Teach me, Darling

Chapter 5:Joining Literature Club

In the next day, Kosuke was considering whether or not he would join the club. They seemed to be nice guys, and Kosuke was slowly getting hooked up on literature. He had realized if it was the "old" him he would just ignore that argument they had back in the class about the book. He could see that he changed a little bit in the way he acted. Was it because of her sister? Perhaps.

He woke up by the voice of his sister again.

"Wake up. It's time for school.", she said.

"Ok, I'll get dressed.", he said.

He got the school uniform on, and went downstairs where a delicious breakfast was waiting for him. He spaced out again, thinking whether or not he should join the club, because if he did he would be spending less time with his sister, as he had to be in club for at least a hour or so after school.

Ayaka realized that he spaced out and wanted to know what was on his thoughts so she could help him.

"What's going on, Kosuke?", she asked.

"Nothing.", he tried to hide.

"Kosuke, are you trying to hide from me?", she asked, slightly mad.

"Well…", he mumbled.

"Say it.", Ayaka said, patting his head.

"I met yesterday a group of people that were talking about a book I bought like a week ago. And I made my opinion about the book before I realized. Then they said they were from the literature club and we started talking about novels and introduced ourselves before we know it. Then they invited me to come take a look at the club, and even consider joining them.", Kosuke said.

"Well, why not?", Ayaka asked.

"I would need to be in school until later, in the end of classes and I'm not too much into literature.", Kosuke said.

"It's not required to be into literature, it's just that you need to like it. And from what I understood, you do. And being a hour or so more late wouldn't bother, I mean it would even help you.", Ayaka advised.

"But…", Kosuke mumbled.

"It's okay, besides I'm happy that you finally got some friends to talk with. Before, you were a lone wolf.", Ayaka said, with a slightly grin at the end.

"Sis...", Kosuke mumbled in embarrassment.

Kosuke realized now that there was no reason for him to worry about. He could just go to literature club if he wanted.

He grabbed his school bag and went to school.

The morning classed passed on, fast it was time for lunch.

In front of him there was the group of literature club.

They looked to Kosuke.

"So have you thought about joining us?", Sakura asked.

"Yeah, here is the entering request papers.", Kosuke said.

"Okay, I'll be taking it then.", said Sakura getting the papers.

"Are you the club president?", Kosuke asked.

"Yeah… In the first day those two couldn't stop arguing…", said Sakura looking at the other two boys with a slightly mad face.

"I'll be looking forward to the club.", Kosuke said.

The classes ended before Kosuke even realized. It was time for going to the literature club. Sakura, Shinoda and Saito were waiting for him. They all went together to the club, as they were from the same class. Sakura got a board to start what it seemed like a meeting in a firm. She wrote "Romcom vs Rom".

"Romcom, what's your opinion about them?", asked Sakura.

"A more easy way to do romance.", said Yosuke.

"A more comedic approach to romance.", said Kazuya.

"I'm not sure, I never read one.", Kosuke said.

"Don't mind that genre it's just a bad romance put in a book.", Yosuke said, disconsiderating the work put in those books.

"Yosuke!", Kazuya said, fuming.

"You two calm down…", Sakura warned them.

Back in Kosuke's home, Ayaka was bored, twiddling her thumbs, but still happy that her brother got friends to talk. It was a bittersweet feeling that she was having.

Sakura asked to Kosuke stay a little bit more, so she could talk to him about something, in private. Kosuke made a parallelism about the scene that happened in the romance that he read. Was she going to confess him? But she just met him… Impossible, he thought.

Sakura realized the embarrassment he had, so she decided to rag him.

"I wanted to ask you…", she said making a pause on her words.

Sakura got a moment and took a breath to make it look like a confession scene.

Kosuke was complete caught up in the atmosphere. He got deceived.

"If you are Okamoto-sensei's brother.", Sakura said, completely destroying the climax she created.

Kosuke felt relieved, for some reason.

"I am.", he said, sighing.

"How is she doing? I saw her falling in ground, she looked stressed.", she said, worried about her.

"Well she is better now, but she's taking a break from teaching.", Kosuke said.

"What happened to her?", Sakura asked, with a wholesome worry in her eyes.

"Stress, and anxiety, you know, psychology stuff…", Kosuke said.

"I accidentally seen your address it isn't too far away from my home… Can I go say hi to her?", Sakura said.

"«accidentally», oi! Come if you want…", Kosuke said.

So that's what they did, after a long walk and a train ride, they got to Kosuke's home were Ayaka awaited him. She got surprised that one of their students came to visit her. They talked for an hour or so, about literature and how the school was doing. Eventually, Sakura had to go.

Ayaka realized that Kosuke was in a good group were he could find good friends. She was happy, but still worried, for some reason. She been only thinking about his brother. And the happiness and the smile Sakura made to Kosuke was making her slightly mad and envious, she didn't knew why, though.

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