Half past eight in the evening.

After almost eating, Jiang Feng was ready to leave.

After all, these students' mouths are so outrageous that they can't stop gossiping.

After learning that Jiang Feng was still single, he mumbled and wished he could introduce all his relatives, cousins, and cousins ​​to him.

Are you really not afraid that you sisters will beat you to death if they find out?

"After you finish eating the pot, just clean it and put it in my office!"

After explaining, Jiang Feng directly rubbed oil on the soles of his feet and left.

Instead of listening to these random talkers here, wouldn't it be nice to go home and lie down and play games?


Early Friday morning.

Eight O'clock.

Jiang Feng got up early and came to school.

I don't know what other teachers are like, but eight o'clock is quite early for Jiang Feng.

When he rushed to the classroom, there were no students here at all.

I have already gone to the sports meeting in advance.

It wasn't until I arrived at yesterday's sports venue that I saw students from Class 3 waiting in the designated area.

And the event is pretty casual.

Just go and participate in whoever's project is available, and those who don't have a project just sit here and watch.

Most of the class is sitting here almost all the time.

"Brother Jiang, come on, look at my record! 10 consecutive wins!"

Ma Xiaohao greeted Jiang Feng in the crowd.

Xu Fei, who was next to him, was not to be outdone at this time: "I didn't lead that! You turned into a loser in the third round. If it weren't for me, you would have lost in the third round!"

"Okay, okay, it's really up to you. I'll treat you to some AD calcium at noon!"

"I won't drink AD calcium anymore. I'll drink Li Ziyuan for a change!"

"Okay, drink a big bottle!"

Jiang Feng wanted to laugh when he saw these students bickering.

It does look like he is a carefree freshman in high school, with no sense of nervousness.

You will suffer when you are in your senior year of high school.

But then again, it’s still early for senior year of high school.

It's only the first semester of high school, so there's no need to instill anxiety in them now.

This thing is all about relaxation and relaxation.

He really couldn't understand those people who were just in junior high school and wrote on the blackboard that there were still 1xxx days until the college entrance examination.

Is it really useful for students?

Jiang Feng took out his mobile phone and blended into the crowd, pretending to be serious and said, "Okay, you guys, you can secretly score points without me, right? Who started it?"

A moment.

Several fingers around him pointed at Ma Xiaohao, and several voices cheered at the same time.

“Brother Ma took the lead!”

"That's right! It was all Ma Xiaohao's idea!"

"Brother Ma coerced us. He also told us: Let's fight quietly while Teacher Jiang is not around, without bringing Teacher Jiang up!"

Ma Xiaohao: "????"


It was only early in the morning, and the audience burst out laughing when they saw this scene!

It's only the third week of school.

Ma Xiaohao is getting more and more special treatment.

Now not only Teacher Jiang, but also his classmates have begun to tease him in different ways!

I'm afraid the days after this will be quite difficult!

[This guy is so miserable, even his classmates are starting to trick him. Let me go first and observe 0.01 seconds of silence for poor Ma Xiaohao! 】

[It’s so funny that something like this happened so early in the morning. The pony’s road will become narrower and narrower from now on! 】

[Not only that, this guy has become everyone’s focus! I’m afraid other teachers will also increase their efforts in the future! 】

[I really envy such a carefree life. Now that I am forced to work as a hard-working office worker, I realize how wonderful school life was back then. 】

[I graduated from a normal school and now work as a hard-working office worker. I used to listen to classes under the podium, but now I give lectures on top of the podium. It’s even the high school where I graduated, and I have become colleagues with the teacher who taught me before...]

【puff! Brother, your experience is so magical! It is recommended to learn from Teacher Jiang’s tearing umbrella operation to bring some warmth to the students! 】



Jiang Feng sat down not long ago.

The boys Ma Xiaohao, Xu Fei, and Li Yiliang took their mobile phones and showed off in the second class area next door while the second class teacher was not here.

"Oh, it's been 10 consecutive victories. I only improved my points yesterday, and I have to start increasing my points again today. I'm really tired."

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, you've got a good score, brothers, keep going!"

"Look at them, look at them, how pitiful they are. It's already the sports day, but the head teacher still doesn't let you use your mobile phone, ugh~"

"It's so miserable, but I only feel sorry for giegie~"

The boys and girls in Class 2 looked like they wanted to stab a few of them!

Everyone’s teeth are itching with hatred!

But they had no choice but to join Class 1 as the school's innovation class.

The management is much stricter than the other eight classes.

Normally, people are not allowed to carry mobile phones at all. At this moment, they can only feel envious and jealous.

Jiang Feng held his forehead and sighed.

I can't help but say something from my heart, Ma Xiaohao and you guys are really not afraid of being beaten!

This is almost causing public outrage!

At this moment.

The sports committee member hurriedly ran over from the front row: "Teacher Jiang, where are Ma Xiaohao and the other boys? It's a tug of war in our class, and they are the only ones who can't find anyone!"

Jiang Feng pointed at Ma Xiaohao and the others who were standing in the first class area, shaking their heads and twisting their waists to show off: "..."

Two words, shameful.

Tell me you are here to observe Class 3!

The sports committee members were silent: "..."


After watching Ma Xiaohao and others being taken away, Jiang Feng continued to fish with his phone with his head down.


Class representative Su Qing came over again: "Teacher Jiang, it's tug-of-war in our class. Today is the final. Go and cheer them up."

"Huh?" Jiang Feng wondered on the spot.

Su Qing pulled Jiang Feng's sleeve with one hand and pointed to the team warming up in the tug-of-war on the small playground in the distance: "The head teachers of several other classes are responsible for cheering the students over there. You are just sitting here. On."

Good guy!

Jiang Feng was a little embarrassed to say it.

The other head teachers are all responsible, but co-authorship means that I am irresponsible!

Jiang Feng stood up from his seat: "Let's go, let me give you some advice! As long as I'm here, we will definitely win, okay?"

With that said, he went straight to the tug-of-war arena.


Especially against Class 2!

This kid Ma Xiaohao just mocked his class once.

Isn't this a buff that increases the opponent's combat power by 20%?

The road is narrow!

Wouldn't it be better for you to wait until you win the tug-of-war before going?

That's called killing and killing one's heart.

Jiang Feng looked at the formation of Class Three and quickly thought of an idea.

He leaned close to Chen Yufan's ear and whispered a few words quietly.

Chen Yufan was shocked on the spot after hearing this!


at this time.

The audience in the live broadcast room became anxious.

Jiang Feng, the sixth child, deliberately lowered his voice when speaking, so that the audience in the live broadcast room did not hear anything.

Although I could tell at a glance that this old sixth teacher was trying to trick people again.

But if you can’t know in advance, it’s really heartbreaking!

[Teacher Jiang, you have faded away, your feelings have faded away, now you have to hide it even from us the audience? 】

[The audience in our live broadcast room is probably not Teacher Jiang’s favorite, and is not as interesting as these students, so Teacher Jiang is tired of it~]

【puff! Why did you start riding a horse again! Super management! Take out Lin Yan and Lin Yu’s hanging hair! 】

[It’s broken, Teacher Jiang is starting to play tactics! Class two is in danger! 】

[Fuck, this guy is cheating students by wearing bras like an old sow - one set after another. Isn't this trying to control the students in Class 2 who have not been tortured? 】

【I’m already looking forward to it! Teacher Jiang, hurry up! 】



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