"Brother Jiang, wait!"

Just when everyone was about to start flipping through the books and listening to the lecture.

Ma Xiaohao's voice suddenly came.

Jiang Feng, who was standing on the podium looking down at the textbook, raised his head and took a look.

Ma Xiaohao was looking at Jiang Feng with his hands raised.

"What's wrong?" Jiang Feng raised his hand to signal him.

"Brother Jiang, I also found a new rumor video about you at noon today, and it has a higher number of views."

Jiang Feng:? ? ?

What the hell?

Who is so stubborn?

The program team just sent one in, and now there are still people who dare to commit crimes?

Jiang Feng asked in surprise: "Who is it? Someone was just taken away by the police and someone dares to do this? I don't believe it. Take it out and show it to me."

When Ma Xiaohao heard this, his face turned green!

I'm here to tell you something very important, and you want to deceive me about your phone again, right?

Can you please stop using such an old-fashioned operation next time?

This kind of operation couldn't even be fooled by us half a month ago, right?

Ma Xiaohao looked at Jiang Feng as if he had seen through it: "Brother Jiang, if I don't take it, you want to defraud me of your phone again, right?"

Jiang Feng sighed: "Nonsense, I don't have that much time to fool around with your phone. I'm still in a hurry to send in the rumormonger you mentioned."

Ma Xiaohao showed a suspicious expression: "Really?"

Jiang Feng looked at him seriously: "Do you think it's fake?"

After looking at Jiang Feng for a few seconds.

Ma Xiaohao reached into his schoolbag and took out his mobile phone, ready to click on the video he accidentally viewed at noon.

But it didn't happen.

Jiang Feng suddenly looked at him with a mean smile: "Okay, okay, let me catch you again. The class representative will take note of the name."

Ma Xiaohao: "???????"

Hearing this, many people in the class paused for several seconds!

Afterwards, Su Qing quickly picked up the small notebook and wrote down Ma Xiaohao's name.

Ma Xiaohao’s face turned crooked because he was cheated!

"Brother Jiang, didn't you tell the truth just now? Why are all the lies coming out of your mouth!"

Jiang Feng laughed after hearing this: "What I just said is [does it look false to you?]. And you know that what I said is lies, do you still believe it?"

Ma Xiaohao fell silent on the spot, his face turned dark.

I wish I could give my two big dicks some time to wake up!

Teacher Jiang has become more and more mature recently!

All kinds of tricks are used on them.

This time, he even tricked his cell phone into revealing it!

I don’t even dare to think about what will happen next time!

Jiang Feng walked down from the podium: "Okay, okay, I won't fool you anymore. Come and show me which rumor-mongering video you are talking about."

Ma Xiaohao turned on his phone and quickly clicked on the short video browsing history.

Then he opened the ghost video posted by Jiang Feng.

"Brother Jiang, this is it! It's similar to the video last night. I even gave this rumor-mongering dog several reports!"

"And I also called Xiaoliang and Xiaofei to report it together, but unfortunately I haven't been able to get him to take it off the shelves."

After saying that, Ma Xiaohao also looked at Li Yiliang and Xu Fei on the side!

After Jiang Feng heard this, he immediately put his face on the old man’s mobile phone in the subway!

Very good report.

Don’t report it next time!

It's a good thing you didn't click on the private message on the homepage to curse a few words, otherwise I would still see the rumor-mongering dog you said is named Jiang Feng!


In the live broadcast room.

The audience was stunned by Jiang Feng's shameless actions.

Suddenly I saw Ma Xiaohao reporting Jiang Feng with his own hands!

Many viewers immediately laughed and turned into fools!

What a great pairing of teachers and students!

