Teacher Laoliu: I’ve Been Caught In The Rain, You Want To Hold An Umbrella?

Chapter 133 Student: It’S Been Brewing For A Long Time, And You Gave Us A Big Deal!

"You really want to know?"

Jiang Feng looked around at the 48 extremely expectant faces under the podium and asked.

And below the podium.

More than 40 students felt the smell of eating melon and immediately became excited!

Even Liang Yu, who was usually a "very poor student", did not doze off at this time.

He looked forward to Jiang Feng's words with a serious expression.

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to inquire about Teacher Jiang’s personal affairs!

It was almost a month since school started, and the only teacher they were interested in was acting particularly mysterious.

I only told them a story once, and suddenly ran away halfway through the story!

Even the head teacher, Lao Huang, told them several times about the time when he went to the countryside to teach in the past few years.

All the students under the podium responded.

"I want to! I really want to know!"

"Brother Jiang, stop being so secretive! Say it and it will make us happy too!"

"Teacher Jiang, please talk more and take up the next math class!!!"

Taking up math class? Jiang Feng almost couldn't hold back!

Do you want me to work overtime? impossible!


Although overtime is not possible.

But it’s possible to tell stories and catch fish!

When it comes to acting, do the whole thing.

Anyway, the teaching progress of these two classes is considered to be the fastest in the whole grade.

After all, he did not take the students to explain those complicated modern poems in detail, which saved a lot of time.

You can also tell stories to students and wait for the progress of several other classes.

After waving his hand to signal the students to be quiet.

Jiang Feng took a deep breath and was about to start speaking.

At this moment.

The "door god" sitting next to the front and back doors of the classroom, the "roller curtain general" sitting next to the curtains, and the "Aladdin" sitting next to the light switch.

With quick eyes and quick hands, he can close the door, draw the curtains, and turn off the lights, all in one go!

It feels like you are about to watch a movie!

Good guy! Telling a story and doing all this?

Jiang Feng said angrily: "What are you doing? People who don't know think we are doing something improper in the classroom! Open it!"

Then the serious nonsense started.

"The first time we met was when I was in college one night, and that game started..."

As soon as Jiang Feng said something, Su Qing raised her hand in confusion: "Teacher Jiang, wasn't what you mentioned before that we met by chance in the afternoon after school?"


It's not as good as what I said before.


Jiang Feng immediately tilted his head.

He defended himself solemnly: "That is that, and this is this! The one you mentioned can only be said to be the first love that did not reach the end, and this is the true love that we are still together until now."

! ! !

As soon as Jiang Feng's words came out, many students immediately began to feel disappointed.

Listening to this, it turns out that Teacher Jiang really has a girlfriend!

I thought he was talking nonsense.


In the live broadcast room.

After hearing Jiang Feng's conclusive words, the audience was finally convinced!

That's right, he's handsome, rich, and funny. A boy like this is popular wherever he goes.

It must have been taken down long ago!

How could I stay single until now?

It doesn't make sense at first glance.

[You can tell from this tone that it doesn’t sound fake at all. I really didn’t expect that Teacher Jiang was hiding so deeply! 】

【ah! I'm not convinced! Let me see what kind of girl is worthy of Teacher Jiang! If you don’t let me see the photos, I won’t give up! 】

[You are making such a fussy calculation upstairs! Together! I want to see it too! 】

[Teacher Jiang, who I had watched for so long, was suddenly snatched away by another woman. I felt like I was being raped...]

【Wake up! Don’t be too trusting, Teacher Jiang’s figure is not worthy of us netizens watching the live broadcast! But if you really want to talk, you can find someone to try out the experience in advance, just like me! 】

[I’m here early, so I don’t have anything to wish you well, so let’s first wish Teacher Jiang that his lover will eventually become a brother and sister! 】



Jiang Feng started cheating mode on the spot.

"Go on, don't interrupt us again."

"As I said before, we got to know each other from the first rank,"

"At that time, I was just playing around, but she added me as a friend and scolded me, saying that I cheated her star."

