Teacher Laoliu: I’ve Been Caught In The Rain, You Want To Hold An Umbrella?

Chapter 182 Don’T Force Everyone To Kneel Down And Beg You!

Apply oil to the soles of your feet and sneak back to the office.

Jiang Feng glanced at the time and suddenly realized something was wrong!

The parent-teacher conference was on Friday, and now it’s Thursday afternoon!

There is only one day left.

I thought it would take a long time, but I didn’t expect it to go up so fast for seven days in a row this week!

To be honest, he has never organized a parent-teacher meeting before.

Although he knew the general process, he was still a little unsure about having to stand on the podium in person to hold a meeting with dozens of parents in the class.

Ever since.

Jiang Feng decided... decided to play a game first to calm down his mood!


It's about six o'clock in the afternoon.

Jiang Feng was about to go out to look for food.

As soon as he opened the door of the office and was about to leave the school, he saw Li Yiliang standing at the door of the office and wandering around.

His face was full of hesitation, and he didn't know what he was hesitating about.

Seeing Jiang Feng coming out of the office, he stopped talking several times.

In the end, no words were spoken.

Jiang Feng sighed.

This situation couldn't be more obvious.

Li Yiliang is usually very active in the class, on par with Ma Xiaohao.

If you are hesitating like this now, it's obvious that you have something to do with him.

But I’m embarrassed to say it.

As for what it was, he didn't know.

Jiang Feng looked at him seriously, paused and then said, "Have you eaten? If not, come with me to go out for something to eat."

He didn't ask him directly what was going on.

Instead, he brought up other topics to give him some buffering time.

Seeing that he didn't speak, Jiang Feng took the lead and walked forward: "Okay, don't be stunned, go out for barbecue."

Li Yiliang didn't say anything more and followed silently.


Out of school.

The two walked around for a few minutes and sat down in front of an outdoor barbecue stall.

It was evening, and this night market barbecue stall was quite busy.

Jiang Feng specially picked a place to the side.

Keep some distance from the drinking and noisy crowd in the middle, leaving a space for this guy to talk.

Sit at the table.

Jiang Feng picked up a menu and scribbled on it, then threw one to Li Yiliang: "Just order whatever you want, I'll take it."

Li Yiliang hesitated for a moment: "Teacher Jiang, I..."

Jiang Feng, who was on the other side of the table, concentrated on ordering without even raising his head: "If you have anything to say, just say it. Mother-in-law and mother-in-law are not your usual style. If Ma Xiaohao finds out, he will laugh at you for a semester."

Li Yidian nodded.

"Teacher Jiang...well...my parents may not be able to come to the parent-teacher meeting..."

Jiang Feng raised his head in confusion: "Huh?"

Li Yiliang lowered his head and explained: "It's like this, Teacher Jiang. My parents are working in other places, and they can only come back during the Chinese New Year..."

"Although my grandma is at home, her legs and feet are not very convenient. She has to take care of my sister at home, and she can't come to school..."

"There are no other relatives here. No one can come and hold a parent-teacher conference for me..."


Li Yiliang buried his head low and clasped the corners of his clothes nervously with both hands.

Even the clothes were torn out of shape.

Just don't be too real.


at this time.

In the live broadcast room.

After hearing what Li Yiliang said, some viewers felt particularly empathetic.

There is no more laughter and laughter as before.

Parents go out to work and there are only elderly people at home. This is an almost unavoidable topic.

This problem exists in almost every class.

It's a little better in cities, the ratio isn't too high.

In some rural areas, this situation is even common, accounting for the majority in schools.

These students are generally called left-behind children.

Even at this time, many viewers in the live broadcast room came like this.

Therefore, even the barrage speeches were much more serious at this time.

【It’s the same as me back then. My parents went out to work, and my grandfather had bad legs and couldn't travel far. Every time I had a parent-teacher meeting, I asked an uncle next door to help me go there. 】

[It’s almost the same, but I’m a little worse off than you. My parents went out to work, my grandparents left early, and I was the only one at home. This was the case for the entire three years of high school. However, the parent-teacher association can find an uncle of mine who lives in the next city to replace me. 】

[Holy shit, Brother Tuanjie usually laughs and laughs in the class, but I didn’t expect that he would have such a past. I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have laughed before...]

[I remember that he took home the chocolates given by Teacher Jiang and kept them specially for his sister. Brother Tuanjie is a real man, right! 】

[Teacher Jiang, don’t force everyone to kneel down and beg you! Regarding the parent-teacher conference, please give him a green channel! 】

[Ten Thousand People’s Blood Book Teacher Jiang opened a green channel for Li Yiliang! (1/10000)]



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