
In the live broadcast room.

The audience was almost all lamenting that Jiang Feng scared the students like that.

But after seeing Gao Yang's operations, his eyes suddenly lit up!

A while ago.

The program team hired several teachers who learned from Teacher Jiang’s Lao Liu operation.

Attempts to attract traffic all came to naught.

Unexpectedly, the real essence was learned by Jiang Feng's direct disciple Gao Yang!

This is the true disciple!

The sexy operations are all taught by Teacher Jiang himself!

I even learned the essence!

【Awesome! This is the person who has learned the essence of Teacher Jiang! I really became one with the students! The program team comes over to take a look! What you learned last time was rubbish! 】

[Oops, Teacher Gao Yang is about to embark on this road of no return... I don’t even dare to think about it. If several other teachers in the office follow suit in the future, then all the students in this class will not be able to return. Teach him to be a sixth child? 】

【Is it really that easy? I want to try it in our class, but it’s a bit late now that I’m a senior in high school, isn’t it? 】

[Third year...Teacher, please let them go. It's okay to say that the first and second years of high school are not that long before the college entrance examination, so don't worry about it. 】

[Indeed, it’s now time. Those who want to learn don’t need to be taught, and those who don’t want to learn can’t be taught. Although it is cruel and not in line with values, I still want to say that at this time, let’s focus on those good students. 】

【Hold the grass! Something's wrong with this! Why don't you idiots talk nonsense and become so serious? 】



After dealing with this matter.

Jiang Feng continued to fish in the office.

Sometimes I watch short videos, sometimes I play games.

He seems to be the most relaxed person in the whole office.

Before I knew it, the remaining time passed quickly.


Jiang Feng opened the door from the office and was thinking about where to eat today.

I saw Cheng Xiaojie from Class 4 holding a test paper dejectedly and walking behind the politics teacher with dull eyes.

It seemed that he was heading towards the political team's office.

Upon seeing Jiang Feng's appearance, Cheng Xiaojie blinked crazily at Jiang Feng as if grasping a life-saving straw.

This guy, at first glance, seems to have failed to pass the political score.

Jiang Feng glanced at the answer sheet in his hand.

Although it's not particularly clear, I can still see this guy's results.

23 points!

Good guy!

Then it’s really not a loss at all for you to be called away!

Just when Jiang Feng went out to follow the two of them to the office, there was a corridor about ten meters away.

Cheng Xiaojie began to wink at Jiang Feng crazily.

Later, he simply lowered his voice and asked for help: "Teacher Jiang... help me..."

Jiang Feng pretended to be puzzled.

He asked knowingly: "What's wrong?"

Cheng Xiaojie pointed to the politics teacher walking in front: "He wants to take me to make up lessons. Teacher Jiang will try to catch me. I'm afraid of death..."

"Ah? Is that so?" Jiang Feng looked thoughtful.

Then he said: "I understand what you mean! I will pick a big piece for you for the grave!"


After hearing Jiang Feng's wise answer, Cheng Xiaojie's face turned dark!


Is this human language!

"Teacher Jiang, I will definitely study politics hard in the future. I am so young and I don't want to die yet..."

Jiang Feng just wanted to laugh.

There are so many student dramas this year!

Isn't it just a make-up lesson? Why make such a fuss?

So I said with the mentality of teasing him: "How can I get you?"

When Cheng Xiaojie heard this, his mind was thinking rapidly.

Find a way to save yourself.

"Teacher Jiang, you can do whatever you want, just say that I didn't do well in the Chinese test, leave me a paper to rewrite and send me away, as long as I don't go to tutoring..."

Jiang Feng laughed.

You meowed so loudly, did you really think that the politics teacher didn't hear you?

Still fishing for you? It's okay if I don't give you a kick!

at this time.

The distance of more than ten meters finally came to an end.

Already arrived at the political office.

And his politics teacher stood waiting at the door.

Jiang Feng still didn't give him an answer.

It looked like there was absolutely no hope.

Teacher Jiang couldn't save him either.

Cheng Xiaojie walked over with a look that could be described as risking death.

never mind.

Either way, he's going to die, so it's better to act calmly.

Isn’t it just a supplementary lesson in politics?

No matter how strict the teacher is, can he be eaten?

If Teacher Jiang can't save him, then he can't.

At most eighteen years later, I will...


Just when Cheng Xiaojie stepped into the political team office.

Jiang Feng's voice came.

"Oh, by the way, Cheng Xiaojie, after you finish your politics course, remember to come over and get your test papers! I also left a set of papers for you."

Cheng Xiaojie: "????"

Just be a human being!

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