Monday morning.

Around ten o'clock.

Because Jiang Feng didn't calculate the time well this morning, he arrived at school three minutes early.

I just opened the door and walked into the classroom of Class 4.

The originally noisy sound suddenly stopped as Jiang Feng entered the classroom.

It was quiet for a moment.

The voice quieted down though.

But the students all had excited looks on their faces, and they couldn't suppress it at all.

Especially the boys Liu Xiaotian, the curves at the corners of their mouths have not gone away.

At first glance, it seems that there is something happy about it.

Just before class started, Jiang Feng looked around and said jokingly: "What were we talking about just now and were we so happy? Add me in."

Hearing Jiang Feng's words.

Class monitor Zhao Qingqing was mysterious and asked tentatively: "Teacher Jiang, are you sure you want to participate?"

Hey, are you doing some fancy stuff again?

Jiang Feng looked indifferent: "You have to tell me first what you are talking about."

Xu Yan, the class representative, replied: "Truth or dare, Teacher Jiang, do you want to try it? The random punishments we found on the mobile phone are so interesting! Many people in our class are playing it, and there are even many people in the third class next door. Play!"

Jiang Feng: "Okay, but you have to let me see if the punishment you are looking for is not excessive, and then I will decide whether to play or not."

Hearing Jiang Feng's words.

Zhao Qingqing rolled her eyes helplessly: "Teacher Jiang, you don't really think we will be fooled again, do you? This routine is so old-fashioned. No one in Class Three will be fooled, let alone our class. .”


Jiang Feng's eyelids twitched, and he thought it had to be you!

It's not that he felt speechless because his scheme to deceive them was discovered.

But you stepped on Class 3 with just a casual word. Is this really good?

"Teacher Jiang, there is a link sent in the group, do you want to give it a try?" Zhao Qingqing said eagerly.

"Come on, will Teacher Jiang be afraid of you? Come and let me fight Rock Paper Scissors for Teacher Jiang!" Xu Yan looked like he wasn't afraid at all.

The two hit it off immediately.



The next second.

Xu Yan lowered her head and said, "If you lose, Teacher Jiang, I'm sorry for you~ You should accept the punishment first, and I will definitely win it back for you next time!"

He hadn't even waited for Jiang Feng to speak.

Xu Yan and Zhao Qingqing sang and harmonized, and just lost for Jiang Feng on their own initiative.

It's hard not to suspect that they are forming a group to deceive Jiang Feng.

Jiang Feng even twitched the corner of his mouth after watching the two people's operations in one go.

"Do you two think I'm stupid? That doesn't count. I'll do it myself. Just play for a while, and then give me a good lesson!"


"Listen to Teacher Jiang!"

"Whatever Teacher Jiang says is what it is!"

In a few seconds.



Jiang Feng looked at the cloth he had drawn, while Zhao Qingqing had pulled out scissors and fell into deep thought.

Zhao Qingqing didn't wait until she started to act arrogantly.

Jiang Feng turned his head to the side and said shamelessly: "Oh, by the way, I forgot to mention it. My rule is usually two out of three rounds, and there are two rounds left."

Zhao Qingqing: "???????"

Students in the class: “???????”

Damn it!

Taking the lead in cheating, right?

I really have you, Teacher Jiang!

The students' complaints grew louder one by one.

"Teacher Jiang, don't you feel that you have been condemned by your conscience?"

"Pfft! My cousin who is in fourth grade doesn't even use this trick anymore!"

"Teacher Jiang is cheating and will be recorded once. If he completes five times, he will have to perform a show."


In the live broadcast room.

The audience had already started laughing when they saw Zhao Qingqing and Xu Yan teaming up to fool Jiang Feng.

As soon as these two people sang together, they planned to trick Jiang Feng into it.

But I didn't expect Jiang Feng's operation to be even more showy!

Just cheat!

Even a ten-year-old child wouldn't bother to use this cheating operation, but Jiang Feng, the sixth child, took it out and used it!

It's really annoying.

The key is that as a teacher, Jiang Feng, even if he cheats like this, the students have no way to refute him!

It is a perfect use of both rules and identity!

[I'm afraid that when Teacher Xiajiang loses again, he will suddenly say, "Let's win three out of five games." That's the real mentality! 】

【Too cheap hahahahaha! Teacher Jiang has changed from a sixth grader to an old man! The key is, no matter how lazy Teacher Jiang is, the students still can't do anything to him! 】

[I feel bad when I mention truth or dare. My ex-girlfriend was playing this game with someone else before, and got the chance to confess her love to a random boy among her WeChat friends. That night they hit it off, and then they were kidnapped, and I rode on horseback...]

