
The third period of class is approaching.

When Jiang Feng rushed to Class 3 classroom with textbooks in hand.

The classroom doors and windows are all closed.

It made Jiang Feng wonder what kind of fun these students were doing.

Are you planning to trick yourself like Class Four?

Jiang Feng knocked on the classroom door.

Then I heard Ma Xiaohao's voice: "Who is it?"


A squeak.

After hearing Jiang Feng's voice, the classroom door opened from the inside.

Ma Xiaohao stuck his head out, holding a prop dagger in his hand and wearing ancient clothes.

He said mysteriously: "Teacher Jiang, fast forward, fast forward. We are rehearsing, taking advantage of the long break between classes."

After coming in.

Only then did Jiang Feng see it.

In classrooms.

The desks have been spread out a lot, leaving a large space in the middle of the classroom.

Most of the people in class three were wearing ancient costumes that didn't look very high quality and were rehearsing the drama.

At this time, it seems that the climax is being played out, the part about assassinating King Qin.

And when he came in, he interrupted them temporarily.

Ma Xiaohao slammed the classroom door shut again.

He lowered his voice and said, "Don't let Class 4 see it. Let's continue practicing secretly. We will definitely defeat them this time!"

Good guy!

Jiang Feng was dumbfounded!

After working on it for so long, it turned out that it was secretly involved!

I really admire you guys!

If I remember correctly, this guy deliberately showed off in front of Class 4 last weekend!

Just to confuse them and make them relax their vigilance!

Now we are rehearsing secretly again.

It’s so hard not to do homework for two weeks!

At this time.

The school bell rang.

Hear the school bell ringing.

The group of students hurriedly began to clear the tables.

I didn't even have time to change the props and costumes I was wearing.

Jiang Feng told them to stop on the spot: "Hey, wait! Keep going! We'll talk after the performance, don't be in a hurry."

As soon as these words came out.

The students were immediately delighted!

So cool!

Sure enough, it has to be Teacher Jiang!

If it were Lao Huang, their head teacher, that would be unthinkable!

Not to mention taking up class time, I'm afraid it's impossible for them to even do dramas from the beginning!

"Brother Jiang! You still understand us!"

"Thank you, Teacher Jiang!"

"Teacher Jiang is still wise!"

Jiang Feng smiled and sat on the podium: "It just so happens that I haven't given you a chance to rehearse in the past few days. I can leave this class to you."

And such a good thing! ! !

A moment!

The cheers in the classroom exploded!

"Teacher Jiang, you are my god!"

"I love Teacher Jiang so much!"

"Brother Jiang, I want to give birth to a monkey for you!"

Jiang Feng glared at Ma Xiaohao fiercely: "Ma Xiaohao has doubled his Chinese homework today!"

Ma Xiaohao: "???"


As a noble people's teacher.

We should not only teach students classroom knowledge, but also bring them some extracurricular cultural activities to deepen their understanding of knowledge.

So give them a drama performance.

Quite reasonable, right?

As the students rehearse so diligently, as a teacher, of course, we cannot destroy the students' interest.

In addition, the time given was only one week, leaving no time for them to rehearse.

So Jiang Feng took the initiative to let a class come out for them to rehearse.

That’s reasonable, right?

Ever since.

Jiang Feng, who had nothing to do because he couldn't participate, naturally sat on the podium and opened his mobile phone to watch short videos.

Kill this time in class.

That’s reasonable, right?

It’s so reasonable!


Live broadcast room audience:? ? ?

Is this Teacher Jiang's true plan?

I thought he had found out his conscience and planned to give the students some time to rehearse.

After working on it for a long time, it turned out that I was planning to fish and play games!

