Teacher Laoliu: I’ve Been Caught In The Rain, You Want To Hold An Umbrella?

Chapter 178 I Really Don’T Understand What’S So Interesting About This Teacher Cheating On His Stude

A self-study class only lasts about 40 minutes.

Ye Jingliang felt like he was sitting on pins and needles, and time passed extremely long.

Time passed by minute by minute.

Finally, it was five minutes before the bell rang.

At this moment.

But he heard a burst of noise coming from outside.

Dong Dong Dong~

There was a knock on the classroom door.

Before he could say please come in, the door opened from the outside.

Then the dean's face appeared with black lines on his head, as if his face was so black that water could drip from it.

"Teacher Ye, come out."

There was a hint of doubt in the dean's voice.

Ye Jingliang walked out of the classroom in a daze.

The dean turned to the students in the class and said: "Students, the English classes these days will be self-study first. Starting next week, a new English teacher will be transferred to teach everyone."

Just walked out the door.

I saw two police officers standing in the corridor outside the classroom.

A few seconds later.

The screen in the live broadcast room was cut off and turned into a black screen.


In an instant, the barrage in the live broadcast room No. 71 exploded.

In the live broadcast room, which usually only has a few thousand traffic, because of the announcement released by the program team, nearly 200,000 viewers came to join the team building to join in the fun!

Among them, a large part came to watch the show from Jiang Feng's live broadcast room.

After seeing that No. 71 was about to be detained by the police, everyone burst out laughing!

This retribution comes incredibly quickly!

It’s not good for you to offend anyone, but you have to offend Teacher No. 6 Jiang!

[Laughing to death, my qualification is gone, my job is lost, and people are about to enter! This brother knows how to play. Wouldn't it be nice to live broadcast well and win a bonus of 10,000 yuan? I have to show everyone what a clown is. 】

[What do you know? This is called a toad-sun frog—an ugly flower! What’s wrong with people wanting to add a little more fun to their boring teaching days? (doge)]

[The video was posted last night, the information was found at night, and the person went in this morning! Now I might have to step on the sewing machine with Fanfan! 】

[Although, in this case, I estimate that I will be detained for 15 days at most, so I won’t actually go in and use a sewing machine. But I'm afraid compensation is indispensable. The liquidated damages from the show crew and the compensation for damage to reputation are enough for this guy to go back and sell his house. 】

[Is the brother upstairs a lawyer? Can you help me answer this question? The unexpected situation on the 71st also had a great impact on me. Can I sue? To talk about the specific impact, the main loss is a few hundred yuan. After all, I am so happy watching it now that I am afraid I will inevitably have a beer and skewers in the evening. Can I sue him and get these hundreds of dollars back? 】

[Otherwise, brother, you should think about suing the judge and sending the judge in. I feel like this might even be easier...]



The other side.

As the bell rings.

Jiang Feng, who had no idea about this, finished class leisurely for his students.

Then he went straight to the office and turned on the computer.

There is ready-made traffic, but no one grasps it.

It can only be said that the current generation of late Homo sapiens subspecies is not very good.

Jiang Feng quickly registered the IDs of "The Evil Man Jiang Feng" on several platforms.

Then turn on the computer.

Find your own live broadcast replays and start editing videos.

While Jiang Feng was editing the video, the number of followers on his account began to rise crazily.

After Jiang Feng worked on the computer for a while.

A minute-long video quickly emerged.

The content is very similar to the video in the morning, but two more dialogues have been added.

Ma Xiaohao stood up from his seat: "Teacher Jiang, I'm so hungry that I want to go to the toilet."

Li Yiliang: "There is also me, count me in."

Jiang Feng glared at them: "Sit back, I'll help you get in!"

The entire video is in a different kind of ghostly style, with several scenes of students wearing masks of pain added in the middle.

Although Jiang Feng is not very good at this aspect of operations.

But I replayed it and checked it again, and it seemed to be okay.

After completing the operation on the computer.

Clicked publish directly.


And that's when the video was released.

Jiang Feng's personal account already has more than 800,000 fans.

Just a few minutes after the video was released, the number of views increased instantly.

Following this, the reminders popping up in his mind that the popularity value has increased are also increasing rapidly.

