the next day.

September 30th.


Since early in the morning, the whole school has been immersed in a very subtle atmosphere.

Both students and teachers.

Almost everyone had a faint smile on their face and was in a very happy mood.

Because, after today, the National Day holiday officially begins!

This is also the last long vacation before the Chinese New Year. How can we not look forward to such a long break?


Outside the school gate.

A figure flew past.

That's right.

It's Jiang Feng...

It wasn't until nearly nine o'clock in the morning that Jiang Feng woke up, got up, and set off from home to school.

Damn, I’m late!

Because in class 4's evening self-study yesterday, Jiang Feng took back the hot pot he owed them.

I originally planned to leave after making arrangements for them and go home to prepare lessons, but the students in Class 4 tried every means to prevent them from leaving.

It wasn't until about nine o'clock in the evening that I managed to sneak out.

I went home and worked hard preparing for lessons until twelve o'clock in the evening.

If you are a high school student or college student, staying up late can be said to be easy.

But now, he is already in his 20s and cannot stay up late at all.

So I was too sleepy to walk.

This is why I'm late today.

As I rushed to school, I looked down at the class schedule on my phone.

Hey, it’s still class three today.

Seeing this, Jiang Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

Suddenly I felt that my late behavior was a lot more righteous!

I was late for one class in Class 4 before, and I was also late for Class 3 today.

It was like teaching them another lesson through words and deeds!

When Jiang Feng came to be a teacher, he only had to do three things!

Fair, fair, fair as a horse!

Watch and study hard, Teacher Jiang treats you equally and is not biased at all!


A full ten minutes after the school bell rang.

Jiang Feng hurried to the first grade and stood at the door, deep in thought.

You have to find a reason for yourself to get over being late.

The one I used in Class 4 before [The school wants to check your phone, give it to me, I will keep it for you first], the distraction method is definitely not going to work anymore.

Gotta come up with a new idea.

After thinking for a few seconds outside the door.

Jiang Feng opened the classroom door of Class 3 with a creak and stepped onto the podium very confidently.

He said without blushing, "Okay, okay! I deliberately came a few minutes late today to test your consciousness and self-control. Unexpectedly, you all performed very well. Let's officially start the class now."

Class 3 students: "..."

At this time, almost half of the students in the class were looking at Jiang Feng with silly eyes: "Are you thinking we are stupid?"

Jiang Feng looked at dozens of people at the same time.

The scene was extremely quiet.


In the live broadcast room.

The audience was waiting for Jiang Feng to start broadcasting early in the morning.

Unexpectedly, I waited until nine o'clock in the morning to see Jiang Feng turn on the live broadcast.

Rushing from home to school.

You can tell at a glance that this guy is late again!

Ever since.

The audience in the live broadcast room became even more excited!

Because Jiang Feng used a cunning trick to cover up his lateness last time and cheated out more than 30 mobile phones from Class 4!

Therefore, the audience in the live broadcast room was extremely looking forward to what kind of cool tricks Jiang Feng would use to cover up his lateness.

Unexpectedly, this guy is no longer pretending!

This reason is simply worse than grandma’s stewed pig’s trotters!

[God really tests students’ consciousness and self-control. No one can describe being late for work so fresh and refined. 】

【Laughing to death! If it had only been a few days before school started, all these students would have believed it. But it’s been a month, and it’s a shame that these students are still fooled! 】

[Class 3 students, have you seen that Teacher Jiang is partial? In Class 4, I would always come up with excuses, but now in your class, I can only do it perfunctorily! Tell me, can you bear this? 】

【puff! You kid knows how to control fire! Damn, it’s so awesome, the words of you stupid netizens always make my eyes darken! 】

[You don’t understand this! Teacher Jiang has been late in Class 4 before, so today she is late again in Class 3 on purpose, just to give them enough fairness. You still don’t understand Teacher Jiang’s good intentions. 】

【6! I stepped on the horse and was speechless! This wash is very good. If you go to dry cleaning cars, you will definitely make a fortune. It will not be a problem if it hurts! 】



After a long silence.

