"Teacher Jiang, you can talk about whatever you want! Even if you are talking nonsense, we are willing to listen!"

"Our history teacher told us a few days ago the story of her teaching experience back then. Teacher Jiang, please tell us too!"

"I heard from the history teacher that when I was teaching, I would also encounter wild boars breaking into the school, and the principal was there to catch the pigs!"

"Even if you talk for five minutes, it will be fine. Teacher Jiang, you won't be able to speak for less than five minutes, right?"


Jiang Feng's face turned dark when he heard this!

I wish Bang Bang could go up and punch each of them.

"How can I, a teacher who has only come here as an intern for the first time, tell you the story of my teaching experience? Why don't I wait until I go to the countryside to teach for a few years and then I can tell you the story when I come back."

Jiang Feng was so deceptive that he was ready to sneak away quietly.

A group of students couldn't stand it on the spot after hearing this.

Step forward to block Jiang Feng's way.

"Teacher, how can you be so shameless!"

"Brother Jiang, even if you make up a perfunctory one on the spot to perfunctory us!"

"That's right! As long as Teacher Jiang talks about it, we all like to listen!"

Jiang Feng sighed helplessly.

He said as if coaxing a child: "Then I'll tell you anything. After I tell you, you can't rely on me to make trouble anymore!"

The students nodded.

After thinking for three seconds.

Jiang Feng spoke in a deep voice: "Once upon a time, there was a queen who gave birth to a princess. Her skin was as white as snow, so she was called Princess Snow White."

As soon as these words came out.

The students were all confused!

"snow White"?

Isn’t that a bedtime story for a three-year-old?

Can this also be discussed?


Seeing the serious look on Jiang Feng's face, no student in the class interrupted him.

Everyone gathered around and listened to Jiang Feng's words.

After all, it's really not easy to get him to stay for once.

Jiang Feng continued: "Later, the queen died of illness, and the king found a new queen."

"The new queen had a magic mirror. One day, she looked at the magic mirror and asked: Mirror, mirror, who is the most beautiful woman in the world?"

"Snow White's appearance appeared in the magic mirror and she replied: It's Snow White."

"The queen's eyes lit up when she saw it: Yes, that's her! Come more and keep posting, I love to see it!"

"Later, Snow White, the Queen and the Magic Mirror lived happily together."

"Okay, you just promised me, after you finish talking, you can no longer rely on me."

After telling this "An Tusheng's Fairy Tale", Jiang Feng turned around and prepared to leave.

And those students in the class who came to listen to the story were immediately shocked by the thunder!

His eyes were a little dazed!


Anderson's fairy tale?

The story you tell is a bit evil!


In the live broadcast room.

The audience was stunned when they heard this story!

This is completely ruining the childhood fairy tale of An Tusheng!

Teacher Jiang, just be a human being!

【I know this! There is another story in this book! Once upon a time, there was an ugly duckling. Because he was ugly, he was ostracized by his brothers and sisters. Even his mother didn't want to see him. The ugly duckling left his hometown and vowed to impress them. But as expected, the ugly duckling was finally captured and made into a tough duck! It shocked all the other ducks! 】

[Pfft hahahahahaha! The most addictive episode! The tears couldn't stop flowing from the corners of my mouth! Please put more cumin and more spicy food! I bring my own dishes and chopsticks! 】

[If you talk about this, you have to mention the story of "The Little Girl Selling Arms"! 】

[You don’t understand this! The original text of Snow White has thousands of words, but Teacher Jiang only used more than a hundred words to tell it. This is teaching students to summarize! Very helpful for doing reading questions! 】

【6! If you want to fish after get off work, just want to fish after work! Why are you doing it in such a roundabout way? Brother, you are teaching us to understand the meaning of the questioner, right? 】

[This is Teacher Jiang’s trumpet! There is no one left with this sophistry! 】



After Jiang Feng finished telling the story, he turned around and prepared to run away.

And how could the students who were treated so perfunctorily let Jiang Feng run away like this?

One by one, they stepped forward and grabbed Jiang Feng to prevent him from leaving.

"Teacher Jiang, please be more serious!"

"If you don't bring something so perfunctory, this doesn't count!"

"Brother Jiang, you don't want the school to know about fishing at work, right?"


Just in time for fun.

The classroom door suddenly opened, and the head teacher, Lao Huang, opened the door and walked in.

Seeing Lao Huang's serious face.

All the students couldn't help but be stunned.

Then they all released their hands from Jiang Feng and left in a hurry, as if they were afraid of being criticized by Lao Huang.

For some reason, Jiang Feng had a bad feeling.

Subconsciously, I felt that Lao Huang was here to find me.

as expected.

As soon as this idea came up, Lao Huang spoke.

He said to Jiang Feng with some embarrassment: "Teacher Jiang, I finally found you."