The number of views of the video is also soaring by 11,000.

To Jiang Feng's surprise, during this period, he has been extremely popular on various platforms.

Most of the edited videos about him are still in the category of live broadcast slices.

Just record a live broadcast and put it up, which can bring a lot of traffic.

It's a pity that there isn't even anyone who dares to edit and re-create the whole thing.

There is such a big opportunity here, why can't anyone seize it?

It was even his turn to go off personally.

as expected.

As Jiang Feng's own video was released, it took less than half an hour and it had already gone viral!

The comment area exploded.

"It's so funny that Teacher Jiang went out to straighten himself up! He's so good at playing, hahahahaha!"

"Program team: Damn it! You committed a crime against the odds! Someone, hurry up...Eh? Hurry up and collect Teacher Jiang's video, and all the staff will watch it carefully!"

"Pfft hahahahaha! Brother, you know the program team!"

"I've even tried to figure out how on earth I could help someone go to the toilet!"




Jiang Feng was very satisfied with the current result.

The live broadcast can drive viewers to watch the videos edited by Jiang Feng, thus bringing popularity.

And editing videos can also attract people to watch your live broadcast and continue to bring popularity!

Eat both ends!

Step on your left foot with your right foot and go straight to the sky!

This hand of cutting leeks is simply invincible!



The time came before the second class in the afternoon.

Jiang Feng came back from eating outside the school.

Push open the door of Class 3 classroom.

Before three seconds had passed, the class bell rang.

Just like the situation in Class 4 in the morning, many students in Class 3 also started shouting when they saw Jiang Feng.

Everyone asked Jiang Feng impatiently what happened last night.

"Teacher Jiang, did you know that rumors were spread last night?"

"Teacher Jiang, I didn't go to bed until after three o'clock in the morning last night, and I sprayed hundreds of messages with the people who blackmailed you. Shouldn't you order a cup of milk tea to reward me?"

"I read the news that that guy is Teacher Jiang's competitor, and he has been taken away by the police! He may even go in and use the sewing machine!"


Hearing the chattering below, Jiang Feng shook his head helplessly.

These people's thoughts on eating melons are truly invincible.

There's no way they won't follow up!

Jiang Feng knocked on the table twice to stop the noise below.

He opened the textbook and said, "Okay, I already know this. To thank you all for reminding me, I will give you a detailed lecture on "The Banquet of Hongmen" today. Now come and open the book."

48 students in the class: "????"

The expectant looks in their eyes suddenly turned into expressions of disapproval.

Thank you so much, right?

Everyone cares about you so much, are you here to retaliate? !


Because various parties issued announcements one after another in the morning to refute the rumors, many people clicked in to take a look.

In addition, the matter itself was also very controversial, and it also ushered in such a quick reversal.

Many passers-by who had never watched the live broadcast were attracted!

The final result was a wave of advertising for Jiang Feng in disguise!

The online popularity of the live broadcast room has also been bottlenecked for more than a week, from 1.3 million to more than 1.8 million in one fell swoop!

These new audiences have been looking forward to Jiang Feng's lecture since the morning.

I want to see how cruel this teacher can be to tricking students.

But we have waited until now to officially start.

Unexpectedly, the first scene I just saw was about repaying kindness with revenge!

[As an old viewer who has been watching for more than a month, let me explain to the new viewers, don’t look at Teacher Jiang, although he looks a bit old. But in fact, he has always been rigorous in teaching, serious and responsible, caring for students, never late or leaving early, and...and...forget it, that's all, I can't make it up anymore. 】

【Let me help you compile it! I am enthusiastic about helping colleagues, respecting leaders, correcting homework seriously and responsibly, and voluntarily work overtime every night to make up lessons for students! 】

[As a contemporary college student, I really don’t understand what’s so interesting about this teacher cheating on these students! So please increase your efforts and trick them a few more times, and let me see if I can figure out what’s so good about this! 】

[I see there is something in your words! 】

【Laughing to death! I have watched the video several times before, and today I finally had the opportunity to see it for myself. This teacher is really a jerk! 】

【What a birth! How can you laugh at what others have suffered... Oh, I want to see it too, that's okay! Let's form a group and laugh together! 】



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