Teacher Laoliu: I’ve Been Caught In The Rain, You Want To Hold An Umbrella?

Chapter 108 Lao Liu, Your Entire Third Class Is Lao Liu!

Jiang Feng took a look at the competition plan.

For the tug-of-war event, the top four had already been selected as early as yesterday afternoon.

So now it's a two-game championship battle.

As for the weaklings in Class 4, whether it was due to bad luck or something else, they failed in the first game as early as yesterday.

Now only Class 2, Class 3, Class 7 and Class 10 are left.

Although they advanced to the semi-finals, Class Three really had no advantage over the other classes.

The rule is that 10 boys and 10 girls are selected from each class.

As for the other classes, most of them have more boys, so they can select stronger ones.

There are about 30 girls in Class 3. Compared with the boys who can choose from them, they are almost the shortest ones.

And boys are the main force in tug-of-war.

Therefore, it is somewhat disadvantaged compared to the opponent.

It was almost impossible to fight head-on, so Jiang Feng decided to try tactics.

And it doesn’t matter if you lose.

Anyway, normal operation is almost a guaranteed loss.

If you give it a try, you might still have a chance.


on site.

Both sides were almost ready soon.

Before the whistle started blowing, hundreds of people had already gathered to watch.

The boys in class two were ridiculed by Ma Xiaohao before, but now they all act like they are determined to win.

I wish I could take Class 3 away right away.

Under Jiang Feng's arrangement, Chen Yufan greeted every student from Class 3 who participated in the tug of war and whispered a few words.

Then I swapped places with the boy at the front and came to the front of the line.

One minute later.

The referee, who was the physical education teacher, blew the whistle.

The two classes quickly started wrestling!

Every student on both sides tried their best, their faces turned red from holding back.

at this time!

Chen Yufan at the front let go of his hand, and Class 3 was almost pulled over.

At this moment, everyone on the scene was stunned for a moment.

And Chen Yufan was not idle at all, and immediately followed Jiang Feng's instructions.

I imitating the time when I was punished by imitating a star before, I quickly smoothed my hair into a middle parting.

While imitating the moves of basketball superstar Kun Kun, he was still mumbling something!

"Chicken, you are so beautiful! Oh Beibei, chicken, you are so beautiful!"

The exaggerated body movements and a very offbeat tone, coupled with a funny expression on the face, quickly made the students in Class 2 laugh!

Damn it!

Damn there is a little black guy!

In an instant, several students opposite could not hold back their laughter!

And here is Class 3.

Chen Yufan greeted them in advance, so he was mentally prepared!

Only less than five seconds passed.

Class 2 quickly lost momentum and was defeated miserably!

"Pfft! It's so dirty!"

"Lao Liu! Their entire third class is Lao Liu!"

"You guys, just treat yourself as one person! It's all because of my pigeons that you win!"

The students in Class 2 are numb!

Everyone is having a good time playing tug of war, why do you still bring such dirty things!


Until Chen Yufan stood in front and started twisting.

Only then did the audience in the live broadcast room realize that Jiang Feng, the sixth man, was playing tricks on people!

And they also specially selected Chen Yufan, who had previous experience in performing in this area!

The last time this guy was punished, he twisted in the class for a while, and Class 3 immediately laughed and turned into a fool!

It can be said to be extremely powerful!

Unexpectedly, this old man now used this trick in tug-of-war!

【Seize the bamboo shoots! He started to take the lead in hacking my pigeons again! 】

【Not counting! This wave doesn’t count! There were only 10 boys and 10 girls in class two, while there were 10 boys and 10 girls in class three plus a chicken! Obviously unfair! 】

【Hahahahaha! Your kid upstairs is such a fucking genius! Put the microphone in your mouth and say more! Try to publish a book! 】

[Simply a genius, I’m jealous of your talent! 】

[Those who play tactics are really dirty! I really admire Teacher Jiang! 】

[The students in Class 2 are too naive and have never experienced the torture of Class 3! 】



The head teacher of Class 10, who had just defeated Class 7, saw this scene.

He quickly summoned the students in his class who were participating in the tug-of-war and pulled them aside to say something.

Jiang Feng laughed directly when he saw this scene.

You will be fooled if you do this!

Just waiting for you to take the bait!

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