Teacher Laoliu: I’ve Been Caught In The Rain, You Want To Hold An Umbrella?

Chapter 115 One Dares To Teach And The Other Dares To Learn!

It's just now that the second period between classes has just ended.

There is still some time to rest before the fourth period Chinese class of Class 4.

Lie flat.

Must lie flat.

Jiang Feng: I jumped on the horse and started to catch up on the sleep I didn’t get that morning!

Let alone the principal's daughter.

Even if the principal came, he still chose to lie down.

Dong Dong Dong~

Just when Jiang Feng was lying on the chair and preparing to sleep peacefully.

The office door was suddenly knocked from outside.


What the hell is this?

I really can’t pick the time.

Don’t you know that disturbing someone’s dreams is like seeking money and killing one’s life?


A creak~

Jiang Feng just raised his eyes.

Then he saw Ma Xiaohao pushing open the office door.

Still carrying a bag of things in his hand, he came to Jiang Feng mysteriously.

"Brother Jiang, Brother Jiang!"

Jiang Feng glared at this guy: "What's wrong?"

Ma Xiaohao came over.

He took out a handful of washed cherries from the bag he was carrying and placed it on Jiang Feng's table: "Hey, Brother Jiang, I specially prepared some delicious food for you."


This guy was very "obedient" and gave some to each of the other teachers in the office.

Jiang Feng looked at Che Lizi on the table and felt something was wrong.

When did Ma Xiaohao become so kind?

So he looked at this guy and asked, "Boy, where did you get this?"

Ma Xiaohao felt Jiang Feng's eyes sizing him up, and turned his head as much as possible not to look at Jiang Feng.

Then he said: "I borrowed it from Xu Fei...ah no, I borrowed it from Xu Fei."

Jiang Feng: "???"

You kid let it slip!


[Good boy, you spilled the beans! Find a good brother to rob a little bit, right? Don't tell me, we do this often! Just catch your good brother and pluck him hard! 】

[What is robbery? That is borrowing! Do you understand? We are all scholars, how can we be so rude. 】

[Xu Fei: Ah, yes, yes! I believe it! You kid is just trying to trick me! Eat, who can eat better than you! 】

[Only Xu Fei’s injured world has been achieved. This guy was cheated a lot during roll call today, and he’s still so unlucky now. 】

[Seriously, Teacher Jiang must bear at least 70% of the responsibility for Ma Xiaohao being so indifferent! 】

[This is the sixth child taught by Jiang Feng himself, 70% responsible? Be confident, 99%! 】



"You kid stole other people's things again, right?"

Although Jiang Feng didn't know why he said: Again, it always felt appropriate to use it here.

This guy probably does this kind of thing all the time.

Ma Xiaohao immediately retorted: "Brother Jiang, this is because you don't know something. We are dealing fairly! I gave him money, and I bought it for 50 yuan per pound."

The transaction was made, the money was given, and the price was almost okay.

But Jiang Feng felt something was even more wrong!

This guy just talked about a deal and giving money.

But from the beginning to the end, it never said whether the person involved agreed or not!

Jiang Feng looked at Ma Xiaohao: "Then does he agree?"

Ma Xiaohao turned his face to the side: "If I didn't say anything, I would have tacitly agreed."

At this time.

There was a different sound outside.

Through the office door, you can still hear Xu Fei's heart-rending roar from all the way in the direction of the toilet!

"Ma Xiaohao! I'm so stupid!"

"Where are the two pounds of cherries I just washed!"

"What do you mean by transferring 100 yuan to me!"

Jiang Feng: "..."

The other teachers in the office couldn't help but twitch the corners of their mouths: "..."

to here.

Jiang Feng almost guessed it right away.

It was probably Ma Xiaohao who took advantage of Xu Fei to wash this thing and drain the water in the toilet.

They bought and sold it by force, and quietly took it away from him.

Now I want to drag a few teachers in their office into the water.

What a boy, he knows how to play!

Jiang Feng immediately called to the other teachers: "Hurry, hurry, hurry up, let's finish our meal quickly and don't leave any for him!"

