Teacher Laoliu: I’ve Been Caught In The Rain, You Want To Hold An Umbrella?

Chapter 193 I’M Going To Have An Impromptu Meeting And I’Ll Be Back Soon

In the fourth class classroom.

The students opened the textbooks reluctantly one by one.

Neither did Teacher Jiang get embarrassed by playing big adventures, nor did he find out about Teacher Jiang's explosive personal affairs.

Rounding off is a loss of 100 million.

Even going to class is depressing at this time.

Jiang Feng stood on the podium and opened the textbook slowly: "Come and open the textbook to "The Banquet of Hongmen". I will take you through it again. This time we will focus on it..."

Halfway through his words, the phone on the table suddenly lit up.

"I'll take a call first, and you guys will preview the text."

After Jiang Feng finished speaking, he picked up his cell phone, answered the call, and walked out of the classroom.

"Hello? Principal?"

"Ah, do you want to have an impromptu meeting now? Is it so urgent?"

"Okay, it will take about an hour to drive, right? I understand, I'll be there soon."


Open the door and return to the classroom.

Jiang Feng didn't even go to the podium, but stood at the door of the classroom and made arrangements: "I'm going to hold an impromptu meeting. You can study this lesson quietly in the classroom first. I'll be back soon."

"Don't worry, Teacher Jiang! We will definitely behave!"

"That's right! Teacher Jiang, don't worry and go to the meeting. The discipline in the classroom will definitely be better than when you were there!"

"Teacher Jiang, remember to say hello to the principal for me. I haven't seen him for a long time! I'll go see him in person next time!"

Jiang Feng rolled his eyes at Song Hang speechlessly: "It's true."

After saying that, he left the classroom.

Jiang Feng just walked away.

The students in the classroom couldn't sit still.

I couldn’t wait to continue playing the game of “Truth or Dare” with the tables at the front, left, and right.

"Hurry up, it's Xiaotian just now! Hurry up and perform a show of raising your feet above your head!"

"Brother Hang, I'm willing to admit defeat! Tell me quickly if there is a girl you like, and which one is it?"

"Xiaoting, please tell me when you first held hands with a boy."


If I hadn't heard Jiang Feng on the phone in the classroom, saying that he would have a meeting for an hour.

None of these students dared to be so indulgent.

In addition, Jiang Feng came to the classroom two or three minutes early.

It disrupted the last round of truth or dare they played, and now I feel itchy to wrap up the ending.

So now many students in the class have begun to let themselves go.

And just then.

Jiang Feng appeared at the back door of the classroom without anyone noticing, looking at the chaotic students in the class who were playing games!

I gave them a fierce performance of a round of hand-picking!

But the students didn't notice at all at this time!


When Jiang Feng left the classroom, he did not go directly to the conference room.

But when I came to the back door of the classroom.

The audience’s CPUs burned on the spot!

What the hell?

Didn't the principal call and say there was a meeting?

They saw with their own eyes that the phone on the table rang, and the caller ID read: Principal.

And now, Jiang Feng didn't go to the meeting after answering the phone. Instead, he went around to the back door of the classroom to catch the students' disciplinary issues?

[Yes, Teacher Jiang said he would be back soon. It only took a few dozen seconds to come back. It can be seen that Teacher Jiang is very honest! It was the students themselves who failed to seize the opportunity! 】

【I understand! Fake ones can no longer deceive these students, and now Teacher Jiang has upgraded to mixing real and fake ones to trick them! 】

[This wave of detours is so perverted, hahahahaha! The students were completely defenseless, and each one of them became a big grievance! 】

[Can anyone please explain, is this truth or dare really so fun? So addictive? 】

[Let’s put it this way, when a few good buddies play together, it is already several times happier. If you can add a few people of the opposite sex to play together, the effect can only be said to be irresistible! It’s equivalent to double the joy of playing games and playing with girls! 】

[When you explain it this way, I will understand. It is equivalent to that kinder sex egg, which fulfills two wishes at once. Just so-so, I thought it would be fun. 】

【6! You kid is so insufferable! 】


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