"Teacher Jiang, I almost believed it."

"I'm just a million shy of believing it."

"Brother Jiang, can't you use a better reason?"

Jiang Feng didn't care at all about the chatter among the students under the podium.

Suddenly he said mysteriously: "Do you want to hear a story?"

! ! !

As soon as these words came out, the class fell silent for a moment.

Teacher Jiang tells a story?

This is good!

The 48 students in Class 3 all nodded like chickens pecking at rice.

"I want it! I want it too much!"

"Everyone has been waiting for your words!"

"Teacher Jiang, can you please speak a little longer this time?"

"That's right, Brother Jiang, you are too short. Can you be longer this time?"

Jiang Feng glared at Ma Xiaohao: "You beat Ma Xiaohao after class and I will tell you."

In an instant, several students in the class were all happy!

Especially Ma Xiaohao’s good brothers, their faces are filled with happy and bright smiles!


Is there such a good thing?

It’s a double happiness!

"Teacher Jiang, just because of what you said, I will buy a whip after class!"

"Beating! You must beat him hard! Don't worry, Teacher Jiang, I'll beat the shit out of him later!"

"Brother Ma, I'm really sorry, this is all Teacher Jiang's intention... As close as we are, we are close friends, I...hehehehehehe!"

Seeing the expressions of his good brothers, Ma Xiaohao turned green.

It seems that I will inevitably get a beating after class!

Even the ones who shout the loudest are my good brothers!

They are all superficial brothers, right?

On the podium.

Jiang Feng regained his discipline and said, "Everyone, please be quiet. Let's tell you what story you want to hear and ask for your opinions."

"Tell me about Teacher Jiang when you were in school!"

"That's right! Teacher Jiang, tell us about your school days!"

"Brother Jiang, you can say whatever you want! As long as it's what you say, we all like to listen!"

Jiang Feng smiled and waved his hand to signal them to be quiet: "Then after I finish speaking, you must listen carefully to the lecture!"

"no problem!"

"No one on the entire planet is more serious than me!"

"It's like we don't take it seriously!"

"As long as it is a class taught by Teacher Jiang, we all listen carefully!"

I don’t know if it’s because today is the National Day holiday or something.

The students in the class today are more lively than the other.

He talked a lot more than usual, as if he had been given a shot of chicken blood.

He kept chattering excitedly and said all kinds of flattery.

Just from the words, you can see how much they are looking forward to the National Day holiday.

Just now.

It took him three consecutive times to maintain discipline before he could suppress the excitement of this group of students.

"Since you want to hear it, let me tell you about my time in college, okay?"

The students under the podium agreed one after another.


"That's great!"

"Brother Jiang, let's start!"


In the live broadcast room.

Many viewers started laughing when they saw this scene.

As long as Teacher Jiang tells a story, there will never be a serious ending!

Every time, the students were fooled into confusion!

Each story has a very outrageous twist.

It sounds reasonable, but it seems to be a serious illness!

【puff! Already starting to laugh! The first time was when the rich second-generation car drove her far away, and the second time was when she said she just liked classical Chinese literature! Every time the ending feels like a serious illness! 】

[The corners of my mouth have begun to rise uncontrollably! Teacher Jiang is taking the bamboo shoots and pulling a big one for the students again! 】

[Already almost immune. When you listen to Teacher Jiang's stories in the future, you can't be immersed in them, otherwise Teacher Jiang will definitely make a showy turn and fool you into confusion! 】

【Who are we talking about this time? Teacher Jiang’s childhood sweetheart’s little crush? I stepped on the horse and covered my ears to stop listening. I would definitely not be led in by Teacher Jiang again this time! 】

[If someone like Teacher Jiang were to write a novel, I’m afraid he would be the kind of person who always fails to finish the novel, and would probably be criticized to death by readers! 】

[Be confident, readers will send you razor blades directly! In the beginning, I still feel a little bit unhappy about the story about the second-generation rich man driving her away in his car! Because that’s how my childhood sweetheart got into someone else’s BMW! 】



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