[Brother, don’t be sad, it’s not necessarily as bad as you think. Maybe playing truth or dare is just a cover, and in fact your girlfriend has already cheated on you. It makes you feel more comfortable if you think about it this way, right? 】

[Thank you for your comfort, I feel much better! Send me your home address, and I'll go there in person to deliver some souvenirs to you. When the time comes, you can bring more people with you, and I will bring more people with you. Don't tell others that I bully you. 】

[Remember to start a live broadcast, I will watch the battle...ah no, I want to see such a heartwarming scene with my own eyes! 】



Tens of seconds later.



Jiang Feng once again looked at the scissors in his hand, while Zhao Qingqing fell into deep thought at the stone.

After losing two games in a row, I felt very nervous at this time.

I am particularly precious as a time traveler.

Shouldn't it be that the protagonist has a halo, invincible luck, and unlimited scenery?

Why is it so difficult for children to play with rock, paper, scissors?

Before Jiang Feng could continue to lie about winning three out of five games, several students took the lead in shouting.

"Teacher Jiang, you can't cheat this time!"

"Teacher Jiang, hurry up and choose your punishment. Do you want truth or dare?"

"I chose for Teacher Jiang! Let's have a big adventure! I want to see Teacher Jiang stand on his head and wash his hair! I also have a bottle of shampoo in my schoolbag!"

Jiang Feng glared at this group of active melons: "I will do it myself. If anyone wants to choose for me, he will be punished himself."

Jiang Feng helplessly picked up his phone and clicked on the mini program they posted in the group.

The Truth button is selected.

I really don’t want to engage in any big adventure.

After a few seconds.

The picture freezes on "What was your first dream when you were a child?"

After the students saw this truthful question.

They all sighed and were disappointed.

I originally thought that I could find out some of Teacher Jiang's personal and personal affairs from here, or that I could see Teacher Jiang being seriously embarrassed by playing Dare.

But I didn't expect such an ordinary truth-telling question to come up.

Rounding off is a loss of 100 million.

I finally caught such an opportunity and made a huge loss.


Then think about it carefully.

It would be nice to find out about Teacher Jiang’s shameful dreams when he was a child.

They mocked Teacher Jiang severely, as if they were taking revenge for Teacher Jiang deceiving them every day.

"Teacher Jiang, tell me now, we won't laugh at you!"

"Ready to start laughing!"

"Don't laugh yet. Don't laugh yet. Let's all laugh together when Teacher Jiang says it!"

Jiang Feng looked at them as if they were looking at stagflation.

He said truthfully: "My dream when I was a child was very vulgar and simple, which was to become a multimillionaire when I grew up."

The students couldn't laugh at Jiang Feng's simple and plain answer.

There doesn't seem to be anything funny about this at all.

Very simple and down to earth.

In modern society, money is the key.

Even children like them who are still in school understand this truth.

at this time.

Zhao Qingqing suddenly raised her hand and asked: "Teacher Jiang, how is your dream fulfilled?"

From the beginning of school to now, Teacher Jiang seems to have been spending money.

Just from what they saw, there should be several Dabuliu.

It is difficult to think that Teacher Jiang comes to work to make money. Instead, he is like a rich second generation who comes to spend money to experience life.

Therefore, Jiang Feng's net worth is also a very curious point for them.

How rich do you have to be to pay for work and experience life as a teacher?

Jiang Feng's answer seemed unabashed: "It's half done."

A voice from under the podium asked: "Teacher Jiang, are you worth five million now?"

Jiang Feng: "No, I have grown up."


After hearing Jiang Feng's words, many students' CPUs burned on the spot!

Recall what Jiang Feng said: The dream is to grow up and become a multi-millionaire.

Suddenly someone turned around.

When he grows up, he has not yet become a multimillionaire...

So it's half done...


You are worthy of being a Chinese teacher, playing word games with us!

The students are still confused.

Jiang Feng had already opened the textbook: "Okay, I'm done playing. Now open the book and start class."


In the live broadcast room.

The audience was shocked by Jiang Feng's sudden answer.

If you want to say that you are cool, it has to be Teacher Jiang. You are so cool!

The students are asking you questions seriously. You tell them jokes, right?

【6! Teacher Jiang really knows how to play. What a sudden show of excitement, it flashed past my waist! 】

[Zhoucao, this sentence above is a bit old, isn’t it? It seems that the last time I saw this sentence was... still... the last time I saw this sentence. 】

【mlgb’s! You kid just talks nonsense, right? Stretch your head over here and I will make your face as red as the monkey’s butt in Mount Emei today! 】

[Is it possible that Teacher Jiang is actually hinting to the students that his net worth is 5 million? But the students didn't notice it and thought Teacher Jiang was joking with them? 】

【ah? What the hell? Does it actually have this meaning? Hold the grass! Brother, you are so thin! 】

[Thank you, don’t praise me. The more you praise me, the harsher it will be. If you don’t know how to praise me, don’t praise me forcefully! You are talented! Your whole family is fine! 】



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