[Teacher Jiang’s abacus was so good that it fell on my face far away in the beautiful country! I declare now that the title of this episode is: Asking Students to Rehearse Is Your Lie. 】

[If you don’t mention anything else, just ask whether the students have rehearsed! 】

[This groping thing really caught me off guard! Just be this teacher and be silent! 】

[Moyu Feng is really not called for nothing! I was scrolling through Douyin this morning, and everyone in the comment section called Teacher Jiang Moyu Feng! Too vivid! 】

【broken! It’s time to watch Teacher Jiang give us a short video live broadcast again! What’s the difference between this and me watching short videos myself? 】

【Big difference! What Teacher Jiang watches are all classics! Trimming hoofs, washing carpets, pulling bananas with a hydraulic press... much better than the chicken roast videos you posted! Finally, I advise you once again, don’t let desire penetrate your will! 】



In classrooms.

The students rehearsed carefully under the podium.

Jiang Feng, on the other hand, sat on the chair on the podium and started to play short videos seriously.

He also pretended to be serious, making the students think that he was doing something serious.

at this time.

Suddenly he saw a message from Gao Yang.

Jiang Feng was wondering.

Click in and take a look, the game is online and invited!

Good guy!

Is Gao Yang also addicted to games?

The key is.

It's still during Jiang Feng's class time.

As a noble people's teacher, will we play games openly in class?

What? Multiple rows with no rank limit?

You... are really good at judging people!

Jiang Feng immediately said: Take the number! Take it flying!

Our main purpose is to go in and persuade him not to indulge, we have absolutely no other ideas!

As soon as he entered, he saw that not only Gao Yang was in the team.

There were three other people.

Judging from the headshots, they are Chen Mei, Guan Zhi, and the new dean Shen Wei in the office.

Moreover, these three people have temporarily registered game accounts.

Good guy!

Jiang Feng was immediately excited! ! !

What a good thing!

If I bring these four low-level rookies with me, I'm afraid I won't go in and kill them randomly!


Not long after.

More than half an hour passed quickly.

Under the podium.

The students had just finished rehearsing for the second time.

"Teacher Jiang, how was our performance just now?"

a girl asked.

Jiang Feng was so immersed in the joy of getting a good score that he didn't even raise his head.

He said perfunctorily: "Okay, okay, you did a great job. I will award each of you a gold medal later."

Several students couldn't stand it any longer.

Everyone came up to see what Jiang Feng was doing.

Then he saw Jiang Feng leaning behind the podium playing games.

Su Qing stepped forward and asked: "Teacher Jiang, you are stealing fish again. Aren't you afraid of having your salary deducted?"

"Yes, Teacher Jiang, I heard from the head teacher that 200 will be deducted at a time."

"It's okay, Brother Jiang! If the school deducts your salary, I will pay you 200 yuan to make up for it!"

Jiang Feng just wanted to say that he was not panic at all.

The salary of several thousand yuan is dispensable to him.

It's better than he could make more money just by cheating on students!

The worst case scenario is that your wages will be deducted, so I'll tear up your umbrellas and get the money back.

After the last push at the speed of light, Jiang Feng put away his phone.

He said in a serious manner.

"Don't lie, I'm hiding behind the podium to create a good rehearsal environment for you so as not to disturb you."

"This is so that you can do your best, show your best side, and not leave any regrets for your youth."

"At the same time, it also cultivates your self-control and self-discipline in a disguised form, which ordinary teachers cannot teach. I can say that it is a lot of hard work."

"And now you are turning to suspect me of fishing, which makes my teacher very sad."


Many students present fell silent on the spot when they heard this fallacy!

We who are riding horses are speechless!

You really deserve to be a Chinese teacher!

Black can be said to be white! You can even rake it down!


[Please, Teacher Jiang, please share where you rented this mouth from! The society is afraid that such a mouth is in great need! 】

【6! Too much! If Teacher Jiang were to participate in a debate competition, he might be able to fool the opposing debaters into not knowing what their debate topic was! 】

【Debate Competition? Small! The pattern laughed! I believe you when you say that Teacher Jiang is actually the leader of fraud in northern Myanmar! 】

[The last one just now, Teacher Gao should have gone up to sell it earlier. With Teacher Jiang’s economy at that time, maybe it was all finished two minutes ago. 】

【6! You idiot, get out of my phone! Why is your focus so strange every time, it makes people’s eyes darken! 】



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