Before Jiang Feng could speak.

Seven or eight students who were standing outside the classroom and watching came in one after another to explain to Jiang Feng.

Jiang Feng helplessly waved his hand to calm them down.

Then he spoke.

"This parent asked very well. As you can see, my teaching method in the classroom is indeed different from the regular classroom. But it does not directly mean that this method is wrong."

"Of course, it doesn't mean that other teachers' teaching methods are wrong. It's just that the methods of education are different. The ultimate goal is to improve students' performance."

"Although the starting points are different, the purpose is the same, for the good of the students. This is undeniable."

"First let's talk about the classroom education style. There is a saying that interest is the best teacher. Students first become interested in a class and a teacher, and then they will naturally like the class."

"Just imagine, if a student hates a teacher from the bottom of his heart, will he still study this subject seriously?"

"To give a practical example. Do you prefer a boss who is strict with his employees, or a boss who is gentle to his employees and always brings fun to his employees?"

"Let's go back to the issue of grades. Although the Chinese scores of the two classes I teach now have not reached the point where the average score of the grade is first or second, for them when they first started school, they have improved a lot. .”

"I feel that under my teaching, Chinese can become their favorite subject and get the best results."

Jiang Feng said these words with a very calm expression, neither humble nor arrogant.

And outside the classroom.

More students have heard what happened in the classroom, and they are even more excited and find it difficult to calm down.

Already started shouting in support of Jiang Feng.

"Even if you are a boss, if you treat your employees well, they will be more motivated to work."

"If a teacher's lectures cannot attract students' interest, then such a teacher must have failed!"

"Uncle, it is undeniable that under Teacher Jiang's teaching, almost all of us have made great progress in Chinese. Chinese is a dominant subject for most of us."


And now.

There was no need for Jiang Feng to continue talking, the situation was self-evident.

In people's hearts.

Almost all the students in the class stood up to support Teacher Jiang.

On grades.

The results of Class 3 were actually very average. There were many lame students in other subjects, but almost none in Chinese. It was all thanks to the Chinese taught by Jiang Feng that the total score was raised.

Xu Fei's father nodded in agreement: "Thank you Teacher Jiang for your answer. Now that Teacher Jiang has said these words, I am more confident that my children can be in the class taught by Teacher Jiang."

at this time.

Ma Xiaohao suddenly shouted in the crowd: "What are you doing standing still? Where is the applause?"

Then he took the lead in applauding.


There was a burst of warm applause in the classroom.


In the live broadcast room.

Just now Xu Fei's father stood up and asked Jiang Feng.

The audience was already looking forward to Jiang Feng's answer.

after all.

From the beginning to the present, Jiang Feng has never said anything about the effectiveness of his lectures, nor what kind of results he will achieve for his students.

This is the first time Jiang Feng has answered directly about education methods and grades.

He is a bad teacher, but he dares to teach Chinese to become the subject with the best grades among students?

[Wow, wow, wow! Is Teacher Jiang serious about it this time? This is the first time I heard Teacher Jiang dare to make such a promise. 】

[To be honest, I have to stand with Teacher Jiang here! Just imagine, if a teacher's class cannot make students interested or attract students, where will the students' grades come from? Even if students improve their grades through self-study, what does this grade have to do with the teacher? 】

【Grass! Brother upstairs, you really spoke my mind! My math back then was all self-study through online courses because my math teacher didn’t teach it well. Although my grades were pretty good, I felt that my grades had nothing to do with him. 】

[I bet on five packs of spicy strips! Teacher Jiang will definitely be able to teach this group of students into the best Chinese class in the entire grade! 】

[Only five packs of spicy strips? Who do you look down on? I bet five thousand packs of spicy strips! Just bet that Teacher Jiang can teach the students from Class 3 to the level of Class 1! Take this barrage as proof! 】

【Hello? A demon spirit? Yes, I called the police. There were two people gathering here to gamble. Yes, yes, the gambling capital is huge, so I suggest you arrest him and shoot him. 】



Whether it is the students' grades or the students' attitude towards Jiang Feng, they all illustrate one thing.

This is indeed a teacher worthy of their trust.

Inferior teachers are not liked by students, and their students' grades are not good.

Middle- and lower-level teachers are liked by students, but their students' grades are not good.

Teachers who are above average are not liked by students, but they can make students achieve good results.

And good teachers are not only liked by students, but also have ways to improve students' grades.

No matter what.

This teacher who seems to be "not doing his job properly" does have his own unique way to please students and get them good grades.

After Jiang Feng's "speech" just now.

The progress of the parent-teacher conference after that was obviously much smoother.

In less than half an hour left, everyone came to the podium to ask how their children were doing and how they should develop in the future.

Because Jiang Feng gained one thing from his parents - trust.

Let them feel that this is indeed a good teacher.

The parent-teacher meeting that was originally scheduled to end at 6 o'clock has been postponed until 6:30.

There are still about twenty parents discussing their experiences with Jiang Feng.

Most of them hope that Jiang Feng can elaborate on what he said before about communicating with children.

This is quite important to them!

Jiang Feng was surrounded by enthusiastic parents and couldn't leave at all.

I checked the time on my phone several times and felt more and more like I was losing money!

It’s such a waste of so much time to get points!

(I am very busy since I am back in my hometown for the Chinese New Year, so I will post one chapter first. I don’t have much time to type recently, so I will change it to two chapters a day.)

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