As soon as Jiang Feng's words came out, the students in the two classes were also shocked!

"Two hundred yuan per person"!


Although they have not yet entered society and started making money, most of them know that making money is hard to come by.

The budget of more than 200 yuan per person does not sound like a lot when put on an individual basis.

But there are a total of 98 people in the two classes.

That adds up to more than 20,000 yuan!

I’m afraid it’s more than a normal teacher’s salary for several months!

You use "also"!

Teacher Jiang, you are finally exposed! He also said that he is not a rich second generation!

It turns out that the real rich man is right next to them!

"Brother Jiang, please hug me!"

"Teacher Jiang v. I eat Crazy Thursday for 50!"

"Teacher Jiang, take me with you, I can speak!"

"Song Hang, get out of here! It's disgusting for a grown man to scream!"


the other side.

Jiang Feng felt the increase in popularity popping up in his mind and expressed that he was not panicked at all.

Just a simple sentence has attracted more than 4,000 popularity points, which can be said to be a huge profit!

Twenty thousand yuan is nothing to him, the more money he spends, the more he spends!

Of course.

If at this time he said a very devilish sentence: "I just lied to you, in fact, there is no gift at all! Jiejiejiejiejie!"

Then you can make more money.

It really lives up to that saying: If you lose money, you can make more money, but if you lose your conscience, you can make more money!

But, that would be too devilish.

Might as well save it for later.

at this time.

Almost all the students and teachers who came to the conference room to watch have left.

Only a hundred or so of them are still here.

Jiang Feng glanced at the time on his phone.

Good guy.

It's already six twenty!

It was originally held in the fourth period of the afternoon, and the get out of class ended almost as soon as it was done.

And they were still laughing and joking here, wasting a lot of time.

"Okay, hurry up and grab some food from the canteen and see what time it is! It's too late and you can't even get a chicken drumstick!"

Jiang Feng said this.

This group of students who were still laughing and joking here were immediately dumbfounded!

Damn it!

I have late self-study class at 7pm, now the time is 6:20!

Now I'm afraid it's hard to even grab food in the cafeteria!

Without saying a word, he ran away!

"Brother Hang! Bring me one! I want fish-flavored shredded pork, potato chicken nuggets and fried shredded potatoes!"

"Don't talk nonsense! Twenty minutes earlier would have been fine. Now let's go, it's called carrots stir-fried with fungus and potatoes stewed with potatoes!"

"I'm not going to the cafeteria. Let's eat instant noodles. I still have two buckets of Laotan pickled vegetables in my schoolbag. Brother Ma, I'll share one bucket with you."

"I won't eat it! I've eaten it several times and it still smells like stinky feet. I'm going to the cafeteria to eat multi-grain pancakes!"

"Brother Ma, bring one for me! Add sausage and eggs, no chopped green onions, no coriander, more spicy!"

"It costs fifty cents to run errands!"


Jiang Feng walked behind, wanting to laugh a little while listening to the conversation between them.

So right.

From junior high school to high school to college, you can hear this conversation every time you eat.

I even couldn't help but think about the time when I was in college, I went to bring food and feed five sons who were waiting for food.

The shouts for "adopted father" were heard loudly, each one sounding better than the last.


In the live broadcast room.

Hearing such conversations, even those viewers who have finished school and graduated can't help but feel nostalgic.

It smells bad!

Isn't this just a replica of their previous school life!

It turns out that no matter which era or region, they are actually the same!

[Potato stewed with potatoes is so real! The potato and chicken nuggets were late and only had potatoes, but the remaining soup was actually the essence! I asked Auntie to give me a few more spoons, and when I poured it on the rice, I could add three servings of rice! 】

【Fuck! Soulmate! The remaining soup of potato and chicken nuggets is the essence, and there are a lot of meat residue and crushed potatoes in it, which is much more delicious than normal potato and chicken nuggets. When there is only one left, auntie will happily add more for you! 】

[I have been in college for more than a year, and I have not been to the cafeteria more than ten times. I rely on my adoptive father in our dormitory to go hunting (bringing food) to support me. I am a big loser...]

【It doesn’t matter. In high school: Huh? Am I a waste? Am I actually a waste (doubting life)? University: That’s right! I'm a waste (proud)! 】

[Li Yiliang doesn’t eat chopped green onions and coriander, right? Please give him more! Picky eaters must fork out! 】

[You kid is really a devil! You don’t know how powerful green onion and coriander can be to someone you don’t like! Of course, I don’t know, anyway, I like chopped green onion and coriander! Please give more to classmate Li Yiliang! I'll pay for it! 】



come back to the office.

Jiang Feng opened it casually: Chou Tuan takeout.

I ordered something for myself.

Then he sat at the table and read through it.

Jiang Feng's plan was to customize small silver jewelry for each student in the two classes as a souvenir.

Buy in large quantities and the price is low.

The most important thing is that it has both commemorative significance and practical value.

It’s more practical than getting a fancy but useless certificate.

After two days of a series of operations, no two other teachers or the dean came to bother him.

He was left happily toying with the students...

Oh no, he was left playing happily with the students.


Why did you let it slip again!


If I have to say something, it is that these people seem to be a bit resentful in the past two days.

For example, at this time, only Chen Mei and Li Xiuhua were still in the office.

Chen Mei's voice when typing on the computer to prepare lessons for students was several times louder than usual.

The keyboard clicked loudly.

But it's normal, and it will become normal after a while.

at this time.


There was a knock on the office door.


A creak.

A girl who looked gentle and quiet walked in from outside.

From class three, the girl who Jiang Feng gave her a meal card before.

If I remember correctly, her name seems to be Ye Xiaoyi.

That should be the name, right?

After all, her presence in the class is really weak.

In addition, Ma Xiaohao's lively and conspicuous figures jumped around the classroom every day, which further reduced her sense of presence.

It could even be said that she was almost invisible.

Only when he was correcting his homework and seeing the girl's delicate handwriting and average-to-average grades could Jiang Feng remember her.

"What's the matter?" Jiang Feng asked.

After all, he can't read minds, he really doesn't know.

"Teacher Jiang...I...that..."

Ye Xiaoyi looked at Jiang Feng, her eyes wandering around with an awkward look, and she hesitated not knowing what to say.

"If it's not convenient here, let's go out and talk."

Seeing that she seemed a little uncomfortable, Jiang Feng stood up from his seat and led the way out of the office.

He also conveniently turned off the camera used for the live broadcast.

Ye Xiaoyi followed gratefully.


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