Jiang Feng's idea is actually very simple.

This incident was just a small fight between students.

There was really no need for him to get involved.

It is so out of place for a teacher to argue with students over such a trivial matter.

Just ask Gao Yang directly.

Just ask the other person to apologize, shake hands and make peace.

A trivial matter as big as sesame seeds becomes too big and ends poorly for both parties.

Of course, the most important thing is that it would be easier for him to ask Gao Yang to solve the problem!

The matter can be solved with just a few words!


After hearing what Jiang Feng said, Gao Yang frowned.

As the head teacher of Class Nine.

During this period of time, he has been learning from Jiang Feng's teaching methods to improve the atmosphere of the class.

Unexpectedly, at this time, there is actually someone who stands out!

Although you deliberately hit the teacher with a ball and framed other students, it can be said as a joke between friends.

It's not too big to say it's big, and it's not too small to say it's small.

It all depends on one sentence.

But this incident is a good opportunity to scare the monkeys!

Making a start with him would be an opportunity to straighten out the atmosphere of the class.

Simply the best of both worlds!

Gao Yang agreed on the spot: "Don't worry about Teacher Jiang. I will ask him to come over and apologize to the students in your class, and we will take care of things later."

"No, no, no." Jiang Feng waved his hands repeatedly after hearing this: "It's just a small fight between students. Just apologize and speak clearly. It's not necessary."

Gao Yang shook his head at this time and said: "No, no, it just so happens that I am improving discipline and class style in the class during this time, and I just need such an opportunity."

Hearing this, Jiang Feng said nothing more.



After Gao Yang left, he returned to the office.

There was a boy behind him.

It should be the one named Yang Cheng.

Appearance: Slightly.

at this time.

Yang Cheng walked in while still defending himself.

"Teacher Gao, we are really just joking. Don't listen to that teacher's nonsense."

As soon as he walked into the office, the boy took one look at Jiang Feng and immediately changed his expression!

The mouth that was still trying to defend myself suddenly got stuck.

My heart thumped so hard that my legs almost lost my balance.

He held on to the wall on one side and stood still.

Hold the grass!

Why is it that devil teacher! ! !

I was just joking with that boy at that time, so this is not my crime!

If I had known it was the boy in the devil teacher's class, I wouldn't have wanted to get involved even if I gave him a hundred courages!

Just thinking about it.

When the boy saw Jiang Feng's gaze, he immediately lowered his head.

I screamed in my heart that something was wrong.

Before Jiang Feng could say anything, the boy wailed: "Gao...Teacher Gao, I'm sorry! I was really wrong! I'm going to apologize to him now!"

After saying that, he ran out of the office.

He didn't want to fall into this teacher's hands!

Jiang Feng and Gao Yang were left staring at each other in the office!


In the live broadcast room.

The audience was stunned!

Is Teacher Jiang already so powerful?

One second ago, the boy was still defending himself.

After seeing Jiang Feng, he was so frightened that he ran away to apologize!

More scared than a sheep when it sees a wolf!

[Pfft hahahaha! With this attitude, if you say there are rumors that Teacher Jiang can eat children, I will believe it! 】

【puff! From now on, just hang two photos of Teacher Jiang at the school entrance! Better than the door god! 】

[This cognitive bias is too big! In Classes 3 and 4, students all think Teacher Jiang is good. But outside, Teacher Jiang is almost like Satan! 】

[Who told you, a group of disgusting netizens, to edit some clips of Teacher Jiang teasing students and cheating on them every day? Now Teacher Jiang is notorious. It’s hard to know what kind of person Teacher Jiang is without coming to see it in person. 】

[Teacher Jiang is described outside: a cancerous sixth man, a devil, who deceives students without blinking an eye. The actual Teacher Jiang: late, fishy, ​​and loves to play games! 】

[Don’t worry about anything else, just say whether you want to watch it or not! Don’t you see it? 】



After the boy left.

Gao Yang continued: "Teacher Jiang, I have been learning the methods you taught me recently, and the discipline situation in the class has indeed improved a lot."

"Other teachers complained that students were disobedient in class much less often than before, and they were no longer seen playing with their mobile phones during class."

"These are mainly due to Teacher Jiang! I'm ashamed to say that I didn't expect that I, a teacher who has been teaching for several years, is not as good as Teacher Jiang who just joined the job."

When he said this, Gao Yang looked a little embarrassed and scratched his head.

But he really meant what he said.

According to what Teacher Jiang said before, first get along with the students and break the originally seemingly antagonistic relationship, then proceed step by step, and then slowly understand the students' ideas.

Only half a month has passed, and it has indeed been very effective!

In the past, when students met him on the street, they would not say hello.

Now, when most of the boys and girls in the class see him, they will smile and say hello.

Some students even make naughty jokes on him.

The relationship between teachers and students is much more harmonious than before.

Moreover, the use of mobile phones by students in class has almost disappeared.

Everyone is worried that the head teacher will personally visit the home.

That thing is so terrible!

The matter of student performance can be taken slowly first.

This kind of thing cannot be rushed.

After all, Jiang Feng taught him that the issue of grades should be left behind.

You must first understand the students and get along with them, so that the students' grades will naturally improve.

It's only been more than a month since school started, so there's no need to rush about grades.

I have to say that the only bad thing is that these students play games and always mock him...

It’s so heartbreaking!


The two chatted for a while.

The boy named Yang Cheng came back.

However, after entering the office, he subconsciously kept a distance from Jiang Feng and stood further away.

As if he was afraid that this devil teacher would eat him.

He lowered his head and said to Gao Yang: "Teacher Gao, I have apologized to him, and he has forgiven me..."

After hearing this, Gao Yang's originally amiable expression suddenly changed, and he stressed: "Just because you apologized doesn't mean that the matter is over. The rules are the rules, and if you do something wrong, you must be punished!"

The boy nodded weakly.

Gao Yang continued: "As a punishment, you will lead me to 5 stars on weekends. That's it. It's almost time for class, so go back quickly. The next class is your English teacher's class!"


After the boy nodded, he rushed out of the classroom as fast as he could.

Not willing to wait a second longer.

As if he was afraid that Jiang Feng would eat it!

Jiang Feng, who was listening on the sidelines, was a little puzzled.

It's not that this boy is so afraid of himself.

But he was wondering, Gao Yang had worked hard to learn from himself!

I even learned how to play games!

It seems that Class 9 can really make a big difference!

Let you learn the truth!

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