Other teachers: "???"

Live broadcast room audience:? ? ?


Is this human language!

Catch the unlucky student and add insult to injury!

What about teacher ethics? !


Class is approaching.

Jiang Feng warned: "Okay, remember to go out to a fruit shop at noon to buy two kilograms and give them back to others. Remember to report how much you spent, and I will transfer it to you then."

"Don't worry, Brother Jiang! I'll give you some other good things next time!"

Ma Xiaohao was happy when he heard this.

Carrying the remaining half of the cherries, he opened the office door and prepared to return to the classroom.

Jiang Feng threatened: "How dare you, kid! If you mess around like this again, I'm going to visit your house!"

Ma Xiaohao fled on the spot: "Brother Jiang, you're wrong! If you finish your home visit, it's probably time to put incense on my grave if you want to see me."

At this time, in the office.

The other four teachers almost cried with envy when they saw Jiang Feng's good teacher-student relationship with his students.

There is really no opposition at all, they are just like friends.

Especially this kind of snatching something and running over to give it to the teacher, there is no sense of seriousness between teachers and students at all.

He was very involved with the students.

Especially Gao Yang, he was almost jealous.

The two classes he teaches are Class 6 and Class 9, and he is also the class teacher of Class 9.

The students in Class 6 are already quite naughty.

And Class 9 went even worse, and the skin went to grandma's house.

Playing with mobile phones in class, writing cheat sheets from memory, not observing discipline, all kinds of things can't be managed.

Unexpectedly, this post-00s teacher, who is a few years younger than me, is better at handling students than his senior, who has been a teacher for two years.

Is it really because of the age difference of so many years?

So it’s because we don’t have many common topics with students?

"Teacher Jiang, I have a question. How do you usually teach these students?"


Facing Gao Yang's sudden inquiry, Jiang Feng was stunned for a moment.

How do you usually teach these students?

If I had to say it, the most telling thing he did was to give his meal card to the extremely poor student in the class.

He was too embarrassed to bring up other things.

Fishing for fish in different ways, taking them to play games, cheating on students' mobile phones, and becoming students in the old six pits made them realize the sinister nature of people's hearts...

The word "teacher's morality" has nothing to do with it.

After Jiang Feng thought for a moment, he started talking nonsense seriously.

"Give students enough time to develop their self-discipline; integrate them into students through new era electronic interactive entertainment; guide students not to be overly addicted to electronic products; finally, use practical actions to prepare students to adapt to social life in advance."

At the end of the sentence, Jiang Feng almost made himself laugh.

I can fucking make it up!

Such lofty words came out.

Gao Yang was immediately shocked after hearing this: "Wow! Can Teacher Jiang teach me a trick or two?"

Jiang Feng started to lie seriously: "Okay, what do you want to learn?"


At this moment, the audience in the live broadcast room was stunned!

Don’t these four things mean: fishing for fish, leading students to play games, cheating on students’ mobile phones, and being a bad student?

Why does it sound more and more wrong the more I hear it!

But when I look back and think about it carefully, it seems that there is nothing wrong with what I said!

It turns out that riding a horse is the legendary art of language!

[If I hadn’t watched Teacher Jiang’s live broadcast, I would have almost believed it! Teacher Jiang, when you said this, didn’t you feel like you couldn’t hold yourself back? 】

[As expected of a Chinese teacher! As a physical education teacher, this ability to fool people is inferior to that of us! 】

[It’s over. One of these two people dares to teach and the other dares to learn! Teacher Gao must not be fooled to death by Jiang Feng? 】

[The last sentence about adapting to social life in advance made me laugh to death! Let students know in advance that people in society are dangerous, right? 】

[Teacher Jiang, I found a part-time job for you. You can try it! The old man who makes baskets downstairs in my house watched your live broadcast and knew immediately that he couldn't make baskets like you, so he gave all the work to you! 】

【puff! You have a lot of jokes upstairs! I've seen you kid more than ten times! You are the one who talks dirty things all the time! This ridiculous name is so impressive. What serious person would call his ID: Jian Hou Jia Yin? 】



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