Teach me, Darling

Chapter 7:The Date (pt.2)

Both of them finished up their coffee. It was a delicious and intense experience. And it wasn't only because of the coffee. Ayaka payed up the two coffees, and then got outside with Kosuke. The evening was still awesome and felt great. It wasn't hot nor cold, the slight breeze made the day perfect too. It was for sure the perfect date to have with your high school crush, I hate the word crush though, I would prefer to call them first love or first romance, or if not the first one, just platonic love or romance, the word crush has a diabolic sense attached to it.

Ayaka was wearing a ponytail with a shirt and a skirt with thigh high socks. It was something that made Kosuke a hard time to look at it directly. He reminded himself again, that it was his sister and that his genes could stop acting there, but it was hopeless, no matter how many times he did reminded himself, he would have always a hard time looking to her.

They were outside, trying to decide what would they do next. Ayaka gave the idea of looking at a movie in the cinema, but Kosuke didn't like it much. Has they had nothing to do, they eventually went to the shopping center, to do some window-shopping.

From clothes stores announcing sales, to fast food restaurants full of hungry people. They stopped in some clothing shop, where Ayaka saw something that she liked in a good price. It was a set with a skirt and shirt. Kosuke asked himself if she didn't had that set in home, but thought if he asked her that, she would definitely be mad at him for saying so. She went to try the things she bought. She came back with the clothes on, making a pose to Kosuke, that made her look like a model, while doing a beautiful laugh to Kosuke. Kosuke felt weak inside by that laugh, he felt like his body reacted to that.

"How does it suits me?", she asked, still with the laugh in her face.

"It looks good.", said Kosuke, in his usual depressed and cold voice.

"Yeah, sure.", she said, doubting that he was speaking the truth.

This really did look like a couple shopping clothes. Although, usually the boy would make the effort to make the girl happy by getting the clothes, even if it didn't particularly suit her. After that, Ayaka payed the clothes and they went back to window-shopping. They made some small talk while doing so, and before they could know, it was getting dark. Ayaka looked into her clook, and it was 7pm.

"Well, it's getting late, why don't we go back to home?", she suggested.

Kosuke thought it was the normal and usual thing they would do. But, that wasn't the thing he wanted to do. He was happy for being out of home with her sister. It was like changing the air you breath, it was like smelling new things, seeing new sights and earing new sounds. So he planned in going to some restaurant with his sister. But, the problem was, because of his lack of social skills and friends, he didn't knew where the good restaurants of the city were.

"Wanna go out eat somewhere around here?", he said.

"Where?", Ayaka asked, surprised by what Kosuke asked.

"I don't know any good restaurants around…", Kosuke said, disappointed.

"So that's what you meant...Well if you want to go eat somewhere I know a good place. Come with me.", Ayaka said, grabbing him by the hand.

Has her hand touched him, he felt a feeling of distress, like something of danger was happening, could it be that it was a reaction to the touch of her hand, was he allergic to his own sister… Probably not, it was a normal reaction when a girl touches a boy, genetics playing, basically.

They walked at least for 10 minutes before getting to the place. It was a small building called "Green Beard", what in the worlds was that name, Kosuke thought. It seemed like it was a calm sushi restaurant. Sushi at night, it was for sure something that Kosuke never did tasted. The essence of the night gather up with the tired sky of the long day, would it make a good combination with a roll of algae with rice and raw fish, that was the question.

They get inside. Some calm and relaxing music was playing. There was no noise or hysteria in the restaurant. A waitress comes by with two polished wood piece, those would probably serve has plates.

"I want the usual.", Ayaka said.

«usual» was this a common place where she went to eat, Kosuke thought. It was not the first time that she went there, as Kosuke thought. It wasn't too far away from the school. And when Ayaka had longer days, she would come to eat there. The relaxing music with the ambience of pure wild reflected on the restaurant, and the freshness of the raw fish pieces would make the best combo to kill stress.

The first plate came with shrimps. Kosuke didn't knew how it was done, though. It was weird, but it was crunchy and good, and tasted like shrimp.

Then, came the first row of sushi, 16 pieces of sushi with fruits. It was good and an appetizer for what would come next.

As the main dish, came 32 pieces of sushi with tuna and salmon. It was the great order, that got both of them full. It was all great. What a happy way to end a date.

Then, after Ayaka paying, both of them sat at bank in the park. They both look up into the huge sea of stars that illuminated the whole sky.

"What a beautiful world…", Ayaka mumbled.

"Seriously, now that I think about it, how dumb am I trying to quit this beautiful world…", she added up.

"Yeah…", Kosuke couldn't help himself to agree with her.



"If I was gone would you miss me?", Ayaka asked, sure of the answer she would get.

"Then, to know how I feel, I ask you… If I was gone would you miss me?", Kosuke asked.

"Well, you will grow up, I will eventually have to say goodbye to you…", Ayaka said, making the atmosphere more dense.

"Why are you making it sounding like I will die…", Kosuke said.

"Yeah you're right, bro.", she said.

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