Teacher Laoliu: I’ve Been Caught In The Rain, You Want To Hold An Umbrella?

Chapter 129 Jiang Feng: The Weather Is So Nice Today~


[Teacher Jiang has such a good temper, no wonder he can get along well with the students! Sure enough, it is easier for teachers who are similar in age to the students to understand them. 】

[To put it bluntly, the age difference between teachers and students is actually too big. In addition, if the teacher is relatively rigid, it is easy to create a generation gap with the students and make them unable to understand each other. 】

【Strongly Agree! Our math teacher back then was. He still stuck to the rules and believed that it was right for teachers to beat and scold students. Such rules existed in ancient times, and he was later dismissed. 】

[Why do I feel that Teacher Jiang is setting a trap on the students! Especially for this guy Song Hang, he seems to be in a very dangerous situation! When I listened to Teacher Jiang chatting with others in the office, I heard them say that the politics teacher in Class 4 was famously strict. 】

【Fuck! It’s true when you think about it! No wonder the corners of Teacher Jiang’s mouth turned up just now! The one who dared to cheat was not their political teacher, but this student! 】

【puff! Not so! Teacher Jiang is so naive? I still don't quite believe it. 】


In the live broadcast room.

On the one hand, the audience lamented that the relationship between Jiang Feng and these students was so harmonious, and they were both teachers and friends.

on the other hand.

A small group of viewers finally heard the conversation between Jiang Feng and Song Hang and felt something was wrong.

Why can’t the corners of his mouth stop rising!


Song Hang is in danger!

This kid is going to be fooled!


After this move.

All the students in Class 4 classroom became serious.

Ever since.

The remaining half of the class passed quickly.

The classical Chinese article "Jing Ke Assassins the King of Qin" was finally finished near the end of get out of class.

On the podium, Jiang Feng breathed a long sigh of relief.

The students were even more relieved!

A whole half a week!

It’s all the same classical Chinese article!

Do you know how I came here in the past half week?

And now.

The ordeal is finally over!

"Finally liberated!"

"Exhausted! Finally no more torture!"

"Huh~ It feels so good!"

Does this make you feel comfortable?

Then our job as the sixth teacher is in vain.

Jiang Feng immediately poured a basin of cold water on the student.

"Oh, by the way, our next Chinese class will be about "The Banquet of Hongmen". This one is longer, so remember to preview it in advance."

After that, he left the classroom as soon as the bell rang.

The students who had just relaxed for a few seconds were left with an explosive state of mind!

Or classical Chinese!

And longer!

Is this human language!

Even if you tell them during the next Chinese class, that’s fine!

At least it would allow them to relax during this period.

This seamless connection simply made their mentality explode!

I couldn’t even get a good rest after class.

Teacher Jiang, you are such an old man!


The third class in the morning.

After the same course was taught in class three, the progress here also caught up.

Jiang Feng could leave the school after the third period.

But he didn't come out of the office until about ten minutes after the fourth period.

He walked straight to the Class 4 classroom.

Coincidentally, at this time Song Hang was punished to stand at the door of the classroom with a depressed look on his face.

He was still holding the "fake mobile phone" that looked just like the real thing.

One look and you'll know what's going on!

When Song Hang saw Jiang Feng passing by, he asked extremely depressedly: "Teacher Jiang, didn't you say that politics teachers are the worst offenders?"

Jiang Feng suppressed a smile and turned his head to the other side: "The weather is so nice today~"

Song Hang: "???"


at this time.

When the audience in the live broadcast room saw this scene, they immediately thought of Jiang Feng's previous words to deceive Song Hang.

He even encouraged him to be more ruthless and increase his intensity!

It was obvious that he had planned to trick this guy!

Take the loss!

【Pfft, quack, quack, quack! Too old! Teacher Jiang, just be a human being! 】

【We have received strict training, no matter...Pfft hahahaha! Teacher Jiang, you really don’t deserve to be a human being! 】

[I'm sorry, although it's very meritorious...but it's really funny! 】

【I can’t stop laughing anymore! This kid was still laughing and joking during the last class, but now it's really gone in a blink of an eye! 】

[I even doubt that Teacher Jiang is so damaged, how many wooden fish would have to be broken to make up for the merit! 】



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