"Can I bear this anger? I refused to accept it at that time! I said it was because I didn't perform well, so I pulled her and beat her again! Then..."

At this moment.

Ma Xiaohao suddenly raised his hand: "Then Teacher Jiang tricked her again!"

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Jiang Feng glared at this guy and continued, "But, that's not important!"

"The important thing is that after I tricked her twice in a row, I made her laugh out loud."

"Not only is he no longer angry, but he continues to fight me no matter what. He wants to see what various ways I can come up with to die."

"That night, we fought hard all night and had a great time."

"In this way, over time, we got to know each other, and later, we even met offline."

! ! !

After hearing what Jiang Feng said, the students in the classroom were shocked!

It’s a straight-up science fiction movie!

Under normal circumstances, shouldn't it be that after being sprayed hard, he would be blocked and deleted again?

Even if they heard this story from a romance novel, they would think it was too bloody!

But by accident.

Teacher Jiang's serious look made them feel like he was not fake at all!

Many boys in the class couldn't sit still!

"Pfft! It's not fair, Brother Jiang! Why don't I encounter such a thing when I play games often?"

"I'm also a gamer. Why is Teacher Jiang so good at me? He can find a partner through the game!"

"My rank is much higher than Teacher Jiang, why haven't I encountered him before?"

"Is it too late to start playing games every day?"

Jiang Feng: "??????"

How come these idiots are all focused on playing games!

No, we have to find a way to convert them back!

So he continued to cheat in a serious manner.

"Later, we played together every once in a while. She was always very focused and patient."

"One day, I saw many people who were good at playing games joining her, but she rejected them all."

"So I asked her, there are so many people who are good at playing games, why did you choose me?"

"She smiled and said that it has nothing to do with whether you are good at playing games. The main thing is who you play with. Then she said to me seriously..."

to here.

The students under the podium were all worried!

I couldn't help but think of the last time Jiang Feng told a story.

The ending was: The rich second-generation car behind her drove her away, but I didn’t hear it clearly!

It won't be such a nonsense plot again!

"Teacher Jiang, what did she say?"

"What did you say? Brother Jiang, stop showing off!"

"Teacher Jiang, you're not going to fool us again, are you?"


"Nonsense! How could I deceive you?"

Jiang Feng said seriously: "She told me seriously that because I am good at classical Chinese, she likes this! Come on, everyone, turn to page 22 of the book to learn classical Chinese!"

Then he took the lead and opened the textbook.


The co-authorship has been brewing for such a long time, and you’ve made a big deal out of it for us?

The ending of this story is even more unreliable than last time!

Listening to the story told by you, the sixth child, is really convincing to the students!

It always ends at the point that attracts them the most!

Are you angry or not?

This teacher really wants to piss off the students to death!


In the live broadcast room.

When the audience heard this bloody ending, they almost convulsed with laughter!

This reversal really caught people off guard!

The good love story of Mr. Jiang suddenly turned into a classical Chinese text that was very annoying!

Teacher Jiang really took great pains to get the students to study classical Chinese seriously!

[Another shocking operation! Teacher Jiang, you deserve to die! At the beginning, I was ready to write a love novel! But you just made me lose my temper by this sentence! My mind is filled with the words "Classical Chinese" and I can't get rid of it! 】

[It can be seen that classical Chinese has indeed had a great influence on you! It may even affect your math scores! They have already begun to lose count! 】

[Classical Chinese: Did you see it? Have you seen them all? It’s now clear who is Teacher Jiang’s true love! I’m not targeting anyone, I can only say that except for classical Chinese, all the other texts here are crap! 】

【Grass! Thousands of people wrote in blood, begging Teacher Jiang to finish telling the story! Suddenly stopped here, I really couldn't sleep all night! 】

【Do you have any brothers who live in Yunhai City? Find an opportunity to tie up Teacher Jiang when he comes home and let him finish telling the story! 】

[Police: 6! Go on, I'm listening! Give me more details! 】



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