Teacher Laoliu: I’ve Been Caught In The Rain, You Want To Hold An Umbrella?

Chapter 169 School Is Not About Fighting And Killing, School Is About Human Relations

"Brother Jiang, what tricks are you going to use then? Just tell us!"

"Teacher Jiang, I don't want to learn how to throw chalk heads anymore, I want to learn this!"

"Yes, Teacher Jiang, as a teacher, you have reason to teach us how to protect our rights."

"Teacher! Don't talk about the test paper now, let's talk about this first!"


In classrooms.

Originally, Jiang Feng was ready to start class.

As a result, this group of students were all clamoring to learn how to make that guy from Class 9 apologize obediently.

And looking at this posture, each one is more excited than the other.

They were more serious than they usually were in class.

Jiang Feng couldn't help but sigh after hearing this.

Why can't all of you put this kind of thought into studying?

But every time this irrelevant topic comes up, everyone gets so excited.

And look like this.

If I didn't fool them, I wouldn't even be able to take this class.

After thinking for a second, Jiang Feng spoke seriously.

"When the time comes, I will rush into their class right after class. When I see that boy, I will pick up the class's mop stick."

"I rushed forward and did this, then that, and finally did this. After that, the boy lay on the ground crying and begging me."

Speaking of this, Jiang Feng was still gesticulating with his hands.

And in the classroom.

Both boys and girls were completely stunned when they heard it!

Especially Ma Xiaohao and the others looked at Jiang Feng eagerly, and something seemed wrong in their eyes!

At most, they probably planned to force the boy over to apologize.

Teacher Jiang is a really cruel person!


Jiang Feng continued: "Of course, the above are all wrong examples. You should not imitate them. Although this behavior looks dangerous, it is actually not safe at all."

All students: "????"


But in fact...it's not safe at all...

The more I listen, the more something is wrong!

Several students were dumbfounded.

We have reason to suspect that you are deceiving us!

It’s just that we can’t produce evidence for the time being!

While the students were all confused.

Jiang Feng immediately changed the subject and brought it back to the original topic.

"Okay, I'm done wrangling, let's start class now. It's been delayed for several minutes."

"Our class will be like this. The top four people with the highest grades will take the stage to talk to everyone. The people below can ask questions. If you really don't understand, I will supplement it for you."

"Don't say that I am irresponsible. I am cultivating your comprehensive abilities."

"Chinese language is not just about answering questions, but more importantly, the ability to express them."

"How's it going? Does any other student have any comments or suggestions?"

Not even a pause.

Jiang Feng immediately continued: "Okay! Since no one has any objections, let's start now!"

Then, he made a "please" expression to the students with the highest Chinese scores in the class.

A set of silky little combos can be done in one go, just like eating Dove!


Those with the highest scores were all numb!

I’ve got you to finish all the nice things to say!

What else can we say!

If you ask us if we have any comments or suggestions, you should give us time to answer!

We didn't even open our mouths, but you said it!

Are there any teachers like you?


Live broadcast room No. 6.

In just one minute, countless viewers were shocked three times in succession.

Lei's is crispy on the outside and tender on the inside!

Jiang Feng could still hold back when he tried to hit someone in front of him.

Unexpectedly, it will become more and more strange after that!

Especially that set of silky little combos that left the audience speechless!

You almost make people forget that his ultimate goal is to fish!

[I learned a new operation again, so I’ll just learn it and use it! Although Teacher Jiang’s lectures seem to be very poor, he is actually not diligent at all! 】

[You kid, this is the true biography of Teacher Shen Dejiang, right? 】

[Teacher Jiang: You’ve all seen it. I gave you a chance to give your opinion, but you didn’t take it. You can’t blame me. 】

[Speaking of which, it’s not too realistic to find students with good grades to teach questions. Our math teacher at that time liked to play this game the most. Every time, I would go up and give questions. Later, in the small exam, I deliberately made mistakes in several simple questions at the beginning. Get your score down. 】

【I really miss it. Back then, I also selected students with high test scores in my class. There was a student in the class who was good at mathematics, so I picked him to give lectures time and time again. Later, this kid got into trouble and deliberately wrote wrong simple questions! Make me angry! 】

【? ? ? No, can these all happen together? You two horse-riding men had better not be giving me a hard time! 】



The four with the highest Chinese scores, except Su Qing and Ye Xiaoyi, stood up very consciously.

Although the remaining boys and girls were not particularly willing and a little shy, they still stepped onto the stage.

Soon, a situation formed where the students below asked questions and the four people on the podium answered them.

Jiang Feng sat directly on one of them's seats and listened to them.

From time to time, just add in the loose parts of what they said.

The workload has become much easier.

The quality of the lectures will not be reduced.

It can be called a model of fishing.

Ye Xiaoyi is still a bit introverted, although she is not as open-minded as Su Qing at the beginning.

But after about ten minutes of this, I realized that there seemed to be nothing to be afraid of.

Gradually the sound became louder.

The introverted energy is missing.


Jingle bell bell~

"If this class is not finished, we will continue in the next class. get out of class is over!"

When the bell rang, Jiang Feng stood up and left as if he had been summoned.

Even when he asked Xu Fei the name of the troublesome student in Class 9, he took advantage of class time to ask.

The main one does not delay for a second.

And in the classroom.

The student was stunned for a minute and finished explaining the question before get out of class ended.

At this time, for students, it is a relief to relax after class.

For the audience in the live broadcast room.

The anticipation they had built up for so long had just begun to kick off.

Everyone was curious about what methods Jiang Feng would use to get the student from Class 9 to come over and apologize.


Then he saw Jiang Feng returning to the office, minding his own business and picking up a game.

The audience was numb!

No, what about that awesome and coaxing energy you had before?

When Jiang Feng came out of the Class 3 classroom, I thought he would go straight to Class 9 and catch him!

So now you're sitting in the office playing games?

It went on like this for nearly an hour.

This is the end of the third period.

Jiang Feng still has no intention of moving at all!

The audience couldn't sit still!

Could it be that Teacher Jiang forgot? Or is it just casual talk?

at this time.

The office door opens from the outside.

Gao Yang just finished his class and came back from Class 9 classroom.

Jiang Feng greeted him directly: "Teacher Gao, is Yang Cheng from your class?"

"Yes what's the matter?"


Live broadcast room audience:? ? ?

Hearing Jiang Feng's words, the audience immediately filled the screen with questions!

Gao Yang is the head teacher of Class 9!

I thought Jiang Feng would have some outrageous tricks and would make the students miserable.

I didn't expect that his operation was so simple and crude, and he actually complained directly!

Ask your class teacher to deal with you!

It’s simply a dimensionality reduction blow!


It’s so wicked!

Teacher Jiang, you can’t afford to play with me!

【6! This wave of complaints shows that my scalp is numb! I thought he was going to turn left and right with words, but I didn't expect him to just pull out Wang Zha and make a killing move! 】

[Awesome, I really showed off, I even thought about it and never thought that such an operation would happen! Dimensionality reduction hits yes! 】

[Brothers, have you seen that school is not about fighting and killing, but school is about human relations! Things that can be solved with words, never have to do it yourself! 】

【I’m done with my studies! So I arranged for my second uncle who was a security guard at the school to take action and block the teacher who deducted my grade points last time from the door and not let him in! 】

【What a rascal! Hahahaha! This wave of complaints really caught me off guard! I thought it was a hearty mid-range sniper match, but I didn’t expect Teacher Jiang to take out an RPG rocket launcher! 】

[Single shot, powerful, can kill people instantly! Never mind anything else! Just tell me if this thing is a sniper! 】



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