As Jiang Feng cut off the live broadcast of the camera.

The live broadcast room No. 6 suddenly fell into a black screen.

Countless spectators who were full of expectations were immediately excited!

Some attentive viewers had accidentally discovered that Jiang Feng had secretly helped this girl.

At that time, the screen in the live broadcast room was also turned off to protect privacy.

I thought I could know the details of that time this time.


Just when I saw the wonderful place, the picture suddenly disappeared again.

It's like watching a TV series and seeing an exciting part, and suddenly an advertisement pops up; reading a novel and seeing the protagonist show off his magical powers, and suddenly a shitty yellow reminder button pops up!

It’s simply mind-blowing!

【puff! Where is the program team! What are you doing for food? The screen is gone! The picture of labor and management is gone! Hurry up and send some bald programmers to repair the server! 】

[No matter what, just scold the show team anyway! The program team will **** your whole family! Give me the picture quickly! 】

[Program group: 6! You can all fucking blame me, right? Teacher Jiang turned it off manually to protect students' privacy! I'm the one who's been wronged the most! 】

[Although I also want to see what is going on, this time I stand with Teacher Jiang. It’s great to protect students’ privacy and not use this to gain traffic. 】

[Indeed, Teacher Jiang deserves the current number one ranking in popularity. I can't stand those who just help students casually, ignore the students' privacy, and make all kinds of hype. I really want the whole world to know. 】

[Teacher Jiang, please come back quickly. I don’t want to see the fierce woman on the 18th, nor do I want to see a high-quality human teacher, nor do I want to see that foreigner who speaks Chinese dialect...]



On the edge of a walkway in the teaching building away from the crowd.

"Huh? Are you asking if you can cash in your little gift?"

When Jiang Feng heard what Ye Xiaoyi said, he couldn't help but be stunned.

Then I immediately understood something.

When we met by chance in the cafeteria before, she only ordered one portion of rice and one portion of vegetarian vegetables, and ate them with the pickles she brought.

So frugal.

Jewelry worth more than 200 yuan that can only be seen is probably not as real as more than 200 yuan to her.

Jiang Feng can completely understand.

At this time, after listening to Jiang Feng's words, Ye Xiaoyi immediately buried her head lower.

His face turned red from shame, extending to his ears.

"Teacher Jiang, I..."

It seems that I felt that I said something wrong that destroyed the consistency of the class, and I was planning to find a way to remedy it.

Jiang Feng spoke before her.


Jiang Feng didn't say much and directly agreed to her request.

"Now that I have said that, of course I can agree to it. After all, the things are given to you, and the choice is yours."

Hearing Jiang Feng's words, Ye Xiaoyi raised her head gratefully: "Thank you, Teacher Jiang!"

His eyes looked extremely clear, without any impurities.

Just when she was about to say something grateful, Jiang Feng interrupted her.

"But can you tell the teacher where you want to use the money?"

In order to make her feel at ease to say what she said, Jiang Feng also added: "Don't worry, no third person will know, and the teacher will not tell anyone else."


Hearing Ye Xiaoyi's words, Jiang Feng twisted his face and said very contrary to his will: "Teacher Jiang never lies to others."


Minutes passed quickly.

After watching Ye Xiaoyi leave without a trace, Jiang Feng reopened the live broadcast room.

And in the live broadcast room.

The audience who had been waiting for a long time almost exploded with excitement when they saw the screen reappearing.

【Teacher Jiang! Teacher Jiang! How can I live without you, Teacher Jiang! 】

【Yanzu! I miss you so much! A whole five minutes! Do you know how I spent these five minutes? 】

[I know, you ran to the live broadcast room of the No. 18 Fierce Girl and went crazy. You said something about how big your sister is and how much I love you. I even took a screenshot of it. 】

[Brother, can I give you five yuan to delete it? My family also watched Teacher Jiang’s live broadcast. There were so many people outside just now. It was my fault. I knelt down for you...]

【five yuan? Sending beggars away! Today is a crazy Thursday, I will delete the v if I am 50! 】

[Pfft hahahahaha! How can it be so real! The brother upstairs is not as capable as Teacher Jiang in causing trouble! 】



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