Teacher Laoliu: I’ve Been Caught In The Rain, You Want To Hold An Umbrella?

Chapter 189 Jiang Feng: I Don’T Even Dare To Brag Like That!

The parent who asked the question was not the only one who was silent.

Even the other parents who were planning to ask were silent for a moment.

Think about it carefully.

They seem to be in this situation more or less.

I usually feel that it is already very hard for me to provide for my children’s education, food and accommodation.

It is true that I have not carefully considered my children’s studies.

Besides, after working all day, how can I find time to take care of my children's test papers?

When I see my child not doing well in the exam, I can’t help but scold him.

I really didn't ask what the problem was.

I haven’t communicated well with my children either.

Now according to Jiang Feng's words, it seems that it is indeed their fault.

I am usually busy with work and neglect my children.

I really don’t understand the child’s inner thoughts.

In fact, they may not understand their children better than this teacher who has only taught the students for more than a month.

But somehow.

I just feel a bit embarrassed to admit that my education methods are wrong.

So every parent responded in silence.


after awhile.

Ma Xiaohao's father Ma Mingjun's question broke the silence.

"Teacher Jiang, according to what you want, I should take advantage of this weekend to help him read the papers and encourage him?"

Jiang Feng laughed when he heard this.

Although I listened, I only listened to the superficial surface.

Didn't understand what he really meant.

"Even if you say it, he still has to listen. Is the main problem that you didn't encourage him properly and help him read the papers? I don't think so."

"Actually, what's lacking is more communication and understanding with the child. The current situation is: he won't listen to what you say, and you won't listen to what he says. There's no common topic, right?"

After Jiang Feng finished speaking, Ma Mingjun nodded heavily.

I couldn’t agree more!

Although they are father and son, their relationship does not have the warmth that a father and son should have.

There is no common topic and neither can listen to what each other says.

They are simply familiar strangers.

Jiang Feng continued.

"Education is not something that happens overnight. You have to communicate with him more first, and slowly you can communicate with him and be able to listen to each other's words."

"For example, when you have free time, start with his interests and hobbies, and find more common topics. First, lay the foundation for mutual communication."

"We will consider education later. When the time comes, the problem will be solved naturally."

"Just like going out for fun when you have free time. Don't mention exams, study or work. Just go out for a walk, take a walk, and get closer."

Ma Mingjun nodded thoughtfully.

at this time.

Outside the window on the side of the classroom corridor.

Suddenly Ma Xiaohao's grinning face appeared: "I think Brother Jiang is right!"

Jiang Feng: "???"


As mentioned earlier, slowly communicate with your children and find common topics.

The audience listened with great interest.

Until Jiang Feng talked about starting from hobbies.

Many viewers in the live broadcast room were shocked!

Subconsciously, I thought that Jiang Feng, the sixth child, was going to start selling King Pesticide to Ma Xiaohao's father!

Because Teacher Gao Yang in the office has now been tricked into entering by Jiang Feng!

[Hey, I’m used to being fooled by Teacher Jiang’s reversals. I almost thought he was going to take out his mobile phone and recommend Ma Xiaohao’s father to download King Pesticide and fight with Ma Xiaohao! 】

[Indeed, I thought Teacher Jiang was going to start playing some shocking tricks. As a result, I didn’t expect that Teacher Jiang held a parent-teacher conference for the students this time, and it was unexpectedly serious. 】

[As a matter of fact, my dad also uses King Pesticide. It's just that I can play a little bit, and I have to bring my talents to increase points. I can really communicate with him casually. It seems to be of some use. 】

[No, I think it may be because your dad is relatively young and open-minded, so we can have a good conversation. The only games my dad plays are Legendary Sand Attack and Red Alert, which we can talk about. 】

[I was still thinking seriously before, when Ma Xiaohao suddenly stuck his head out, which really made me a fool to go to day school - I couldn't help but laugh! 】

[It has to be Teacher Jiang, you said it well! When I have children in the future, I will try to educate him in this way. But then again, I don’t seem to have even had a girlfriend yet...]



"Teacher Jiang, I have a question."

One of the patriarchs against the wall raised his hand.

Jiang Feng nodded and said to him.

The male parent asked: "Teacher Jiang, I have seen some videos about you on the Internet. They are very different from most other teachers and do not conform to traditional education methods."

"I would like to ask, will your education and teaching methods be too lax for students, and may it affect their grades?"

Through watching video clips and occasionally watching live broadcasts, Xu Fei's father, Xu Guotao, had seen Jiang Feng's lectures and daily performance.

Generally speaking, I am still skeptical about this somewhat "unconventional" teaching method.

So it's not particularly promising.

Before Jiang Feng could speak.

Xu Fei walked in from outside the classroom: "Dad, don't say that. I think Teacher Jiang teaches better than all the Chinese teachers I have ever seen."

"Yes, for example, in this monthly exam, although our class's overall score is fifth in grade, the Chinese score taught by Teacher Jiang is third in grade, and it is almost the same as second." It was Ma Xiaohao who said this.

Su Qing also walked in: "Uncle, we like to listen to the classes taught by Teacher Jiang, and they are definitely not bad. On the contrary, it is those teachers who are serious and lifeless in class who will affect students' learning interest and performance. "

Seeing that I had the advantage, Xu Fei quickly added: "Yes! As long as Teacher Jiang keeps teaching us, it will only be a matter of time before we get the first place in the Chinese grade average!"

Jiang Feng: "???"

Jiang Feng immediately went numb!

I don’t even dare to brag about this awesomeness!

You blew it to me first, right?

Thank you so much!

School starts next Monday, and you will have some good things to eat!

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