【6Wow 6Wow! This is the first time Teacher Jiang has been tricked so badly by a student hahahaha! This report is really awesome! 】

[It made me laugh so hard. Teacher Jiang’s student Ma Xiaohao is really his radiant energy! 】

[I don’t know why, but it gave me an inexplicable feeling: When I was a kid, I was riding the bicycle my dad rode, and my feet got stuck in the wheel. My strong-willed dad couldn’t pedal, so he stood up and pedaled hard. 】

[Hahahahahaha! You have to be a strong father throughout your life, right? It’s inexplicably consistent with now! If you can’t report it, ask a friend to come over and report it! 】

[Teacher Jiang, don’t tell him yet! I have already begun to look forward to this guy's high-spirited performance, and then I learned that the account is Mr. Jiang's own, hahahaha! 】

【Grass! Grab the bamboo shoots! In terms of knowing how to play, it’s up to you, stupid netizens, to know how to play! 】



Li Yiliang: "Yes, Teacher Jiang, the three of us reported it several times at noon, including pornography, politics, and personal assault."

Xu Fei: "It's a pity that I reported it several times, but it still didn't help at all."

Ma Xiaohao: "It's time to say it or not. This backstage is really tough. Let's report it to both classes tonight."

Jiang Feng: "..."

Be reasonable.

I saw these three people looking in high spirits.

Jiang Feng couldn't bear to interrupt them and wanted to see what the three of them were going to say.

If you can speak, speak more!

And this time.

The squad leader Lin Shan sitting on the other side had her eyelids twitching.

I feel deeply in my heart that these three boys are so brave!

Finally, he couldn't help but remind him: "Is it possible that the person you reported to is actually Teacher Jiang?"

The three people who heard this sentence were all stunned for a moment.

His eyes suddenly became wise.


Teacher Jiang?

With the other two people watching, Ma Xiaohao quickly opened the account where the video was posted.

Then I saw Jiang Feng’s real-name authentication!

The three brothers were dumbfounded on the spot...

Li Yiliang was the first to beg for mercy: "Teacher Jiang! I believed Ma Xiaohao's nonsense! Don't take it to heart!"

Xu Fei also reacted at this time and followed closely: "That's right! Teacher Jiang, it was Ma Xiaohao's grandson who deceived us!"

Ma Xiaohao couldn't hold back when he heard it!

You two were not like this when you reported it at noon!

The shouts were getting louder and louder, almost calling the police!

Now one or two of them feel that something is wrong.

He sold me back!

"Brother Jiang, listen to me..."

at this time.

After watching the fun, Jiang Feng had already walked back to the podium.

He interrupted Ma Xiaohao's words first: "Okay, it's okay. I was delayed for four minutes. This time..."

Jiang Feng hasn't finished speaking yet.

The next second, Su Qing raised her hand: "I know, I'll make up for it at the end of this class!"

Jiang Feng immediately went numb!

Why don’t these students know how to understand the teacher?

Let me take up the time after class every day!

Jiang Feng opened the textbook: "Don't even think about it. Let's tighten up at this time and teach this class faster!"


"Teacher Jiang, just hold me there for a while and you won't die!"

"Brother Jiang, can you learn from Lao Huang? He drags the court every day!"

"That's right, Teacher Jiang, don't run so fast after class, just chat in the classroom!"


In the live broadcast room.

The audience was very upset after hearing this!

There is no teacher who makes students beg for help every day.

【puff! With this attitude, those who didn’t know better would have thought that Teacher Jiang was a professor from a well-known university, and a single class would cost tens of thousands! 】

【Have you seen it all? This kind of teacher is so irresponsible! The school should expel him severely! Everyone, give him a little report! This teacher is so incompetent! 】

[I understand the truth. But did you forget to change the trumpet upstairs? You used the official account of Yunhai No. 2 Middle School next door to post a barrage asking for Teacher Jiang to be fired. It is hard not to make people suspect that you are planning to poach Teacher Jiang. 】

[laughing to death hahahahaha! Too bad! He also knew that he should fire Teacher Jiang first and then recruit others. The operator hired by No. 2 Middle School had some brains, but not much! 】

[Business war in movies: illegal and deadly! Business war in reality: legal and sick! 】

[Laughing, this method of poaching people is a bit novel! If the principal of No. 2 Middle School saw this operation, he would be so angry that he would vomit blood on the spot! 】



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