Teach me, Darling

Chapter 8:Revelations

It was a fun weekend. Kosuke still remembered the flavour of the sushi he had. But also the sadness of his sister while he was talking about having to go separate ways when he gets his life sorted. It was hard thinking that, and by remembering that, Kosuke, that was getting dressed, after his sister woke him up, made him feel a burst of sadness.

Kosuke went to the bathroom to clean up his face. "I have to knock it off", he thought. It was another school day. And has normally happened, the breakfast was waiting for him in the kitchen, along with his sister. Ayaka smiled at him. Kosuke didn't knew what was so funny about his face, so he asked her.

"What?", Kosuke asked.

"Your hair is a mess, Kosuke.", she said, smiling.

"Is it?"

"Yeah, wait a second.", Ayaka said, getting a hair brush, to fix it.

Ayaka stroke Kosuke's hair back and forth. Kosuke felt like she was just playing with him and told her to stop. Ayaka smiled, and thought how cute her brother was. Kosuke, clueless of what she was thinking, felt stressed about her staring to him.

"Sister, stop staring at me…", he said.

"Why?", she asked.

Kosuke didn't had a rational reason say to her stop staring him, so he gave up. Ayaka in the other hand, continue staring at him.

Kosuke finished eating the food that his sister made and went to school. In the school gate he saw Sakura.

"Good morning. How far did you read the book?"

"Well I finished it up.", he said.

"Already?", she said, surprised of how fast he read the book.

"So what you think about it?", she asked, curious about his opinion.

"Well, I don't understand much of the topics of the romance, but I did saw some feelings I recognize in that book…", he said.

"Like what?", Sakura was curious if he had his school romance scheduled already.

"How do I put it in words. Not being able to look at a person in his eyes. Not being able to speak like always do to someone. And when you are going out to visit somewhere with that person, starting to feel restless like you are in some sort of danger.", he said.

"That's love. Do you actually like someone?", Sakura asked.

Those words struck Kosuke like a knife perforating through the body. He felt breathless. It was like he finally had the answer he was looking for. He thought, "So this it. I've been thinking about this for a while, but I would never know it was her I liked. So the reason I couldn't look directly at her and felt some sort of allergy to her hands it wasn't pure coincidence. I liked her actually…", Kosuke then realized, "But I am her brother… Also I'm still underage.", "I can't go on with his love relationship impossible…".

"Earth to Kosuke, are you there?", Sakura said, passing her hand in the front of his face.

"What?", he asked.

"You looked like you were on Mars."

"I'm here.", he said.

"I didn't was talking about physically, though."

"Let's go to the class…", she suggested as the time of the first class was closing by.

The first class he had was Literature. They were learning about the characteristics of the romance. The teacher was talking about how much sometimes the feelings are hyperbolized to make the story different from the plebian romance.

Maybe what the teacher was saying was true. The true human romance hasn't feelings strong at the point that makes someone die, or someone obsessed with his romantic partner. It was just something that we would need to be brave to pass by to the second round.

Then the teacher was talking by some romance that told the story about the love between a slave and a king. Kosuke thought "Why would he love his slave?". The teacher told about how important it was to remember that love has no boundaries, and as long as it's consensual and both of the people agree to have a relationship, it's okay to progress that romance.

Kosuke got another stab in the brain. Maybe the fact that he was brother of Ayaka didn't mean he would stop loving her. He didn't loved her, in a romantic away, because she was her sister but, because she was kind to him and her grace when she smiled at him. It was for sure love. He felt it.

The rest of the day carried on, before he knew it the class was over and it was time for going to the literature club.

He thought about talking with the literature club members of how he felt towards his sister, but he decided it wasn't something to be talked in the literature club, because it wasn't socially accepted often.

So he decided to act natural and it would be something he would have to deal with, by himself.

As the rest of the club was talking about how great the novel they read was, and Yosuke was hating everything, Kosuke was thinking of his sister. Sakura with her genius mind of her's noticed that something wasn't normal with Kosuke.

At the end of the club meeting she asked to talk alone with him. Kosuke was clueless about what was going on.

"Kosuke… What is going on, you were not so talkish today…", she said.

"Why are you trying to put on the idea that I normally talked often…", he said.

"What's happening with you, I can sense that you have something to tell me. I can help with anything, you know…", she said.

Kosuke felt invited to ask her what should he do. He decided to ask her in a way she didn't understood it was her sister.

"I started talking to 25 year old women in a forum of the internet. She is a teacher from Sapporo. We live really far away from each. The thing is, I kind started to have feelings towards her…", he said.

"Is that truly what you wanted to say me…", Sakura said.

"You think I didn't notice the way you looked at your sister when I went there…", she said.

"Okay. I'm sorry. It was hard to ask you the true question.", Kosuke said, slightly mad at the overpowered genius inside Sakura.

"Yes. I love my sister, in a romantic way.", he said.

"I knew it… Well. Good luck."

"«Good luck», am I not a terrible human being for saying that?", he said, confused by that statement.


"You know, I have the same opinion of the teacher…", she said.

"At that point, too?", he asked.

"At that point too…", she said.

"Give your best in the confession you will do… That's the best advice I can give you. I would say there is a possible that she developed the same feelings for you, but don't rely on my hypothesis…", she said.

"You're so genius that it hurts…", Kosuke said.

"Thank you, I'm honored for that praise.", Sakura said.

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