Teacher Laoliu: I’ve Been Caught In The Rain, You Want To Hold An Umbrella?

Chapter 196 This Is The Trick That Kills People And Kills People!

Jiang Feng said "get out of class is over" and left the classroom.

The students in Class 4 who had been causing trouble before felt increasingly uneasy.

There is always a feeling of impending disaster.

After all, Teacher Jiang left without saying a word. This behavior was too abnormal.

It's obviously going to be a big problem.

Especially the boys who were caught on the spot by Jiang Feng were even more panicked at this time.

"What should we do, Xiaotian? I feel like Teacher Jiang is really angry this time."

"I don't know. It's all your fault that you insist on playing in class. My posture was even seen by Teacher Jiang. I really want to die now..."

"Teacher Jiang won't just give up on our class, right? He didn't even tell us who we are..."

"Have you got any ideas? Let me tell you, let's go to the office to admit our mistake to Teacher Jiang and apologize?"

"Then let's go to the office and take a look now."

"I feel like..."

While they were still hesitating, the politics teacher walked into the classroom holding a stack of test questions.

He obviously had a faint smile on his face, but to them he looked like a devil.

The politics teacher and Teacher Jiang are simply two extremes.

There is a person who gets stuck in class every day and then rushes out after class. It is unbelievable that he is on time.

If you arrive a few minutes early and walk a few minutes late every day, you can squeeze out an extra ten minutes in one class.

Mr. Lu Xun’s saying that time is like water in a sponge was finally understood by him!

Seeing the politics teacher's face here, they knew that their plan to go to the office to admit their mistake and apologize to Teacher Jiang had to be canceled first.


After an ordeal in politics class.

I finally made it to the end of get out of class.

It was already past 12 noon at this time.

The dozen boys and girls in the class did not go directly to the cafeteria.

Instead, he went straight to the language group office.

If I had confessed my mistake to Teacher Jiang earlier and asked for forgiveness, maybe Teacher Jiang's anger would have been relieved.

that's all.

More than a dozen people rushed to the language office and knocked on the door.

After entering, I only saw another male teacher sitting in the office.

There was no sign of Teacher Jiang at all.

Liu Xiaotian stepped forward and asked, "Teacher Gao, do you know where Teacher Jiang went?"

Gao Yang pondered for a moment: "Looking for Teacher Jiang? Teacher Jiang went out to eat and is not here now."


Hearing this answer, the group couldn't help but feel their hearts sinking.

This is too unfortunate.

Could it be that it came at the wrong time?

Or is Teacher Jiang really angry and deliberately avoiding them?

You can't guess it even after guessing.

I can’t figure out what Teacher Jiang is thinking right now.

It’s simply torture!

The group of people got together and after some discussion, they finally decided to come see Teacher Jiang after dinner.

Even when they were eating, they were not in the mood to eat.

I felt a little uneasy inside.

There is always a feeling of impending disaster.

It’s so painful!

In this kind of suffering, time seems to pass much slower.

I finally made it to one o'clock at noon.

More than a dozen students gathered again and came to the Chinese language office.

I happened to see Jiang Feng sitting on a chair in the office.

Seeing Teacher Jiang after a long time, these students suddenly felt a sense of relief.

Finally, I no longer have to worry about this or that.

You just need to admit to Teacher Jiang that you made a mistake at that time.

With Teacher Jiang's usual performance, they will definitely be forgiven.

"Teacher Jiang, we..."

Just opened his mouth.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Feng suddenly stood up: "Wait a minute, I have something to do here."

After saying that... he left directly...

There was no intention of stopping to talk to them.

At this time, almost all of these students were terrified.

Because Teacher Jiang seems to be really angry this time!

Some people have even begun to imagine that Teacher Jiang will propose to the school to abandon their class.

The plot continues with Li Xiuhua as their Chinese teacher.

This time the problem is really big!

You’re not going to lose Teacher Jiang, are you?

Especially those girls, they almost burst into tears.

Although Teacher Jiang is usually very naive, he would trick them every once in a while.

But it's not annoying.

Quite the opposite, even.

Almost all the students in the class like Teacher Jiang very much.

They finally met such a good teacher, and they didn't want to lose it.

If it was really because of this incident that Teacher Jiang stopped teaching them, I'm afraid my intestines would be filled with regret!


And the other side.

After Jiang Feng left the office.

I went straight to the school store to buy myself Fat House Happy Water.

Should I choose Coke or Pepsi?

After thinking for a while.

Choose something delicious decisively, you will be full of energy!

I drank it while lying in the office watching a movie in the afternoon!


at this time.

In the audience of the live broadcast room.

Many people have already analyzed some clues from Jiang Feng's behavior from this morning to now.

The purpose of Teacher Jiang's doing this is to punish them!

Whether he didn't criticize them at the time, didn't talk about it after class, or just dealt with them directly.

In fact, the ultimate goal is for one thing: to make them feel that the matter is big! Afraid that something big will go wrong and cause them psychological suffering!

For this kind of students who still have the ambition to make progress, this is a much harsher punishment than direct criticism, fines, and other punishments.

It makes people suffer in their hearts and wait for the disaster to come.

Just like what really breaks a death row prisoner is not the moment he goes to the execution ground.

It's like waiting day and night before the death penalty is executed.

Teacher Jiang’s move is really heart-breaking!

[I don’t understand a bit. There is no substantial punishment for this move. If the students just mess it up, wouldn’t it have no effect at all? 】

[Although you are indeed right. But have you ever thought that the students in Classes 3 and 4 are basically not the ones you say are screwed up? Isn't this trick just tailor-made for them? 】

[My day, this control of students’ minds is too precise. This trick is of no use to those students who are really bad, but for the students in Classes 3 and 4 who are still motivated, it is a great weapon. 】

【ah? Is this okay? seriously? Isn't it just something you made up in your own head and is here to fool everyone? 】

[It’s not like it’s fake, I think Teacher Jiang is capable of such outrageous things! After all, he has done too many tricks before. 】

[Shit, I suddenly thought of an idea! If Teacher Jiang takes the initiative to announce his resignation due to some reasons at this time, shouldn't these students be made to feel guilty for the rest of their lives? 】

【ah? Brother, you are really outrageous! What a beast! I suggest that Teacher Jiang finally say something to the students in Class 4: It’s not because of you that I left my job, so don’t worry! 】



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