Ma Xiaohao just came back.

The classroom bell rang.

The students who had gathered to chat returned to their seats.

"Like Class 4, let's look at the answer sheets ourselves, discuss them forward and backward, and analyze where we went wrong."

"In ten minutes, find a few people to tell everyone."

Then he said: "Oh, by the way, Su Qing did well in the exam this time. I'll have you next time. Don't hide it. Tell everyone about your method of solving questions."

"I know, Teacher Jiang!"

at this time.


A voice sounded from outside the door.

Almost everyone turned their heads to take a look.

Xu Fei stood at the front door of the classroom panting.

He was holding a basketball in his hand and there was a lot of sweat on his face.

According to Lao Huang's class rules, if you are late, you must stand up and listen.

Instantly, many people in the class started shouting.

Especially those people, Ma Xiaohao and Li Yiliang, were the loudest and almost burst into laughter!

"Too late! Stand up and listen!"

"Xu Fei, you have today too!"

"Yo yo yo, isn't this Brother Xu?"

Jiang Feng glanced at the basketball in Xu Fei's hand: "You're late, what are you doing?"

Xu Fei said without blushing, "I went to the bathroom. This basketball belongs to Ma Xiaohao."

Jiang Feng couldn't help but want to laugh, and asked jokingly: "Going to the bathroom? What's the sweat on your head? Are you sweating after eating so hot?"

"Quack, quack, quack!"



When he said this sentence, several people laughed instantly.

Especially his good brothers, they were so laughing that they hit the table!

Even Xu Fei couldn't hold back his laughter.

After calming down for a while.

He said a little aggrievedly: "Mr. Jiang... I went to play ball... I could have come back normally, but in the end, a damaged object in Class 9 deliberately threw the ball at a teacher. I went to pick up the ball and was scolded. I came back late..."

Jiang Feng was puzzled after hearing this.

"Huh? Is there such a thing? Are you bullying our class? Fuck him!"

Hearing Jiang Feng's words, Ma Xiaohao became excited on the spot.

He rolled up his sleeves and stood up, as if he was going to fight.

It’s not the turn of people from other classes to bully people from their own class!

"Go! Fuck him!"

Hearing what he said, Li Yiliang and the other boys stood up from their seats eagerly.

Jiang Feng's eyes darkened on the spot: "What are you doing? What are you doing! Are you really ready to go over and fight?"

"Brother Jiang, didn't you say you should fuck him?"

Jiang Feng sighed helplessly: "It's the 21st century, why are you still thinking of taking action?"


Then he pointed to his head: "You have to use your brain, here, do you understand?"

"Understood Brother Jiang! I'll kill him with a headbutt!"

"You understand hammer, you understand! Okay, everyone, sit back first, I will handle this matter, and let him apologize to you today."

As soon as these words came out.

Jiang Feng's figure instantly looked much taller in the eyes of the students!

Both boys and girls are almost starry-eyed!

This is a good teacher!

"Teacher Jiang is awesome!"

"Teacher Jiang is so handsome!"

"I raise the banner for Brother Jiang! He is invincible under the principal!"

Jiang Feng's face turned dark when he heard this: "Okay, okay, don't brag. If you don't think it's embarrassing, I still think it's embarrassing."

Do you really think he has any serious tricks up his sleeve?


When they first heard Jiang Feng's joke, the audience in the live broadcast room was also amused and laughed.

But I didn't expect it.

Later, when I saw the loyalty of those boys after learning that the people in the class were being bullied, I couldn't stop laughing.

Although these boys usually cheat each other harder than the other.

But when it comes to times like this, it’s quite loyal!

In addition, Jiang Feng said at the end that he would be able to come over and apologize today, which is so cool!

[Hey, what a good live broadcast, how come you suddenly become passionate? 】

【Oh shit! More popular than Boruto! Already looking forward to it! 】

[No wonder Teacher Jiang is so respected when he cheats them every day. Brother Jiang is not ambiguous at all at critical moments! 】

【Saved! I raise the banner for Brother Jiang! He is invincible under the principal! 】

[Understood, Teacher Jiang convinced that kid with a headbutt! Then come over and apologize! 】

【puff! You kid is so insufferable! 】



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