Teacher Laoliu: I’ve Been Caught In The Rain, You Want To Hold An Umbrella?

Chapter 191 Jiang Feng: Please Turn On The Microphone To Communicate!

"Teacher Jiang, I'm ashamed to say it. My child didn't talk to me much when he was at home. But when I saw your video, I realized that my child has such a good relationship with you at school. I want to ask if this is the case. Don’t you have any tips?”

"Teacher Jiang, I particularly agree with the point you said that interest is the best teacher. To be honest, I am also a Chinese language teacher in the fourth grade of elementary school. I would like to ask how I can find a common topic with the students?"

"Teacher Jiang, my child's history scores are relatively weak. Although it is a bit unexpected, I still want to ask you, is there any way to improve her interest in history?"

"Teacher, it's like this, my family..."

Just because when the meeting ended, Jiang Feng said, "Parents who still have questions can ask me."

The more than twenty parents who were still here seemed to regard Jiang Feng as an encyclopedia.

Regardless of whether he could ask it or not, he threw all kinds of questions about the students to Jiang Feng.

About twenty parents crowded around the podium, and the scene was extremely brutal.

Jiang Feng...

Jiang Feng tried his best to deceive.

Regardless of whether what you said makes sense or not, just say you didn’t answer!

at this time.

Jiang Feng's phone suddenly rang.

I picked it up and saw that it was still Old Huang calling.

I'm afraid it's urgent to call at this time.

"Wait a moment, I'll take a call from their head teacher first."

Jiang Feng came to the side and just connected.

I heard Lao Huang's very urgent voice.

"Jiang...Teacher Jiang! I...I just came back from work! Did you have any problems at the parent-teacher conference over there?"


Something went wrong?

Jiang Feng looked at the parents who had basically finished leaving, looking a little puzzled.

The nearly three-hour parent-teacher meeting went completely according to plan, and everything was under control.

It is impossible for an ordinary parent-teacher meeting to tell a bunch of impressive truths.

Most of them make a general summary and talk about some topics related to the students' achievements and then end.

Looking at it this way, what he just said was at least quite satisfactory, right?

Jiang Feng replied: "There's no problem. It's almost finished now."

And at this time.

Lao Huang's voice was obviously several times weaker: "Teacher Jiang...is there anything wrong with the parent-teacher meeting materials?"


Jiang Feng recalled the devilish parent-teacher meeting materials prepared by Huang.

He said to himself: "It does seem a bit strange. This is the first time I have seen parent-teacher meeting materials that only list what students have committed."

Lao Huang's voice became softer several times, and he said with great embarrassment: "Teacher Jiang... it's like this. I was in a hurry yesterday and mixed up the students' error records with the parent-teacher meeting materials. So I gave you yesterday That's..."

At this point, Lao Huang's voice stopped.

Jiang Feng couldn't hold himself any longer on the spot.

The silence is deafening!

He was stunned for a long time without saying anything.


That’s how you play it, right?

During the parent-teacher conference, you gave me a record of student mistakes!

Are you planning on asking me to turn the parent-teacher meeting into a criticism meeting?

If it weren't for his ability to pull off bullies, he would really be overturned!

It has to be you, Lao Huang!

Please turn on your microphone to chat!


And at this moment.

What was even more confused was the audience in the live broadcast room.

I originally thought that Lao Huang was very devilish and wanted Jiang Feng to turn the parent-teacher meeting into a criticism meeting.

Unexpectedly, it turned out that Lao Huang got the wrong materials!

He mistakenly gave Jiang Feng the student's mistake records as parent-teacher meeting materials!

It took a long time to do it, but it was an own mistake!

But... but the audience enjoyed it!

Faced with the outrageous mistake records of each student, Jiang Feng forcefully deceived them.

Creating a good image for students is so much fun!

【6! If I had made this call a few hours earlier, I wouldn't have been able to see Teacher Jiang's wonderful performance. All I can say is that Huang did a great job! 】

[Not only do I have to face pressure from students, but I didn’t expect to face pressure from my teammates! Teacher Jiang is really unlucky this time! 】

[You don’t understand this! Lao Huang saw that Teacher Jiang couldn't show his strength by being abusing food, so it made sense to give Teacher Jiang a little more difficulty, right? 】

[Teacher Jiang: Please turn on the microphone to communicate! Lao Huang: Abba, Abba, Abba, Abba...]

[I’m a bit confused. If the parents of the students watched the live replay in order to review what Teacher Jiang said, then...]

[I don’t know anything else, but I know that if Chen Yufan’s father sees his “criminal record,” Chen Yufan will most likely not be able to see the sun next week. 】




The time came to around seven o'clock in the evening.

It was already more than an hour beyond the scheduled time.

The parents have almost left.

At this time, Ye Xiaoyi's mother brought over a box of boxy things wrapped in a plastic bag.

"Teacher Jiang, please be sure to keep it. Our local specialties are just a thank you for your small kindness."

Ye Xiaoyi, who was standing next to her, was afraid that Jiang Feng would not accept it, so she explained: "Teacher Jiang, we made these by ourselves. You can try them."

When I opened it, I saw that it was indeed a large box of specialty handmade pastries.

They are all made of common ingredients such as bean paste and glutinous rice, and are not very valuable.

But it looks quite exquisite.

Putting them one by one in the box, I guess a lot of effort was put into them.

Jiang Feng did not refuse and accepted it with a smile: "Okay, thank you."

Jiang Feng had always declined politely but firmly when it came to parents giving gifts.

But this time, Jiang Feng surprisingly didn't say much.

Received it directly.

His purpose of accepting it was simple, out of respect.

Earlier, when Jiang Feng personally visited his home, he donated thousands of dollars out of goodwill.

Of course, he took out a handful at random, and even Jiang Feng himself didn't know how many there were.

Jiang Feng can understand.

No matter what outsiders think, from their point of view, they will most likely think that Teacher Jiang is unilaterally giving them alms.

As the saying goes, people compete for a breath, and Buddha competes for a stick of incense.

No matter how much they need the money, they will always feel in their hearts that they are in debt.

Jiang Feng's reason for accepting this pastry was also very simple.

Just treat it as if I spent the money to buy it, and now it's an equal transaction.

This time it was even, the two didn't owe anything to each other, and their dignity was maintained in disguise.

If it is not accepted, it will always be unilateral and unequal charity.


And it looks delicious, just looks a bit greedy!

You can’t even buy this thing, right?


After the parent-teacher meeting, I returned home in the evening.

While Jiang Feng tasted the pastries, he played black games with the students.

What should be said should not be said, if he did not consider the students' privacy at the time and released the live broadcast of helping the students.

I'm afraid that not only will the reputation skyrocket, but it will also be able to gain a lot of popularity and make money, right?

The more I think about it, the angrier I get, the more I think about it when I step back, the more I lose.

The wool comes from the sheep.

When school starts next week, I must tear up the umbrellas of these children and gain some popularity and money!

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