Teacher Laoliu: I’ve Been Caught In The Rain, You Want To Hold An Umbrella?

Chapter 114 Jiang Feng: Going To Your House? No, I Have It Myself

"Okay, I won't fool you anymore, let's quickly vote by a show of hands."

"Raise your hands in favor of continuing to perform dramas in the class."


Only a few people raised their hands.

Jiang Feng continued: "Five. Those who are in favor of holding a drama performance in the school's large conference room now raise their hands."

Swish swish swish~

More than forty hands were raised at once.

Jiang Feng nodded: "43, and the remaining two who did not raise their hands represent abstention. Then we will follow the majority and decide to hold it in the school conference room!"

After saying that, he left Class 4 and came to Class 3.

The head teacher, Lao Huang, had just been talking about functions to Class 3 for a few minutes and was about to leave.

As soon as he saw Jiang Feng, he greeted him politely: "Teacher Jiang, thank you for the days when I substituted for you last week. I'll treat you to a meal another day!"

Although Jiang Feng was not interested.

But he still smiled and agreed: "Okay, I would like to thank Teacher Huang for his kindness first."

Then he turned to the 48 young faces of Class 3 and said, "If I waste a little time, let's keep the story short."

"The principal wants you to go to the school's big conference room when you perform the play this week. Then all the teachers and students in the school will come to watch. Let me ask you what you mean."

"Are you going to continue doing this drama performance in the classroom, or are you going to do it in the school's big conference room?"

"meeting room!"

"Then you must go to the conference room! It's lively!"

"I will go wherever Brother Jiang goes!"

Unexpectedly, Class Three all chose the latter.

That would be much easier to do.

It even avoids disagreements and arguments.

Two words, worry free!

Jiang Feng was a little surprised by such speed.

Are all these students so social?

If it were Jiang Feng who fished every day, he would definitely not make a special trip to the conference room!

Then you must choose...choose not even to participate in the drama!

Go back to the office and start showing off!


As soon as I came out of the classroom, I happened to see the new dean Shen Wei walking into the Chinese language office.

"Teacher Jiang, how are you asking?"

"Okay, Class 3 and Class 4 all agree."

Jiang Feng opened the door and walked into the office, sitting down on the chair.

I just turned on my phone and watched short videos to catch fish.

Shen Wei pretended to ask casually from the side: "While several teachers are here now, I would like to ask if you are free this weekend?"

Jiang Feng wondered: "Huh?"

Shen Wei hesitated and said, "It's nothing. I just want to invite a few teachers to come to my house to have a meal and talk about work. I've just been transferred and I'm not familiar with the situation."

As he spoke, his eyes stayed on Jiang Feng.


Chen Mei and Guan Zhi beside them became alert at the same time.

As if facing a formidable enemy.

Jiang Feng subconsciously replied: "Huh? Going to your house? No, I have it myself."

Shen Wei: "???"



As soon as this answer came out.

Chen Mei and Guan Zhi beside them couldn't help laughing at the same time!

It’s such a state of mind!


In the live broadcast room.

Many viewers burst out laughing when they saw this scene!

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that this dinner treat is entirely for Jiang Feng.

I was wondering if Jiang Feng would agree.

Unexpectedly, the sixth man immediately defeated the person's defense with just one sentence!

[Pfft hahahahahaha! What a mess! As expected of a Chinese teacher, he can speak! 】

[Yes...I'm sorry...I just burst out laughing! I have the God's Stepping Horse myself! This answer is really a rat biting a heifer’s butt – rat food is awesome! 】

[Stop laughing, Teacher Jiang is surrounded by three girls, Ying Ying Yan Yan. How do you guys, who are still singles, laugh? 】

【? ? ? The scolding was so dirty! What about super management? Block this guy upstairs! 】

[Isn’t she just my girlfriend? It’s like she doesn’t have anyone! I have changed several! Of course, this is all thanks to Almighty Diobao, the merchants deliver the goods very quickly! 】

【Almighty ass! Dibao is pure junk software! I went to see it and everything inside cost money! I’m really convinced! 】



Shen Wei was stunned for a long time, and then left the office angrily.

Just left.

Chen Mei then spoke to Jiang Feng: "Teacher Jiang, Director Shen is the principal's daughter..."


Jiang Feng was immediately puzzled when he heard this.

Although both of them were named Shen, Jiang Feng really didn't think about it at first.

No wonder this girl became the dean of students when she was only twenty-four or five years old.

It turns out that I have a father who is a principal!

However, it didn't matter to Jiang Feng. Even if he moved the principal here, he couldn't suppress him.

With Jiang Feng's current popularity.

Even if he pooped while riding on the principal's neck, the principal would probably have to praise him for his good stomach!

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