Teach me, Darling

Chapter 6:The Date (part 1)

It's saturday. Day whom almost all couples go out on dates and, well have the time of their lives. The sun rose and rapidly started irradiating the whole sky, presenting another day to all people. Some might be on dates, but those who don't have have a partner or are in a middle of a couple fight, might be in a tedious day. That's what usually happened to Kosuke, even though he lives with his sister, he would easily get bored of doing anything pretty rapidly.

Ayaka came to Kosuke's room to wake him up. She was awake since a lot time before that. It was 10 o'clock, she woke up at 7 am to prepare a cake and clean up a little the ground floor of the house (Kosuke's house has two floor, the ground floor whom contains kitchen, dining and ,living room. And in the first floor there is 3 rooms and the bathroom).

Ayaka opened up the door, after knocking. Though, Kosuke's heavy sleep didn't hear it. Ayaka looked at his brother. She gave an expression of cuteness overflowing through her veins. It was like she was watching a cute cat. Then, she thought, "What am I doing!?", then woke him up,

"Kosuke.", she said, with a gentle voice.

Kosuke's heavy sleep was being tested again. It won, Kosuke didn't woke up. Ayaka got a little bit mad by that.

"Kosuke…", she said, with a louder voice this time.

"Wake up!", she said, opening up the windows that would radiate a huge amount of solar rays into his room.

Kosuke got mad. His sister woke him up with the most unpleasing way of doing so… Anyone knows the pain of being sleeping heavily and your mum walks in and opens up the windows right away, blinding you for sometime, and making you wake up with a adrenaline shot.

"Sis… Don't wake me up like that…", he said.

"You weren't waking up so I had to do it…", Ayaka said, with a grin in her face.

"Next time call me louder.", Kosuke said.

"Sorry…", Ayaka gave up on arguing, because she knew that was useless to argue against him.

Kosuke got the first clothes he saw, and dressed up. Went to the kitchen were her sister gave him his breakfast. This time she made a omelet. It was so good that he thanked the chicken for giving him her egg, that could've been her child. Ayaka realized the expression of his brother while eating her food. It got her really happy.

After eating. They did the dishes together. It was the daily morning routine of two brothers who lived alone. It was something that Ayaka missed in the week or so that she was gone. That made her realize that we only know the importance of something in our lives when we lose it.

After some time they ate launch, too. Kosuke helped Ayaka in doing it too, they did curry, which was also great tasting.

Everything was done of housework. They both went to the living room. Kosuke was reading the romance that Sakura had present to him. While Ayaka was reading some fashion magazine that she didn't even bother to remember the name. They were for sure both pretty bored.

After a while, Kosuke finished reading the last pages of the book, he already had started reading before, he had like 20 pages left. Ayaka also did finish her magazine.

Kosuke was sitting in the one side of the japanese desk they had there, while his sister sister was in the other end. After they both finishing reading, they naturally start looking to each other.

Both Ayaka and Kosuke realized the boredom that they were presentiating.

Ayaka was done for. She made a decision, she would go out with his brother.

"Kosuke wanna go out with me?", she said.

"What have you realize now that you are a siscon?", he said, thinking she was referring to her starting to date him.

"That's not I meant, though…", she said.

"I was saying if you would go out with me.", Ayaka said, not realizing she said the same thing.

"Well you just said the same thing has before. I know what you meant, though, I was joking.", he said.

"Yeah, whatever…", Kosuke said.

They got dressed up and went to a café nearby. Even though Kosuke said that, he was excited to go out. The idea that it looked like a date made him happy, for some reason. He had to remember himself constantly that he was just going with her sister to a café, she was just a family member.

She was wearing a shirt with a skirt with thigh-high socks. She seemed like a high school student to Kosuke. Kosuke just wore the first thing that appear in his line of sight. But still, Ayaka was thinking of how cool the outfit he chose was looking.

Out of nowhere appeared a maid that was waiting for their orders. Ayaka wanted a black pure coffee, while Kosuke went for a latte. Both of the drinks were smelling great. It smelled like pure coffee. The whole café's aura was built upon being immersed in the experience of drinking it.

"This place is cozy.", said Kosuke, that never went to this café.

"I used to go here often, both when I was a student and now as a teacher.", Ayaka said.

"Since when did you started drinking coffee?", Kosuked asked, overflowing with curiosity.

"I drank my first descafeinato when I was 10, it was a drink without caffeine, but with a replica of the feeling of drinking it. Then at 13 I started drinking coffee, with my classmates, and after a month or so I got tired of drinking it with sugar, so I started drink it pure.", she explained.

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