew what he had to do. The only way his sister would take him serious was if he confessed to her when he graduated.

It was not long to wait to the graduation, it was a month or so left of classes. So he must wait and be patient.

He ate breakfast and went to school. Sakura was waiting him at the front of his house.

"Good morning.", Kosuke said.

"Good morning."

"So have you decided what will you do ?", Sakura asked.

"I will go to an university and then I'll figure out what I will do in there.", Kosuke said, trying to dodge the subject.

"Me too, but I'm not talking about that… Look, I am trying to help you…", Sakura said.

"Hmm, sure. Well I thought I would wait until graduation and there I would tell her…", he said.

"Are you procrastinating? Why??", Sakura asked, slightly mad at Kosuke.

"I just want her to take me serious, so I thought, I would wait a little bit more, for example, graduation day, when I have my 18th birthday.", Kosuke said.

"Hmm, well it barely makes difference, but you have a point.", Sakura said.

"By, the way. Literature clubs of our school have the tradition of creating a script to a novel, wanna try making that today?", she asked.

"Sure. I think our group can come with one or two ideas.", Kosuke said.

"What are you implying?", Kosuke asked, slightly resentful.

"I am implying that you sometimes look like a zombie.", Sakura said, with a grin on her face.

"Then, beware, zombies bite humans.", Kosuke said, walking like a zombie.

Sakura laughed at him. Then has they reach the school gate, she seemed to be depressed about something. "We will be going separate ways in some months…", she thought. Kosuke noticed her and asked her about it.

"Why are you standing there come!", he said.

"Yeah, I'm coming.", Sakura said, knocking of the thoughts.

The classes were over before they knew it. It was time to go to the literature club. Sakura and the other members were waiting for Kosuke at the door of the classroom.

They got to the club all together. Sakura began her speech.

"Hello everyone. Let's do a tradicional thing done by the literature clubs.", she started.

"We will be creating today our own novel script.", she said.

"Hmm cool.", said Kazuya.

"We must throw the soul of this club there.", Sakura said.

"What about a group of authors that would gather up to discuss ideas to novels and theorize about possibilities in parallel universes.", Kosuke gave the idea.

"Not a bad idea…", Sakura said.

"That actually gives the soul of this club.", Kazuya said.

"The plot is kind of lame if you don't develop it…", Yosuke criticized.

"Then, what about a group of authors that wanted to rebel up against a government discuss about what literature should they publish in order to educate the people to make them rebel against the dictatorship?", Kosuke reformulated.

"This isn't the essence of this club.", Kazuya commented.

"The plot is more precise now.", Yosuke said.

"I think we will go with the first one.", Sakura said.

They discuss the rest of the script of the novel and then printed it and put it together to the archive where the scripts of last year's clubs remained.

Doing so, made Kosuke and the others remembering that graduation was about to come. Kosuke, personality, felt more anxious because it was his moment, the moment that would maybe change his life the most.

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