"The students have just finished their exams. I originally organized a parent-teacher meeting this Friday afternoon, which lasts for about two hours. However, I have something to do at home, so I will most likely not be able to come."

"Look at the schedule. Do you have time to host a parent-teacher meeting for Class 3? I have already prepared the materials. You can just use them according to the materials."

I just finished saying this.

Lao Huang took out a document with more than ten pages.

It also contains the student's transcript, daily performance, any violation records, etc.

Before Jiang Feng could react, the students in the classroom became excited!

Teacher Jiang came to hold a parent-teacher conference for them, which was much better than the head teacher, Huang!

Although Teacher Jiang may usually be compared to Lao Liu, judging from his usual behavior towards them, he is much better than Lao Huang!

Teacher Jiang is just a bit old-fashioned, but Lao Huang is famous for being strict!

"Teacher Jiang! I promised it for you!"

"Brother Jiang! As a colleague, you should help other teachers, right?"

"Teacher Jiang, please agree. I'll ask my sister to hold a parent-teacher meeting!"

"Yes! I also called me..."

Jiang Feng glared at these guys and took the materials from Old Huang's hand.

After chatting for a few more words, Lao Huang left first.

When the students in the class saw this scene, the noise became even louder!

Jiang Feng threatened: "Don't make trouble. You all should behave normally when the time comes."

"Otherwise, I will tell your parents that you were booked for playing with your mobile phones in school!"

After hearing Jiang Feng agree like this.

Many students' voices were much quieter, but their cheering movements were even louder!

Jiang Feng stared at class monitor Lin Shan again: "Oh, by the way, if you ask your sister to come over for a parent-teacher meeting, I will call your mother and tell you that you were caught playing with your mobile phone twice in class, and you also charged money in the game. The money is used to buy skin!”

After hearing this, Lin Shan felt numb instantly.

Jiang Feng took advantage of him!

Unexpectedly, Jiang Feng continued to hit the target: "And Su Qing, please be honest with me when the time comes. Otherwise, I will tell your mother that all the skins in your game account were bought with money. It adds up." Thousands of dollars!”

Su Qing couldn't hold back on the spot: "Teacher Jiang, most of these are free!"

Jiang Feng showed no mercy: "Then do you think your mother believes in you or me as a teacher?"

? ? ?

With one sentence, there was no solution, and Amelia Su was carried away directly.

It took a long time to recover.

Jiang Feng turned and stared at Ma Xiaohao, who was laughing at the side: "Smile, smile, you kid has been caught with your cell phone 6 times and you are still laughing! Do you believe I called your dad?"

Ma Xiaohao still had a playful smile on his face: "I don't believe it, Teacher Jiang, you definitely don't..."

In the middle of his words, Ma Xiaohao's expression suddenly changed!

Because he saw Jiang Feng skillfully pick up the phone and dial his father, Ma Mingjun!

"Hello? Is this Ma Xiaohao's father? Yes, I am his teacher. Your son was playing with his mobile phone at school and molesting the female teacher in the next class. He was sued to the school. Would you like to come over?"

Ma Xiaohao was so scared that his face turned green!

"Pfft! Brother Jiang, don't talk nonsense! My dad would really whip me with a belt!"

After emphatically hitting these few usual "thorns".

Jiang Feng turned off his phone and returned to his serious expression.

Then he looked around at the 48 students in the classroom.

"Remember to be honest with me when the time comes and don't make any trouble! Otherwise, you will get some good results from you."

Xu Fei nodded frantically: "Don't worry, Teacher Jiang! I will never collude with Ma Xiaohao!"

Ma Xiaohao: "????"


In the live broadcast room.

Everyone in the audience burst into laughter at Jiang Feng's actions.

This teacher is like no other!

Killing all the students in the classroom!

Other teachers would push students into the fire pit at most, but Teacher Jiang directly pushed the students into the crematorium!

[Dimensionality reduction to combat indiscriminate killings. Teacher Jiang has a very good handle on these students. Just a list of those caught with mobile phones can take away 80% of the students in the class. 】

[The value of this list is still rising! It’s a killer weapon to show to parents! I'm afraid the students will be displeased when they see the list in the future! 】

[Holy shit, Teacher Jiang is holding a parent-teacher conference for her students? So outrageous? When the time comes, Teacher Jiang won't go crazy and cause trouble, right? Students are in danger! 】

【probably not. After all, the school has just started, so we can't spoil the students all at once. We must keep the water flowing slowly and play slowly. 】

[Teacher Jiang, please elaborate on the student molesting the female teacher next door! I saw a similar one before, but forgot about it. 】

[Brother, I have never asked you for anything in my life! I have a friend who is currently lying in the intensive care unit. Before he dies, he really wants to see what you mentioned. I hope you can fulfill my friend’s little wish. 】



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