Teacher Laoliu: I’ve Been Caught In The Rain, You Want To Hold An Umbrella?

Chapter 116 Ma Xiaohao: I Admit That I Just Spoke A Little Too Loudly

Gao Yang thought for a moment.

"Teacher Jiang, I just want to ask, how did your two classes seize the students' mobile phones? In our class, we can't control the students playing with their mobile phones."


Jiang Feng was relieved after hearing this.

Seizing students’ cell phones?

How easy it is to do this!

Whether it is Class 6 or Class 9.

Those students were still new to the world and had never experienced a severe beating from Teacher Lao Liu.

Unlike the group of ghostly students in Class 3 and Class 4.

Nowadays, you have to think of various ideas to spoof your mobile phone, and the effect is not as good as before.

You have to work harder to compete with students.

However, now he is required to deceive Classes 6 and 9.

Isn't that easy and easy to grasp?

The effect is comparable to that of a max-level demon attacking a novice village?

Jiang Feng looked at the class schedule on Gao Yang's desk and already started thinking about how to operate it.

"It depends on how you plan to treat them. For example, should you show some mercy, collect them and give them a warning before giving them back?"

The reason why Jiang Feng said this was because he thought of the students in Class 3 and Class 4.

Although he used their mobile phones frequently, he never actually took them away.

After all, no student was really caught red-handed by him for playing with their mobile phones.

They were all deceived by him using various tricks to trick them into taking the bait.

Jiang Feng was also very merciful.

They were not reported directly to the head teachers of the two classes.

Otherwise, as early as the first week, Class 3 and Class 4 would probably have to lose a large number of people.

There is no way, who can make us kind-hearted.

After hearing Jiang Feng's words, Gao Yang thought for a moment.

Said: "That's not necessary. You can be more ruthless and accept them without any mercy. If you return them to them, you will be letting the tiger go back to the mountain."

So simple?

That would be to tear the umbrella apart directly!

Isn't this a matter of holding hands? Just become a devil teacher!

Jiang Feng happily agreed: "Then let's do the evening self-study of Chinese today. I'll teach Class 9 for you, and you can help me with the evening self-study of Class 3. How about that?"

"Okay!" Gao Yang immediately nodded in agreement upon hearing this.

Just what you want!

"Thank you, Teacher Jiang! It just so happens that I also want to see the class atmosphere of the students in your third class. Learn from it, and then we can improve our class as well."

Jiang Feng waved his hand and said with a smile: "Thank you, there's no need. I happen to be in Class 3 and Class 4 recently and I can't let my hands go. I can go to your class and have a big fight."

After saying that, the corners of his mouth began to raise uncontrollably.

If you let go and tear the umbrella apart with all your strength, why don't you just make it more difficult for the students?

Working in Classes 3 and 4 every day is not exciting enough.


Seeing Jiang Feng's smile, the audience in the live broadcast room immediately became excited!

On the one hand, I wonder.

You've done so many immoral things, and yet you still say you haven't let go?

If you let your hands and feet tear up the umbrella, will the students still have a way to survive?

on the other hand.

I'm already looking forward to what Jiang Feng will do again!

This old sixth teacher is finally letting go and ripping the umbrella apart!

Isn't it going to rain a heavy snowstorm on the students now?

Moreover, looking at this confident look, he is planning to burn the boat!

[Listen, do people say it? I couldn’t let go of my hands and tricked the students in Classes 3 and 4 into this! If they were free to do anything, students wouldn't be allowed to escape from the earth on a Shenzhou spacecraft overnight? 】

[It’s scary to think about it. Class 9 is still a group of young and ignorant children. If Teacher Jiang is allowed to let go and tear up the umbrella... the first-level newcomers will meet the villain directly after leaving the novice village, right? 】

[I can’t even imagine how the students would cry if Teacher Jiang was merciless! Just for the students in Classes 3 and 4, the total number of times their cellphones were discovered was no less than 200 times! 】

[Student: Damn it, it’s only been three weeks since school started, and on average everyone still owes Teacher Jiang a mobile phone! Where does this make sense? 】

[Prepare sleeping pills! I took a sleeping pill and slept until the evening when Teacher Jiang started tearing up the umbrella. I’m such a fucking genius! I have learned to skip the boring waiting phase! 】

【broken! Your boy figured out the fast forwarding operation of the Earth online game! As for the administrator, someone has a bug here! 】



Take advantage of the break after the third period.

