"What should we do? Teacher Jiang is really angry with us this time..."

"It's all my fault that you insisted on playing Truth or Dare in class while Teacher Jiang was gone. It's all over now."

"Stop talking about this, it has already happened. Now find a way to remedy it, brother."

"What should we do? How about we write a review first? Send it to Teacher Jiang before studying in the evening?"

"Maybe let's go to Class 3 and ask. Ma Xiaohao from Class 3 is familiar with Teacher Jiang. Ask him if there is anything we can do."


A group of more than a dozen people hesitated at the door of the office for a long time.

I finally decided to go back and write a review first.

Maybe Teacher Jiang was angry right now, so he ignored them.

So it's better not to go over and annoy him now.

Wait for him to calm down first.

Later, each person will write a self-review and send it in. They will carefully review their mistakes and let Teacher Jiang see their sincerity.

Maybe Teacher Jiang can forgive them.

Or go to Class 3 next door and ask Ma Xiaohao to see if he has any good ideas.

It's better than waiting here now.

Just do it!

It's only 1 noon now, so I'll go write a review first so I can make up for it.

When the third class students arrive for class in the afternoon, it won't be too late to ask Ma Xiaohao.

Anyway, as long as it’s in time before the Chinese self-study class in the evening.

Ever since.

There was such a magical scene in the school.

One o'clock at noon is almost the quietest time in school.

A group of more than a dozen boys and girls sat around the classroom and wrote hard.

It’s not about making up homework or being punished for copying.

But I am voluntarily writing a review.

Really voluntary!

They said they never expected that they would be able to voluntarily write this stuff in their lifetime!

"Brother Liu, how is your writing? I have more than 300 words here."

"I only have 239 characters, so I can't hold them in. Who can teach me how to appear sincere?"

"Brother Hang, let me read yours. I'm stuck and can't write anymore. Let me take a look at yours to get some inspiration."

"Let's go. You even copied the self-examination and let Teacher Jiang see it. Why don't you get even more angry? Our goal is to make Teacher Jiang forgive us, not to deal with the self-examination."

"How many words? Is 800 words enough?"

"No, 800 words has no emotion, why not 1,200. I'll write 1,200."


It went on like this until two o'clock, and one after another people finished writing their reviews.

I was going to hand it in in advance, but was stopped by others.

I believe that only when everyone submits it together can we be sincere.

After discussing it for a while, we even decided on the word count, which is 1,200 words, which is more sincere.

After all, even their essays only have 800 words.

So it went until three o'clock in the afternoon.

I took a one-hour break at noon, plus the first self-study class in the afternoon.

Everyone’s reviews were written down.

I plan to take advantage of the get out of class to hand it over to Teacher Jiang and ask for his forgiveness.


And at this time.

Jiang Feng had just returned from class three.

I really didn’t expect that many people in Class Three were playing this truth or dare game.

Pull Jiang Feng away first, and then play with them.

Jiang Feng was a little puzzled.

Is this thing really that fun?

There's nothing better than lying flat in the office!

Jiang Feng returned to the office and lay down comfortably to watch a movie.


In front of the office.

More than a dozen boys and girls stood together.

I have already figured out that Teacher Jiang showed a cold face to them because he was angry.

No one wants to be the first to open the door and go in first.

After a few rounds of rock paper scissors.

The unlucky Liu Xiaotian was finally selected and was the first to walk in and apologize to Teacher Jiang.


Swallowing, Liu Xiaotian opened the office door with an uneasy feeling.

He was even prepared to receive a scolding from Teacher Hao Jiang.

Anyway, no matter what Teacher Jiang did to him, he would always accept it patiently.

Try to keep Teacher Jiang here.

The door opened with a creak.

Liu Xiaotian: "Teacher Jiang...right..."

The word "qi" hasn't been uttered yet.

I suddenly saw this scene.

In the office.

Five teachers, Jiang Feng, Gao Yang, Chen Mei, Guan Zhi, and Li Xiuhua, sat together and laughed and watched movies on Jiang Feng's computer.

There were even bottles of Coke and popcorn on the table...

Liu Xiaotian's brain suddenly shut down.


What did I just say?

How come I suddenly forgot about this scene?

He was stunned for several seconds.

At this moment.

Xu Lei, a girl at the back, couldn't stand it anymore and asked weakly: "Jiang...Teacher Jiang, are you still angry?"

"Cough cough cough..."

Jiang Feng turned around and saw them, and suddenly felt embarrassed.

I originally planned to let them continue to worry and panic until the night, but I didn't expect that the secret would be revealed now.

Then, Jiang Feng's originally smiling face returned to a serious expression for a second.

He said in a deep voice: "Why aren't you angry? Very angry!"

However, his acting skills are really poor.

You can tell at a glance whether it is true or false.

At this time, the students finally reacted.

They were deceived!

Teacher Jiang is not angry at all!

This old six!

After doing this for a long time, I actually didn’t get angry at all.

But he deliberately made them feel angry! Things are getting big!

It made them worry all day long in vain!

I was worried even during lunch and didn't even take a nap...

Teacher Jiang, you are such a cancer!


And at this time.

The audience in the live broadcast room finally confirmed the situation through the scene.

It was Jiang Feng, the sixth child, who deliberately made the students feel that the matter was a big deal, thereby torturing the students' mentality!

Teacher Jiang is really good at playing tricks!

Stop a student and torture him!

This is really the first time I have seen this operation!

Looking at this posture, it seems that the students have written a lot of self-criticisms!

I’m afraid I’ve been tortured inside for a long time!

[Damn it, this densely packed page of review seems to be at least a thousand words long, right? It was actually written by a student, outrageous! 】

[The head teacher of our class at that time was very good at playing thief, and if he made a mistake, he would write a self-criticism. It was 400 words at the beginning, and every time I committed the crime again, I would add 400 words next time. My highest record that year reached 5,600! 】

[It’s so cool. This is much more impressive to them than a criticism on the spot. This guy hasn’t been suffering from morning till now, right? 】

[It's gone, it's gone. I can't learn this operation. Ordinary students will only say: I'm right, I'll try again next time. Not useful at all. 】

[No, my class teacher in high school used this operation, and it was really useful. We were so angry that she cried in the classroom. One class spent the entire afternoon thinking about how to calm down the class teacher, and our heads were spinning. When I finally found the head teacher with dozens of self-reviews, she was happily eating hot pot in the office...]

[Pfft hahahaha! Brother, please check if you are in the same class as Teacher Jiang! Or see if your class teacher once taught someone named Jiang Feng! 】



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