Jiang Feng took the teaching materials and came to the classroom of Class 3.

"Let me tell you something in advance. Tonight's Chinese evening self-study will be given to you by Teacher Gao, the head teacher of Class 9. I will teach Class 9 for him."

"Remember, when Teacher Gao comes to class, don't make trouble for him! Otherwise, I won't be able to spare you."

? ? ?

As soon as the words came out.

The students in Class 3 were stunned immediately.

Why do you suddenly have to change teachers in class?

Teacher Jiang has changed his mind and doesn’t want them anymore?

A group of students in the class immediately began to play tricks on the spirit.

"Teacher Jiang, please don't! We, Class 3, can't live without you!"

"Is Teacher Jiang abandoning us?"

"It doesn't matter, Teacher Jiang, please go. We will be strong and not cry."

"Brother Jiang, don't worry, I will live well without you in the future."

Jiang Feng: "???"

Everyone is so involved in the drama, right?

He said very speechlessly: "I'm just going to give a night self-study lesson to Class 9! I'm not going to have terminal cancer and I'll be buried tomorrow!"

Su Qing raised her hand and asked: "Teacher Jiang, what do you want to tell Class 9? Tell us too!"

"No more love. Teacher Jiang has indeed changed his mind about Class 9 and doesn't love us anymore."

"Sure enough, home flowers are not as fragrant as wild flowers~"

"That's right, Brother Jiang! You can't secretly tutor Class 9! I want it too!"

Jiang Feng almost couldn't hold his nerve.

You guys are so good at brainstorming!

It’s so fast to get into the act!

Are you going to come up with another scene later: "The forbidden love between Jiang Feng and Class 9"?

It would be a great disservice to you not to write imaginative essays in Tomato novels!

"I'm going to Class 9 to collect mobile phones. Do you want to be collected too?"

Jiang Feng reached out his hand as if he was going to put away his cell phone.


Collect your cell phone?

As soon as these words came out.

The faces of those students who were yelling suddenly changed!

After a long time, Teacher Jiang is going to Class 9 to tear up the students!

Why are they taking part in this matter?

That’s not asking for trouble for yourself!

"No, no! Teacher Jiang, come on..."

"No, no, no, there's no such thing!"

Ma Xiaohao immediately woke up, and his eyes became much clearer!

He lowered his voice and whispered: "Brother Jiang, I admit that I just spoke a little too loudly..."

On the other side, I saw Ma Xiaohao deflated.

Xu Fei, who had stolen the Cheerilee from him, started to add insult to injury on the spot!

He raised his hands and said, "Teacher Jiang, Ma Xiaohao just said he wants it too! Please bring him with you!"

Ma Xiaohao: "???"


I thought tearing umbrellas was the theme in Jiang Feng's live broadcast room.

But I didn’t expect that it would be quite fun to watch these students bickering every day!

Especially when watching these "half-brothers" in the class tear each other down.

The audience in the live broadcast room also began to become amused at this time.

[Laughing to death, "I admit that I just spoke a little too loudly", this kid Ma Xiaohao becomes a coward in a second! Faster than my grandpa’s Sichuan Opera face-changing performance! 】

[Wall Crack suggests that these kids in Class 3 also tear up their umbrellas! Don't show mercy like before! Let them also feel the danger of human heart! 】

[I have never seen such a friendly teacher-student relationship. This kind of student may even ask the teacher out for dinner or something after graduation. 】

[I can’t stand it anymore when you say this. A while ago, I even planned to contact the high school teacher and make an appointment to go out for a meal or something with the students. When I saw the red exclamation mark, I realized that I had been deleted by him! 】

[You can’t do this! After we graduated from our senior year of high school, we even took our class teacher with us to the foot-washing city! 】

【? ? ? Let’s just say, is this foot-washing city of yours serious? Where is the morality? Where is the bottom line? Where is the address? 】



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